Dargaard - The Dissolution Of Eternity lyrics
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Tracks 01. As Old As The Bones Of The Earth
02. Thy Fleeing Time 03. A Path In The Dust 04. In The Omnipresence Of Death 05. My Phantasm Supreme 06. Night Before The Vastland Storms 07. Fire's Dominion 08. The Isolated Vale 09. A Prophecy Of Immortality 10. Wanderer At The End Of Time 01. As Old As The Bones Of The Earth Lyrics by Tharen
Time has demanded it's sacrifice...
After thousands of burned books And the murder of uncounted wise women and men One should think that The age of innocence has gone... Beyond the seas of oblivion Lie the mountains of wisdom As old as the bones of the earth, As cold as ice, as pure as snow Dive the seas of oblivion To reach the mountains of wisdom Flee the caves of ignorance And set yourself forever free Here, at the heart of the earth My spirit rests In the embrace of time As old as the bones of the earth 02. Thy Fleeing Time Lyrics by Q. Horatius Flaccus
Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume,
labuntur anni nec pietas moram rugis er instanti senectae adferet indomitarque morti; non, si trecenis, quotquot eunt dies, amice, places inlacrimabilem Plutona tauris, qui ter amplum Geryonen Tityonque tristi Conpescit unda, scilicet omnibus, quicumque terrae munere vescimur, enaviganda, sive reges sive inopes erimus coloni. Frustra cruento Marte carebimus Fractisque rauci fluctibus Hadriae, frustra per autumnos nocentem corporibus metuemus austrum. Visendus ater flumine languido Cocytos errans et Danai genus Infame damnatusque longi Sisyphus aeolides laboris. Liquenda tellus et domus et placens Uxor neque harum, quas colis, arborum Te praeter invisas cupressos Ulla brevem dominum sequetur. Absumet heres Caecuba dignior Servata centum clavibus et mero Tinguet pavimentum superbo, pontificium potiore cenis 03. A Path In The Dust Lyrics by Tharen
Thousands of miles in the dust to see,
upon a path leading to nowhere. Destination unknown, only trees in the distance to see. they walk a path where life has never been. Banished from their realm, only following honour and their will to survive. Destination unknown, only phantoms in the distance. Following a leader, following the thirst for honour, the only thing that was left... The light, it seems to flee their near, like they're dead and already forgotten. Behind every crossing lurks the unknown, constantly accompanied by fear and desperation. They wander the path where no angel guards, their souls delivering to the devil. Wandering a path always hidden in dust, towards the phantoms of future. Wandering a path always hidden in dust 04. In The Omnipresence Of Death Lyrics by Q. Horatius Flaccus
Ille et nefasto te posuit die,
Quicumque primum et sacrilega manu Produxit, arbos, in nepotum Perniciem opprobriumque pagi; Illum et parentis crediderim sui Fregisse cervicem et penetralia Sparsisse nocturno cruore Hospitis; ille veneva Colcha et quidquid usquam concipitur befas Tranctavit, agro qui statuit meo te, triste lignum, te caducum In domini caput inmerentis Quid squisque vitet, numquam homini Satis cautum est in horas Navita Bosphorum Poenus perhorrescit Neque ultra caece timet aliunde fata, miles sagittas et celeremfugam Parthi, catenas Parthus et Italum Robur... sed inprovisa leti Vis rapuit rapietque gentis Quam paene furvae regna Proserpinae Et iudicantem vidimus Aeacum Sedesque discretas piorum et Aeolis fidilus querentem Sappho puellis de popularibus Et te sonantem plenius aucro, Alcace, plectro dura navis Dura fugae mala, dura belli Utrumque sacro digna silentio Mirantur umbrae dicere, sed magis Pugnas et exactos tyrannos Densum umeris bibit aure volgus Quid mirum, ubi illis Carminibus stupens demittit Atras belua centiceps Auris et intorn capillis Eumendium recreantur angues? Quin et Prometheus Et Pelopis parens Dulci laborem decipitur Sono nec curat Orion Agitare lyncas 05. My Phantasm Supreme Lyrics by Tharen
Encrypted signs appear red glowing,
contrasting the deep dark stone. Energetic they sweep before my eyes. My mind opens to an event horizon, my body fills with energy, the opening for the last chapter is to come. I never bowed down before a god, I never lost my subsconscious freedom, but always there are shadows following the way of the sorcerer, and so I have mine. I feel a cold hand touching my heart, Spears made of flames raging the skies The revenge of the ancients I feel for breaking their last seal, but preperation brought me to this point and not the simple spirit of adventure. My phantasm supreme, the last gate, the last chapter of my terrestrial, my temporal, my mortal existence is to come; "Eternity" is only a word made by mortals too. I see the dissolution, the return of chaos and maybe the rise of a new order? I call forth the storm of punishement upon the earth, or should I say "purification"? 06. Night Before The Vastland Storms
07. Fire's Dominion Lyrics by Tharen
Forgotten powers are revealed
By fire we are sworn - To the everlastingness, to eternity, to the void The sign of the dragon shines through The opaque darkness in our eyes Enthraled by eternity's winds We shall grow forth to become one With the unspeakable The icon of wisdom - A key to time and realities Tall it strands and unreachable For those who are not able to hear eternity's voice It shall be a monument for the few Who stand at the very edge of the abyss, Who posses the right of passage The gate is closed, but it is no you To see through the veil that lies above the shimmering stars So it is written and so it will be done The furious flames, they dance with pride Between the heavens and the deadly depths This is a beginning and an end By fire we are sworn 08. The Isolated Vale Lyrics by Tharen
Forlorn it lies the vale in the storms
In solitude since the beginning of time Forgotten, lost and only visited By the icy winds that make The surronding mountains rugged Together with the waters which flow down From the mountains sides, which flow down from the mountains sides. There, in this untouched landscape, Strifed only by the elemantary mights There, where the spirit opens fully to To the pain of solitude. But where the grief has no mortal reason Only the beautiness and isolation. There I want to rest and to guard To leave it forever unseen. Forlorn it lies the vale in the storms In solitude since the beginning of time Forgotten, lost and only visited By the icy winds that make The surronding mountains rugged Together with the waters which flow down From the mountains sides, which flow down from the mountains sides. 09. A Prophecy Of Immortality Lyrics by Q. Horatius Flaccus
Exegi monumentum aere perennius
Regalique situ pyramidum altius, quod non imber edax, non aquilo impotens possit diruere aut innumerabilis annorum series et fuga temporum Non omins moriar multaque pars mei Vitabiet Libitinam... usque ego postera Crescam laude recens, dum Capitolium Scander cum tacita virgine pontifex Dicar, qua violens obsterpit Aufidus Et qua pauper aquae Daunus agrestium Regnavit populorum, ex humili potens Princeps Aeolium carmen ad Italos Deduxisse modos. Sume superbiam Quaesitam meritis et mihi Delphica Lauro cinge volens, Melpomene, comam 10. Wanderer At The End Of Time