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Crematory: Album Recording Sessions Halted

German melodic gothic metal band CREMATORY, who split up in 2001 after a successful, decade-long career, have been forced to postpone the release date of their much-anticipated comeback album, "Revolution", after keyboardist Katrin Goger gave birth to her daughter two weeks prior to the expected due date. As a result, the band have halted the recording sessions for the new album and the CD's previously announced release date (March 1, 2004) will not be kept, according to an official press release.

However, since more than half of the album is already finished, CREMATORY have decided to release a single in advance on the originally scheduled album ? a little consolation for the fans. The CD will contain the single- and album-version of "Greed", a cover version of METALLICA's "One" and a ballad named "Farewell Letter" as well as the video clip for "Greed", which was wrapped only a few days before Katrin's daughter Janina was born.

"Greed" will be released on March 1 worldwide through Nuclear Blast Records. The full-length album, "Revolution", will follow later in 2004.

Band profile: Crematory
Posted: 25.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

ICED EARTH's Jon Schaffer Statement

ICED EARTH mainman Jon Schaffer has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"Season's Greetings!

"First of all, please accept my apology for the delay in this posting. These last 3 months have been extremely busy and I've been pretty overwhelmed with the workload. However, everything came to a screeching halt a few weeks back when I had lower back surgery. Everything's going well and I'm healing just fine, so in another few weeks I'll be as good as new.

"Anyway, there is actually quite a lot to report, so let's get to it!

"First, as you all know by now, the CD release has been delayed to early January. I know this has upset many fans and I wasn't happy about it myself, but when the label explained their reasons I couldn't argue with them. Because of the fact that we had to re-record the vocals and re-mix the record it pushed everything back and the label would have had to perform a miracle to do their job properly. It takes time and a lot of organization to release a priority record and they just wanted to do the best job possible, so as I said, I couldn't really argue the point. Believe me, we want you to hear the new tunes ASAP, but sometimes shit happens and we all have to live with it.

"It is an absolute pleasure to report that the response so far from journalists that have heard the CD has been very positive. We all expect big things for this record and that should make all I.E. fans proud. Tim and I did a 2-week whirlwind promo tour of Europe and it was a great time ? very intense but very positive, and fun.

"The single was released a few days earlier in Europe than here at home due to a release snafu but it didn't seem to hurt us any. In Europe we sold out of the digi-pak edition, which was 40,000 units in one week, so now the slim case versions are being made and sold. As for the States we entered the Billboard U.S. single sales charts at #13, which is a great accomplishment for a metal band in this day and age. I thank you all for that. It's your loyalty and dedication that has made all of this possible.

"Other good news from Europe is that the 'Alive in Athens' CD has now been certified Platinum status in Greece. This actually happened several months ago but I forgot to post it. My label in Greece (Sound & Vision) has also informed me that 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' and 'Horror Show' along with others in the catalog will be certified Gold very soon. We also expect 'The Glorious Burden' to reach Gold very quickly there. Again, the fans make all of this possible and we thank you dearly.


Band profile: Iced Earth
Posted: 25.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

After Forever Enter Dutch Album Chart At No. 56

AFTER FOREVER's recently issued mini-CD, "Exordium", has entered the official Dutch Album chart at position No. 56.

As previously reported, "Exordium" ? which contains four originals and two covers ? was recorded at Excess studios in Rotterdam, Holland with producers Hans Pieters and Dennis Leidelmeijer. The Dutch gothic/atmospheric doom metal group ? who recently filmed a video for the song "My Choice" off "Exordium" ? have already completed the bulk of the recordings for their upcoming full-length CD, tentatively due in early 2004. AFTER FOREVER's last full-length effort, "Decipher", was released in 2001.

Band profile: After Forever
Posted: 25.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Pantera Is Officially Over

Former PANTERA guitarist Dimebag Darrell recently spoke to the U.K.'s Rock Sound magazine about the current status of the band that is widely considered to be one of the most influential American metal acts of the '90s.

When asked point-blank if PANTERA is officially over, Dimebag said, "Oh yeah, it's been officially over since our lead singer started announcing it from stages across the United States." Dimebag went on to explain that " threatened it before but when he started announcing it in the press and from onstage, that was when it became official. He never had the decency to talk to us about it. Nobody would return our calls so me and Vinnie just sat at home not knowing what the fuck was going on."

Despite all the obvious bad blood, Dimebag admited "we're not ashamed of a fuckin' thing we've done. It was a great ride and we wanted it to last forever. It didn't but we're back with DAMAGEPLAN and we're ready to kick some muthafuckin' dick!"

DAMAGEPLAN, which features Darrell, Vinnie, singer Patrick Lachman (former HALFORD/DIESEL MACHINE guitarist) and bassist Bobzilla, will release their debut album, "New Found Power", on February 10 through Elektra Records. The group expect to begin playing select shows in January, with a full-scale North American tour to follow shortly after the album's release.


