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2002-2008  Esteban Monestel - vocals, bass, keyboards
› 2008-  -//- vocals, guitars
2005-  Nash - drums
2016-  Brian Cruz - guitars
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2002-2005  Jonathan Sanchéz - guitars
› 2007  -//-
2005  Sergio Rosales - guitars
2006-2008  Albert Carrillo - guitars
2009-2011  GoreBanzo - bass
2009-2016  Brutalizer - guitars
2011-2014  Rafael MT - bass, backing vocals
2014-2016  Daniel Kohkemper - bass
2017-2018  Carlos Víquez - guitars
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2007  Mauricio Madrigal - guitars

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Generic death metal can be pretty fun, but a little uniqueness goes a long, long way. And, if anything, Katharma is a unique death metal album. But damn it, Catarsis Incarnae, this isn't 'Nam. This is death metal. There are rules. If your riffs...
Review by wormdrink414 ››

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