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Age Of Artemis


2006-  Gabriel Soto - guitars
2008-  Giovanni Sena - bass
2014-  Ricardo Linnasi - drums
2015-  Jeff Castro - guitars
2020-  Airton Araujo - vocals
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2006-2014  Pedro Senna - drums
2008-2015  Nathan Grego - guitars
2008-2017  Alírio Netto - vocals
2017-2020  Pedro Campos - vocals
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2011  Marcelo Barbosa - guitar solo
2020  Daniel Pinho - vocals

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There's no two ways about it really, Age Of Artemis sound a lot like Angra. The extent of idol worship going on in their latest album is obvious, and more's the pity if their imitations didn't actually yield any success. Fortunately though,...
Review by R'Vannith ››

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