Band profile: Pantera
Posted: 25.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Illnath - Part Ways With Drummer

Danish melodic black metal band ILLNATH have parted ways with drummer Benjamin Johannesen shortly after the completion of the group's European tour with KONKHRA and CORPUS MORTALE. "However, as far as we can tell he is not entirely out of the music business," the band write on their web site. "You might well find him on an upcoming Danish metal album."

ILLNATH are currently working on the material for the follow-up to this year's "Cast Into Fields Of Evil Pleasure" (Worldchaos Production), tentatively due in late 2004. In the meantime, guitarist Peter Falk and keyboardist Artur Meinild (a.k.a. Tyr) have joined forces in a brand new "progressive power metal" side-project, the exact details of which have yet to be divulged.

Band profile: Illnath
Posted: 25.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Charon - Jasse left the band.

Charon's guitarist and songwriter have announced that he left the band.

More of this later... there is no English translation yet, but this is the reason, in Finnish:

Aikansa kutakin

Pitkän pohdinnan ja asioiden prioriteettien seurauksena olen tullut siihen pisteeseen, että on aika jättää yksi vaihe elämässäni taakse. Charonilla ei ole minulle enää mitään annettavaa musiikillisesti eikä muutenkaan, mielenkiintoni kyseistä kokoonpanoa kohtaan on hävinnyt täysin.

Viimeisen vuoden aikana olen yksinkertaisesti saanut totaalisesti tarpeekseni siitä kaikesta.

Tällä hetkellä keskityn leipätyöhöni.

Tulen kuitenkin jatkamaan musiikin parissa jatkossakin ja kirjoitan uutta materiaalia koko ajan. Se missä yhteyksissä sitä mahdollisesti tullaan
jatkossa käyttämään, jääköön tässä vaiheessa tulevaisuuden näytettäväksi.

Kiitos kaikille faneille ja tukijoille näistä vuosista.

Jasse Von Hast

Oulussa 24.11.2003

Band profile: Charon
Posted: 25.11.2003 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Fear Factory New Album

FEAR FACTORY have officially signed a new record deal with D3 Entertainment in the US, and Roadrunner Records in Europe. The new album, titled Archetype, is currently being recorded at Rumbo Recorders in Los Angeles with engineer Ken Marshall. Archetype is expected to be released in April 2004. Byron Stroud has been added to the lineup to handle the bass guitar.


Band profile: Fear Factory
Posted: 24.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

DIMMU BORGIR: Two Songs In 'Hellboy' Trailer

Norwegian black metallers DIMMU BORGIR beat out hundreds of other bands to land two songs in the trailer of the upcoming movie "Hellboy".

The supernatural action adventure film, which was written and directed by Guillermo Del Toro ("Blade 2") and based on the enormously popular Dark Horse Comics series of the same name, will be released nationally on April 2, 2004.

Band profile: Dimmu Borgir
Posted: 24.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Death - Control Denied New Album

From Hammerheart Records:

As of today we are announcing a release on CD by Chuck Schuldiner's CONTROL DENIED.

It will feature incomplete, unfinished recordings which were meant for the new album, which unfortunately was never finished, at least up until the moment of this press-statement.

We have requested to get the Master tapes on these recordings, but Chuck's family do not wish to communicate or talk with us anymore, let alone send us the Master tapes (which are 75% finished) that should have been with us long ago.

Probably there will be a lot of talk and discussions appearing, which we can understand obviously, but a fact is that we signed a contract with Chuck that he was very happy about, paid the full advance in 2000, have been asking for a solution during 2002 and 2003, but in all honesty we never really got a reply.

The only honest and valid reason why the "real" album by CONTROL DENIED is still not released is very simple; the legal heritors of Chuck (= his family) refuse to do anything concerning this release, if they will claim differently it is time for them to prove us wrong, we have been waiting for 18 months. I think they should stop fooling around with the record-label and the fans, the time to act in honesty is now or never !!! We are not lying, not cheating and in no way disrespectful, if someone disagrees he will need to prove us wrong, it is in the hands of Chuck's family.

Possible release date is: spring 2004.

Band profile: Death
Posted: 24.11.2003 by Dream Taster | Comments (0)

Nobody feels like leaving the band voluntarily

And the controversy on Stratovarius future goes on...

STRATOVARIUS keyboardist Jens Johansson has offered the following comment via the group's official message board regarding the status of the band's lineup:

"Within the band we made the agreement that Timo will decide who plays in the band, I mean on the records, live etc. I actually drew up the agreement myself, so that none of us would be able to entertain any illusions of 'hijacking' the band by a democratic majority vote or something. To me, I think this is a useful arrangement, I would say even if I get booted out as a result, believe it or not! I am a man of principles. And anyone is free to leave on their own volition too, of course. It's a band, not a concentration camp, like Yngwie used to say.

