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Ehnahre - The Scrape Of A Keel (Drones And Improvisations) lyrics


01. Colossus

I shall never get you put back together entirely
Perhaps you are an oracle
Mouthpiece of the dead
For years now I have labored to dredge the silt from your throat
I am none the wiser
Your fluted bones and toothed hair are littered
In their old anarchy to the horizon line
It would take more than a lightning strike
To create such a ruin

02. The Birds Have Vanished


03. I Gave Up Before Birth Pt. 1

I gave up before birth
It is not possible otherwise
It was he
It was he who wailed

He who saw the light
I didn't wail
I didn't see the light
It's impossible I should have a voice

It was he who had a life
I didn't have a life
A life not worth having
Because of me

His death alone would not be enough
Not enough for me
Perhaps he'll drown
He always wanted to drown

He didn't want them to find him
He can't want now anymore

04. I Gave Up Before Birth Pt. 2

He usen't to want them to find him
Urge spent like all the others
He'll never say I anymore
He'll never say anything anymore

He won't talk to himself
He won't talk to anyone
He won't think anymore

He'll get up and go on

because of me
He can't stay still anymore
because of me
He can't go on anymore
because of me

There's nothing left in his head
I'll feed it all it needs

05. It Is A Light That Goes Out In My Mouth

A black rain is falling
A hissing wind encircles empty houses
I am a shadow, far from darkening villages
I drank the silence of god
Out of the steam in the trees
Cold metal walks on my head
Spiders search for my heart
It is a light that goes out in my mouth