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2003-  Andras - all instruments, vocals
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2003-2005  Harbarth - guitars
2003-2010  Dagon - vocals
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2012-  Chris Ain - guitars
2012-2013  Simon Schilling - drums
2012-2013  Sorath - bass
› 2016-  -//-
2012-2018  A. - guitars
2013  Hector (IV) - bass
› 2014-2016  -//-
2013  Marc Schuhmann - drums
2014  Thomas Taube - drums
2015-2016  Martin "Marthyn" Jovanović - drums
2016-  Gerhard Alber - drums
2018-  Thomas Wieser - guitars

Latest reviews

After 6 years, Infestus returns to demonstrate that you don’t need to overcomplicate things to make excellent black metal.
Review by X-Ray Rod ››
Something very nasty must happen to leave behind my admiration for the German black metal scene of the later years and Infestus are not here to serve this cause. Being a one-man band nowadays, Andras takes care of everything and the third full-length...
Review by KwonVerge ››

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