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In Flames - Announce Second Live Session Guitarist

Swedish Melo-Death powerhouse In Flames have announced their touring line up containing a second session guitarist for their upcoming headlining North American tour with Lacuna Coil, The Sword and Seemless. The band has posted the following message on their official website:

"For the upcoming US-tour Björn will be sitting out as his wife is due to give birth to their second child. Substituting on guitar will be our good friend Henrik Danhage from Evergrey.
As previously reported: Jesper is taking the rest of the year off due to personal reasons, on which he will comment later on, and Niklas Engelin (Engel/Passenger) is filling in for him until Dec 20:th.
We´ve all heard the speculations and rumours and we want to put a stop to it here and now: NO, In Flames are not breaking up! NO, Jesper or Björn are NOT quitting the band!
We simply didn´t want to disappoint anyone so all shows that were booked prior to these circumstances will be done with the above named session guitarists. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that you will understand and support us.
New shows/tours are being booked for next year as we speak, featuring the 5 of us (Anders, Björn, Peter, Daniel & Jesper).
So stop worrying/speculating/gossiping and we´ll see you all very soon.

Anders, Björn, Peter, Daniel & Jesper"

(Thanks to AmRo for noticing this in the forum)


Band profile: In Flames
Event: In Flames: North American Tour
Posted: 02.12.2006 by Thryce | Comments (2)

Metal Storm - Our Official MySpace Page Is Open

Metal Storm now has an official MySpace page!

Why having such a page when we already have a hell of a site?
Just because MySpace has become a great source of bands - old, new, famous or underground. It's obvious when you see that many news are first published by the bands themselves on their MySpace page before their official sites are updated.
Our MySpace page is to be seen as a road sign to show those bands (as well as labels and metalheads) the way to Metal Storm.

It will also provide us and our partners with an additional advertisement place. For example, the events we support are detailed in the Calendar and the corresponding flyers can be found in the Pictures.

We will also keep you aware of changes happening to Metal Storm through blog entries and bulletins. Don't worry, you won't be overwhelmed with bulletins coming from our MySpace page, that's not Metal Storm's spirit.

We don't aim at reaching the highest number of "friends", but we wish the people we will add turn into real friends and Metal Storm supporters, not just numbers.

Join us and spread the word!

Metal, official MySpace profile


Posted: 01.12.2006 by Jeff | Comments (29)

Mortiis - Working On New Album

Mortiis has been busy writing and recording new material for a new album, to be released 2007.

"The music so far is pretty varied," said frontman and band namesake Mortiis. "There´s a bunch of really heavy stuff in there, probably the hardest stuff we´ve done so far, really guitar driven shit. Then there´s some really ambient sounding stuff, very drone-y and atmospheric, as well as some more electronic sounding songs too."

Mortiis notes that the songs are still in various stages of completion, leaving them open to many shifts and changes before the follow-up to The Grudge is recorded.

"It sounds really interesting right now," Mortiis said. "Some old vibes came back to us on some of the songs, some Smell Of Rain vibes and some Grudge vibes and some new vibes. It´s all totally dysfunctional and fucked up in one way or another. Diseased or hurt minds never really heal up, I guess, and because of that, all in all it's going to be a really hard, attacking kind of album with the moody stuff in between."

Some of the working titles are: 'Zeitgeist', 'Great Deceiver', 'The Ugly Truth', 'Looking Glass', 'Doppelganger', 'Sins Of Mine', 'Scolding The Burnt', 'Live Forever', and Road To Ruin'.

Mortiis also recently completed remixes for Zombie Girl and Dope Stars' upcoming releases.

For instant songs and remixes, visit


Band profile: Mortiis
Posted: 01.12.2006 by Thryce | Comments (0)

Nidingr - Ex-Nile Drummer, 1349 Bassist Joining Band

Norwegian Black Metal outfit Nidingr have announced the following:
Due to commitments elsewhere, Nidingr drummer Sabizz will only perform with the band on gigs in Norway. The band's new drummer is none other than Tony Laureano (ex-Nile, Malevolent Creation). Nidingr also have a new bassist in 1349's Seidemann.
With Tony Laureano and Seidemann in the band, Nidingr will start work on a new album which probably will see the light of day sometime in 2007. In the meantime, their 1999 demo and four new tracks will be released through Planet Satan Revolution. You'll find more info on Nidingr's website.


Posted: 01.12.2006 by Thryce | Comments (3)

Trail Of Tears - Frontman: 'This Is Not The End!'

With the imminent release of Existentia on January 30th, 2007 in North America, Napalm recording artists Trail Of Tears are in a bit of a quandary, and much speculation has ensued. Therefore, founding vocalist Ronny Thorsen has released this official statement:

"Dear all,

The following lines are written in the attempt of clarifying the news that have been circulating in the past few days. There is really no easy way of telling this, so I will try to explain to the best of my ability.

