Metal news
On this page:
24.08.2012 | › | Metal Storm's Favorite Album Art: The Final 3! |
16.08.2012 | › | Metal Storm's Favourite Album Art: Round 4! |
09.08.2012 | › | Metal Storm's Favourite Album Art: Round 3! |
31.07.2012 | › | Metal Storm's Favourite Album Art: Round 2! |
24.07.2012 | › | Metal Storm's Favorite Album Art? |
01.04.2012 | › | Metal Storm - April Fools! |
24.10.2011 | › | Evile - Metal Storm CD Giveaway Closed |
15.10.2011 | › | Evile - Metal Storm CD Giveaway Announced |
28.09.2011 | › | Metal Storm - The Myconid CD Contest Winners Anounced |
19.09.2011 | › | The Myconid Exclusive Metal Storm CD Giveaway! |
20.08.2011 | › | 'West Memphis Three' Freed After 18 Years |
18.06.2011 | › | Metal Storm - Titans Eve Contest Winners |
11.02.2011 | › | Clandestine Cuts #5 Now Up! |
01.01.2011 | › | Clandestine Cuts #4 Now Up! Graphic Artists, Cartoonists & Doodlers - We Need You! |
10.12.2010 | › | Clandestine Cuts #3 Now Out! Big News! Big Changes! |
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Metal Storm's Favorite Album Art: The Final 3!
Alright folks, here it is - the final 3! The round is simple; pick your #1 favorite from these 3! The highest picked album artwork for this round will be considered the Metal Storm users favorite album art!
Metal Storm's Favourite Album Art: Round 4!
300, then 50, then 20. Now 10. We're drawing ever closer to figuring out Metal Storm's collective favorite album artwork!
Metal Storm's Favourite Album Art: Round 3!
So we've gone from roughly 300 down to 20 album covers. Now, we know what an opinionated bunch you people are, so we're going to shake things up in the voting department this round...
Metal Storm's Favourite Album Art: Round 2!
Round 2 is here folks!
Before seeing the top 50 covers that made it into Round 2, let's explain how Round 3 is going to work; this time, you pick your top 4! The 4 you choose MUST be from the list below (the 50 most popular choices from Round 1). Round 3 will see this list of 50 drop down to 20. Be sure to check out as many of these as possible, you may have missed some awesome artwork!
Please message Doc Godin with your TOP 4 picks from Round 2.
Here is the list for Round 2:
Agalloch - Marrow Of The Spirit
Ahab - The Call Of The Wretched Sea
Alcest - Écailles de lune
Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising
Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thundergod
Amorphis - Skyforger
The Angelic Process - Weighing Souls With Sand
Ayreon - The Universal Migrator Part 1: The Dream Sequencer
Be'Lakor - Stone's Reach
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond
Born Of Osiris - The Discovery
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Cormorant - Dwellings
Death - The Sound Of Perseverance
Diablo Swing Orchestra - The Butcher's Ballroom
Dissection - Storm Of The Lights Bane
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale
Gamma Ray - Land Of The Free: Part II
Godflesh - Streetcleaner
High On Fire - Death Is This Communion
Iced Earth - The Dark Saga
Iced Earth - Horror Show
Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
Keep Of Kalessin - Reptilian
Kvelertak - Kvelertak
Les Discrets - Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées
Mastodon - Leviathan
Mastodon - Crack The Skye
Moonsorrow - V: Hävitetty
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Obituary - Cause Of Death
Opeth - Heritage
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power
Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Septicflesh - The Great Mass
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Solstafir - Svartir Sandar
Spawn Of Possession - Incurso
Swallow The Sun - The Morning Never Came
Symphony X - Paradise Lost
Vildhjarta - Måsstaden
Wintersun - Wintersun
The end of Round 2/Beginning of Round 3 will be on August 8th.
Before seeing the top 50 covers that made it into Round 2, let's explain how Round 3 is going to work; this time, you pick your top 4! The 4 you choose MUST be from the list below (the 50 most popular choices from Round 1). Round 3 will see this list of 50 drop down to 20. Be sure to check out as many of these as possible, you may have missed some awesome artwork!
