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2008-  Fang VonWrathenstein - vocals
2008-  Asian Metal - guitars
2010-  Pontifex Mortis - bass
2014-  Dr. Vitus - drums
2015-  Baron Taurean Helleshaar - guitars
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2008  Danalog - drums
2008-2010  Socrates of Shred - guitars
2008-2010  Captain Bluddbeard - bass
2008-2012  Korgoth - drums
2010-2014  Killius Maximus - guitars
2012-2013  Sledge Garrotte - drums
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2013  Dr. Vitus - drums
2018  Brittney Hayes - vocals
2020  Jason Ashcraft - guitars
2020  Michael Goodrich - drum programming
2022  Grant Truesdell - additional vocals

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Lords Of The Trident? I don’t care much for House Tully, but I do quite like this album.
Review by musclassia ››
Lords Of The Trident are doing for heavy metal what Gloryhammer do for power metal: play cheesy music in costumes with axes and make it completely serious and awesome.
Review by Susan ››

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