On the 26th of November, Trail Of Tears completed a 10-date tour of Mexico, a tour which was in large part ridden with organisational problems and resulted in a severe financial loss for everyone involved. As a result of this, I was called to the band hotel on the morning of November 28th, asking for a meeting by the remaining members. Arriving to the hotel, I am instead given a message, lasting a mere two minutes, that because of the situation they have decided to end the band effective immidiately. The decision has been made entirely without my consultation and approval, and thus Trail of Tears is NOT dead and will continue in a new shape and formation.

Needless to say, I am very disappointed by the decision and the way that this has been handled by the leaving members. I have tried my very best best reasoning with them, stressing that the timing could not be worse and that in fact they are violating future obligations with a decision made in a moment of frustration in the aftermath of this tour. I have even offered to cover the several-thousand-euros financial loss out of my own pocket in order for them not to worry about paying their bills and so that we can focus on our already-agreed obligations towards label, tour organisors and the countless people involved. This was not accepted; however, they made sure of giving me all their account numbers before running back to Norway.

I am truly ashamed by the lack of insight, understanding, and responsability the leaving members have portrayed with this decision, with absolute disregard to the fans who have bought tickets for the upcoming tour, which we now have to cancel, and to all the parties involved who have invested a large amount of work and money in the upcoming release, Existentia. The decision to leave a band is an individual choice and I respect that to the fullest, but it does under no circumstances justify the leaving members violating obligations and making decisions for others, going public with something that has not been approved.


Band profile: Trail Of Tears
Posted: 01.12.2006 by Thryce | Comments (10)

Immortal - Confirmed For France's Hellfest

Following the previous announcement of Immortal's return to the stage in 2007, Photograve Management confirms Immortal's long-awaited return to France next year: June 22-24, another installment of the mighty Hellfest will be held, and Immortal will co-headline the mainstage during the weekend.

"France has always been an important country for Immortal, and we're looking forward to finally meeting our dedicated French fans again", Abbath and Horgh state.

This will be Immortal's only concert in France for 2007.

For more info on Hellfest and tickets, please see the festival's website:


Band profile: Immortal
Event: Hellfest Summer Open Air 2007
Posted: 01.12.2006 by Promonex | Comments (5)

Sonata Arctica - Set To Co-Headline ProgPower USA VIII Festival

Power Metallers Sonata Arctica have been confirmed as one of the headlining acts for ProgPower USA VIII. The band will join Virgin Steele, Redemption, Firewind, Communic and Raintime as one of the so far announced bands. There are still four more unannounced bands to join the festival. ProgPower USA VIII will take place on the 5th-6th October, 2007 at Center Stage Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Band profile: Sonata Arctica
Event: ProgPower USA
Posted: 01.12.2006 by Raiden | Comments (8)

Arch Enemy - Announces South American Tour

In 2007 Death Metallers Arch Enemy will be hitting the continent of South America for a tour. Brazil, Argentina and Chile are the countries that the band will be visiting. The fairly short tour will be happening in January.

Here is a comment by guitarist Michael Amott: "FINALLY! This one has been a long time coming? We are all very much looking forward to playing for our loyal South American fans! We are ready to bring the PURE FUCKING METAL to Brazil, Argentina and Chile! See you in January 2007!"

Here is a list of the dates:

January 09 - Master Hall, Curitiba, Brazil
January 10 - Via Funchal, Sao Paulo, Brazil
January 12 - Teatro Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina
January 14 - Teatro la Cupula, Santiago, Chile

Band profile: Arch Enemy
Event: Arch Enemy: South American Doomsday Tour
Posted: 01.12.2006 by Raiden | Comments (3)

Immolation - New Album On The Way

Official press release:

Death metal stalwarts Immolation are currently fine-tuning the tracks for their much-anticipated new album. The band is currently holed up at drummer Steve Shalaty's house in Ohio prepping their new material, which is shaping up to be very aggressive and much more intense than their past work. The group will make their way over to Millbrook, NY by week's end to meet with Paul Orofino, the band's producer for their last four records, at Millbrook Sound Studios.

Robert Vigna (guitars) describes his thoughts on the new material: "We are really excited. The songs are shorter but pack more of a punch. They kick you hard right from the start and leave you pummeled by the end! It's definitely a darker, meaner album. I think the fans are going to go apeshit when they hear these tracks."

Ross Dolan (vocals, bass) further states: "The new stuff definitely has a very dark feel but does not let up on the heaviness or intensity at all. There is a hint of both the last two records in the new songs, but they are coming from a completely different approach. They are going to knock you on your ass!"

Immolation will head to Amsterdam directly after wrapping up in the studio to play the Arnhem Metal Meeting Festival with Arch Enemy. They will immediately proceed to Paris to shoot a new video for the upcoming album. The disc is tentatively set for a spring release through Century Media Records; look for the band to tour the U.S. around that same time.

