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Oceansize - Discography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.

Studio (4)
EP (5)
Single (3)
Boxset (1)
Split (1)

Showing 4 releases of 14 [ show all ]

8.4 | 27 votes |
01. I Am the Morning
02. Catalyst
03. One Day All This Could Be Yours
04. Massive Bereavement
05. Rinsed
06. You Wish
07. Remember Where You Are
08. Amputee
09. Unravel
10. Women Who Love Men Who Love Drugs
11. Saturday Morning Breakfast Show
12. Long Forgotten

8.3 | 28 votes |
01. The Charm Offensive
02. Heaven Alive
03. A Homage To A Shame
04. Meredith
05. Music For A Nurse
06. New Pin
07. No Tomorrow
08. Mine Host
09. You Can't Keep A Bad Man Down
10. Ornament/The Last Wrongs

8.6 | 40 votes |
Disc I [CD]
01. Commemorative____T-Shirt
02. Unfamiliar
03. Trail Of Fire
04. Savant
05. Only Twin
06. An Old Friend Of The Christy's
07. Sleeping Dogs And Dead Lions
08. The Frame
09. Vorhees [bonus]

Disc II [DVD]
01. Commemorative____T-Shirt
02. Unfamiliar
03. Trail Of Fire
04. Savant
05. Only Twin
06. An Old Friend Of The Christy's
07. Sleeping Dogs And Dead Lions
08. The Frame
+ Recording Frames
+ T-Shirt/Unfamiliar
+ Trail Of Fire
+ Sleeping Dogs And Dead Lions
+ Slideshow

01. Part Cardiac
02. SuperImposer
03. Build Us A Rocket Then...
04. Oscar Acceptance Speech
05. Ransoms
06. A Penny's Weight
07. Silent / Transparent
08. It's My Tail And I'll Chase It If I Want To
09. Pine
10. SuperImposter
11. Cloak [Limited Edition bonus]