Please message Doc Godin with your TOP 4 picks from Round 2.
Here is the list for Round 2:
Agalloch - Marrow Of The Spirit
Ahab - The Call Of The Wretched Sea
Alcest - Écailles de lune
Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising
Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thundergod
Amorphis - Skyforger
The Angelic Process - Weighing Souls With Sand
Ayreon - The Universal Migrator Part 1: The Dream Sequencer
Be'Lakor - Stone's Reach
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond
Born Of Osiris - The Discovery
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Cormorant - Dwellings
Death - The Sound Of Perseverance
Diablo Swing Orchestra - The Butcher's Ballroom
Dissection - Storm Of The Lights Bane
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale
Gamma Ray - Land Of The Free: Part II
Godflesh - Streetcleaner
High On Fire - Death Is This Communion
Iced Earth - The Dark Saga
Iced Earth - Horror Show
Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
Keep Of Kalessin - Reptilian
Kvelertak - Kvelertak
Les Discrets - Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées
Mastodon - Leviathan
Mastodon - Crack The Skye
Moonsorrow - V: Hävitetty
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Obituary - Cause Of Death
Opeth - Heritage
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power
Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Septicflesh - The Great Mass
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Solstafir - Svartir Sandar
Spawn Of Possession - Incurso
Swallow The Sun - The Morning Never Came
Symphony X - Paradise Lost
Vildhjarta - Måsstaden
Wintersun - Wintersun
The end of Round 2/Beginning of Round 3 will be on August 8th.
Metal Storm's Favorite Album Art?
Have you ever taken a good look at some albums in your collection and thought to yourself "My God, if only this piece of shit album was half as good as the album artwork that covers it, it would be a solid 10/10." Pretty much anyone who owns Manowar's Anthology has surely thought that at some point or another.
The point being, it's time to give some props to the unsung heroes who create the album artwork of your favorite, and not-so-favorite albums. We want to know what Metal Storm, as a collective, considers the very best album artwork of all time.
Here's how it works:
Step 1: Go through your album collection, pick out your top 3 favorite album covers of all time, regardless of the quality of the music on the albums.
Step 2: Send a PM to Doc Godin here on Metal Storm with your 3 picks.
Step 3: Tune in on July 31st, and we will reveal the top 50 picks. You can then choose your top 3 favorites out of those 50, and we'll continue to whittle it down in that manner.
The deadline for Round 1 is July 30th.
The point? No point. Just for fun.
- The Metal Storm Team
The point being, it's time to give some props to the unsung heroes who create the album artwork of your favorite, and not-so-favorite albums. We want to know what Metal Storm, as a collective, considers the very best album artwork of all time.
Here's how it works:
Step 1: Go through your album collection, pick out your top 3 favorite album covers of all time, regardless of the quality of the music on the albums.
Step 2: Send a PM to Doc Godin here on Metal Storm with your 3 picks.
Step 3: Tune in on July 31st, and we will reveal the top 50 picks. You can then choose your top 3 favorites out of those 50, and we'll continue to whittle it down in that manner.
The deadline for Round 1 is July 30th.
The point? No point. Just for fun.
- The Metal Storm Team
Metal Storm - April Fools!
Well, we hope you enjoyed yesterday's hijinks. While we are looking to raise enough revenue through advertising to cover operating costs, by no means would we turn into a metal-oriented adult website and the redirection to our new url, was just an April Fool's goof.
As usual, we had the jackwagons who figured it out early and had to post "look at the date!' bright and early on the news thread to ruin the fun rather than just play along. We're also sorry if we inconvenienced any of you with the NSFW images and sounds of yesterday's merry prank. To the one angry user who pm'd BitterCOld in all caps and curses that he was suspended from school when the teacher walked by his desk and heard the screaming female orgasm and braying donkey sounds looped over death metal riffing.... we'd feel bad for you, but hey, you should not have been visiting the site in class.