Immolation has been assaulting God's black earth for the past 17 years. Along with bands like Suffocation, Incantation and Mortician, Immolation are one of the all important forefathers of New York death metal. Over the years, Immolation has always increased the stakes on each release and this new effort is no exception. It encompasses all the band's growth over the years and offers some of their most devastating material yet. Not only has the band developed their musical capabilities over the years, but they've also become one of the most intense live acts in the industry. Powerful, yet emotional, Immolation are a force to be reckoned with.


Band profile: Immolation
Event: Arnhem Metal Meeting
Posted: 30.11.2006 by Thryce | Comments (7)

Deicide - New Live DVD To Be Released Next Year

Death Metallers Deicide will be releasing another live DVD early next year. The DVD was filmed on November 10, 2006 at the Knitting Factory in Los Angeles and will be called 'Doomsday in L.A.'. The bonus material will include exclusive interviews and promo videos, including the recent 'Homage For Satan' clip.

Here is the tracklist for the DVD:

01. Intro
02. Dead By Dawn
03. Once Upon The Cross
04. Scars Of The Crucifix
05. The Stench Of Redemption
06. Death To Jesus
07. When Satan Rules His World
08. Serpents Of The Light
09. They Are The Children Of The Underworld
10. Desecration
11. Bastards Of Christ
12. Dead But Dreaming
13. Trifixion
14. When Heaven Burns
15. Walk With the Devil In Dreams You Behold
16. Homage For Satan
17. Kill The Christian
18. Sacrificial Suicide

Doomsday In L.A. will be released on the 22nd January, 2007 everywhere except for in the USA where it will be released in February, 2007.

Band profile: Deicide
Posted: 30.11.2006 by Raiden | Comments (4)

Visions Of Atlantis - New Album Details Revealed

Details of the upcoming new Visions Of Atlantis album have been announced. The album will be entitled 'Trinity'. The album cover artwork has also been posted online. Artist Anthony Clarrksson who has designed cover artwork for Blind Guardian, Hypocrisy and Exodus before has done the artwork for Trinity. You can see the cover here.

Trinity will be released in March next year.


Band profile: Visions Of Atlantis
Posted: 30.11.2006 by Raiden | Comments (7)

Hammerfall - Finnish Dates Postponed

Swedish melodic power metallers Hammerfall have cancelled their Finnish headlining shows (originally scheduled for early January) in order to allow singer Joacim Cans enough time to recover from an operation which he is due to undergo in December.
Here goes the statement of the band:
"After a couple of months of serious vocal problems, my doctor finally tracked down the root of all evil. On my right vocal cord he found a polyp that affected both my speaking and singing voice. Lately I have lost almost one octave of my natural (high) range and I can promise you that it's been very frustrating. So, next week it's time for my doctor's magic hands to sharpen the scalpel and do surgery on 'my precious' cords. After the surgery I have to shut up for at least seven days ? gonna be hard! ? followed by some professional vocal training in order to build up the strength again. The tour will start as planned in Denmark on January 18, but unfortunatelly the shows in Finland have been postponed to a later date and all promotional work including me have been cancelled."


Band profile: HammerFall
Posted: 30.11.2006 by Mindheist | Comments (2)

Dismember - US Tour Cancelled

Swedish death metallers Dismember have cancelled their previously announced West Coast tour with Grave. Here goes the statement of the band:
"The US tour is cancelled due to financial reasons. The band is really sorry for this and has already started working on a new US tour for the spring of 2007 to make up for the lost dates. More info will come soon."

The trek, which was originally slated to be headlined by Entombed, was scheduled to kick off December 1 in Hollywood, California.


Band profile: Dismember
Event: Dismember & Grave: West Coast Tour [CANCELLED]
Posted: 30.11.2006 by Mindheist | Comments (1)

Theatres Des Vampires - New Album In February

Italian gothic metal band Theatres Des Vampires will release a new double CD, "Desire Of Damnation (The Addiction Tour)", in February 2007 via Plastic Head/Blackend Records. The set will include a CD with the audio version of the recently released DVD (Plastic Head Video) and a separate disc with four new studio songs, three remixes, one special version of a medley featuring "Vampyrica" (2001) and "Suicide Vampire" (2002), performed by the tenor voice Franco Carta (Vampyre Dionysus) and arranged and directed by composer Stefano Lazzoni.
To promote this new album, Theatres Des Vampires will play several shows all around Europe next year. A release party will be held on Saturday, February 3, 2007 at Slimelight in London.

Band profile: Theatres Des Vampires
Posted: 30.11.2006 by Mindheist | Comments (4)

Macbeth - Working On New Album

According to a post on Macbeth's official website, the band is currently writing their new album. The songs are 90% done and the band will enter the studio next month in order to start recording. Macbeth's 4th album is scheduled for release in spring 2007.

Band profile: Macbeth
Posted: 30.11.2006 by Unknown user | Comments (3)