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Vale Of Pnath


2006-  Vance Valenzuela - guitars
2020-  Ken Bergeron - guitars, vocals
2023-  Gabe Seeber - drums
2024-  Austin Rolla - bass
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2006-2008  Jeremy Portz - drums
2006-2010  David Lercher - vocals
2006-2014  Mikey Reeves - guitars
2006-2017  Alan Paredes - bass
2009-2023  Eric W. Brown - drums
2010-2013  Ken Sarafin - vocals
2013-2015  Stevie Boiser - vocals
2014-2015  Harrison Patuto - guitars
› 2017-2019  -//-
2015-2017  Reece Deeter - vocals
› 2018-2020  -//-
2015-2018  Eloy Montes - guitars
2017-2018  Brandon Vallejo - bass
2018-2023  Andy Torres - bass
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2019  Sean Ragan - orchestration, electronics
2024  Ken Bergeron - bass
2012  Stevie Boiser - vocals
2013-2014  Mikey Wilson - drums
2017  Sanjay Kumar - guitars
2019  Alex Haddad - guitars
2020  Donny Burbage - guitars
2020  Bryce Butler - drums
2011  Malcolm Lee Pugh - guitar solo
› 2016  -//-
2016  Nicolas Alberny - guitar solo
2016  Mathieu "Mat" Pascal - guitar solo

Latest reviews

To the surprise of probably not that many people, an 8-year gap and almost complete overhaul of the band’s membership since II has had a fairly dramatic impact upon the sound of Vale Of Pnath.
Review by musclassia ››
Some bands throw everything at the wall just to see what sticks. Vale Of Pnath already know what sticks before they throw, and it makes for some top quality entertainment.
Review by Troy Killjoy ››

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