"I can assure you, nobody feels like leaving voluntarily. But what goes on in the hearts and minds of Finns is sometimes difficult to detect. Especially if they don't answer their phone!!!! If Timo wants to have new people in the band I would of course be very sad, because I quite enjoy working with these guys. But there is nothing I can do about how people feel. Either musically or about other things. Timo is a stubborn guy, or he wouldn't have gotten this far!"


Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 23.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Stratovarius - Three Bandmembers Have To Leave

STRATOVARIUS guitarist Timo Tolkki has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"I am in the process of talking seriously with each bandmember about the future of STRATOVARIUS.

"There are lots of rumours circling around and this statement is issued to clear some of those.

"The band is in a severe crisis at the moment.

"Looking back now, it is very clear to me why the situation has catapulted into crisis.

"I have my own way to lead STRATOVARIUS and since being in this band since '84 (almost 20 years) I have had a very clear vision about the musical direction of STRATO. To put it short and simple, this is my band.

"I decide what STRATOVARIUS sounds like. Stylists might decide how STRATOVARIUS looks like. I don't give a fuck about that though, I love music and we are not some fucking BACKSTREET BOYS. We eat metal and shit chains.

"Before some of you start shouting 'dictator', I would like to tell you that we have always shared the income from the band equally. Everyone gets the same from all income. I can tell you many bands when it's not like this.

"Up until very last weeks I though things were fine, there have been arguments, but nothing fancy. At this point I feel that my vision of where to take STRATOVARIUS next is threatened. Along with many other things, which I cannot tell you due to legal reasons. Let me just say this: when the things get so heated that some people in the band enter into fistfight, then something is wrong, wouldn't you agree?

"I am talking with Kotipelto and Kainulainen here in Finland at the moment and next week I fly to New York to talk to Johansson. Then I fly to Germany to talk to Michael. And then I have to think.

"So you guys have to wait for some more time for some more news.

"At this point it seems 95% sure that 3 bandmembers have to leave. I really hope I can work things out with them, but if not, then they will have to go.

"And to those who say I should leave STRATOVARIUS I say, hmmm well, perhaps it's better that I don't say anything, so I just say, 'Fuck Off!' I am not leaving anywhere, we just signed this new deal and I am going to continue writing new songs and there will be more albums, no matter what the line up will be.


Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 23.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

METALLICA Threatened With Copyright Infringement is reporting that the members of the defunct punk/metal fusion band EXCEL are considering legal action against METALLICA over the latter's song "Enter Sandman" which they claim borrows heavily from the EXCEL track "Tapping Into The Emotional Void"

"Tapping Into The Emotional Void" was originally included on EXCEL's "The Joke's On You" LP, which surfaced in 1989 ? two years prior to the release of METALLICA's self-titled CD.

"Enter Sandman" currently stands as the biggest hit of METALLICA's career, having peaked at No. 16 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart back in August 1991. METALLICA's self-titled "black album" has sold more than 13 million copies in the U.S., according to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).

Band profile: Metallica
Posted: 23.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

'Binge & Purge' To Be Re-Released In Europe In DVD

METALLICA's "Live Shit: Binge & Purge" ? the unprecedented box set featuring three complete concerts on three CDs and three VHS tapes ? will finally be re-released in Europe as a 3-CD, 2-DVD box set on November 24.

The package, which was originally issued in 1993, was made available in the U.S. in DVD format last year.

"Live Shit: Binge & Purge" content (nine hours of live material):

- Live Concert - Seattle 1989 (DVD)
- Live Concert - San Diego 1992 (DVD)
- Live Concert - Mexico City 1993 (3 CDs)
- a 72-page digital book on DVD #2.
- an old snakepit pass
- a scary-guy stencil

The box is priced at 42.99 EUR

Band profile: Metallica
Posted: 23.11.2003 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Legion left Marduk

Vocalist Legion is no longer a part of Marduk. Marduk have cancelled the upcoming shows( Blackest of the Black Festival in London and the 2 shows in Greece) A replacment for Legion has already been found and will be presented very soon.

Band profile: Marduk
Posted: 22.11.2003 by Dream Taster | Comments (0)

Stratovarius to change line-up?

Guitarist Timo Tolkki of Finland's Stratovarius has posted a statement on the band's website that he will be commenting on the band's future sometime next week. The band currently has no tour plans for the recently released Elements Part 2 and sources close to the guitarist state that the lines of communication between himself and singer Timo Kotipelto are so strained that they only communicate through their lawyers. Timo has also suggested that he's unhappy with some of the band members. Could a major change in personnel be forthcoming? This all comes just weeks after signing a three album deal worth over 3 million dollars with Sanctuary Records......stay tuned for details.

Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 22.11.2003 by Unknown user | Comments (0)