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1998-  Corey Bing - guitars
1998-2014  Bahb Branca - bass, vocals
› 2015-  -//- guitars
2012-  Dan Harrington - vocals
2014-  Greg Peel - bass
2018-  Kenny Easterly Jr. - drums
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1999-2005  Aaron Brittain - drums
2006-2007  Jason Corley - drums
› 2014  -//-
2007  Mike Duncan - bass
2007-2008  Steve Makita - noise
2008  Scott Stearns - guitars
2008-2012  Jeremy Wilson - drums
2008-2014  Nathan "Nate" Linehan - drums
2009-2011  Matt Rositano - bass, guitars
2011  Jesse Kling - noise
› 2012  -//- vocals
2012-2014  Sean Linehan - bass
2014  Mike Burns - guitars
2014  Chadd Beverlin - drums
2014-2018  Jeff Sullivan - drums
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2009  Scott Stearns - guitars


2006 For A Better Tomorrow [EP]
2008 Smoke Acid, Shoot Pills [EP]
2009 We, The Beast [EP]
2010 Loser [EP] 8
2010 Goat [EP] 7
2011 Goat Remixes / Year Of The Fork [EP]
2012 Northern Aggression [EP]
2015 Ignorant Weapon [EP] 8
2017 16 / Fistula [EP]

Latest reviews

Who ever said a band needed to be original to be good? Fistula sure as hell didn't.
Review by Auntie Sahar ››
Ohio's Fistula are an example of a band whose name goes perfectly hand in hand with the attitude of their music. Like the abnormal and harmful organ connections for which they are named, these guys are purveyors of grime and are all about the nastiness: eating, drinking, and bathing in it. 2015's Destitute is certainly no exception to this, and proves that although the band aren't changing up their formula anytime soon, they really don't need to.
Review by Auntie Sahar ››
The city of Cleveland, Ohio has had it rough through the years. Race riots. Rust Belt. The local river that has caught fire. Ten times*. (You read that right.) In 2004 they were voted "Most Tortured Sports City" and things haven only gotten...
Review by BitterCOld ››

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