Rank: 6803 2 fans |
2001 | Ebym | 8.3 | |
2013 | Percezione | 8 | |
2017 | Nessun Luogo | 6.5 | |
2020 | Amusia | 7 |
2007 | Lento Procedere Prima Del Sonno [EP] | 8.5 |
2005 | Asymmetry [VA] | 10 | |
2010 | Information/noise [VA] | 7 |
Latest reviews
This doom metal compilation was the first cd ever released by Totalrust Records and it is a very good approach to the growing catalogue of this newborn label. Before anything else, I want to apologize to the readers, the bands and the label for the average...
Review by Deadsoulman ›› |
The best way to describe this album is the word: DARK which I can already foresee that I will use quite many times in this review. I mean, if you are a fan of melodic metal and genres like : Power metal or "Gothenburg metal" or any other form...
Review by Azhidahak ›› |
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