To the users that played along, we hope you had as much fun with it as we did. And when we said "SHOW ME YOUR DANGERZONES!" we were just kidding. There is not enough booze at the bar to scorch some of the images you sent us from our (now permanently scarred) brains.
And rest assured, the images of "The Devil's Threeway", featuring Marcel and Doc Godin banging [url=]Jasmine St. Claire[/url] on top of a T-34 tank in an abandoned steel mill were just photoshopped. They really made her airtight on a used mattress in front of a green screen in a lot in Van Nuys, California. As if we could afford tank rental? And yes, Marcel's washboard abs were absolutely real and in no way the product of digital manipulation. Same goes for Doc's superfluous 3rd nipple.
We are also sorry to say for you pervy fapsters, the dream is dead. The installment of Ms Wintersoul's sex advice column/blog, Moan Like Mora, entitled "A Metal Maiden's Masterful Mutual Masturbation Maneuvers Mapped Out", is the one and only entry of this blog, and has since been scrubbed from the internet in the name of common decency. Even teh interw3bs was not ready for smut this ribald and naughty. And while some of us might have lol'd at your dangerzone pics, she didn't find them so amusing. She'll be posting them up on shortly. Pun intended.
So with that is back to normal, with the naughtiest/raciest things on the site being greased up men in loin cloths on album covers and ascii penii in the shout box.
Well, we hope you enjoyed yesterday's hijinks. While we are looking to raise enough revenue through advertising to cover operating costs, by no means would we turn into a metal-oriented adult website and the redirection to our new url, was just an April Fool's goof.
As usual, we had the jackwagons who figured it out early and had to post "look at the date!' bright and early on the news thread to ruin the fun rather than just play along. We're also sorry if we inconvenienced any of you with the NSFW images and sounds of yesterday's merry prank. To the one angry user who pm'd BitterCOld in all caps and curses that he was suspended from school when the teacher walked by his desk and heard the screaming female orgasm and braying donkey sounds looped over death metal riffing.... we'd feel bad for you, but hey, you should not have been visiting the site in class.
To the users that played along, we hope you had as much fun with it as we did. And when we said "SHOW ME YOUR DANGERZONES!" we were just kidding. There is not enough booze at the bar to scorch some of the images you sent us from our (now permanently scarred) brains.
And rest assured, the images of "The Devil's Threeway", featuring Marcel and Doc Godin banging [url=]Jasmine St. Claire[/url] on top of a T-34 tank in an abandoned steel mill were just photoshopped. They really made her airtight on a used mattress in front of a green screen in a lot in Van Nuys, California. As if we could afford tank rental? And yes, Marcel's washboard abs were absolutely real and in no way the product of digital manipulation. Same goes for Doc's superfluous 3rd nipple.
We are also sorry to say for you pervy fapsters, the dream is dead. The installment of Ms Wintersoul's sex advice column/blog, Moan Like Mora, entitled "A Metal Maiden's Masterful Mutual Masturbation Maneuvers Mapped Out", is the one and only entry of this blog, and has since been scrubbed from the internet in the name of common decency. Even teh interw3bs was not ready for smut this ribald and naughty. And while some of us might have lol'd at your dangerzone pics, she didn't find them so amusing. She'll be posting them up on shortly. Pun intended.
So with that is back to normal, with the naughtiest/raciest things on the site being greased up men in loin cloths on album covers and ascii penii in the shout box.
Evile - Metal Storm CD Giveaway Closed
The Metal Storm Evile CD giveaway is now closed! Thank you to all who participated, and better luck next time!
The competition was stiff, this being one of our most popular contests yet, but we have our winners:
You should be receiving your copy of Five Serpents Teeth shortly.
To everyone else - keep your eyes peeled for more contests in the future, we've got more goodies to give away soon!
The competition was stiff, this being one of our most popular contests yet, but we have our winners:
You should be receiving your copy of Five Serpents Teeth shortly.
To everyone else - keep your eyes peeled for more contests in the future, we've got more goodies to give away soon!
Band profile: | Evile |
Evile - Metal Storm CD Giveaway Announced
Hello Metalstormers,
Evile have been kind enough to supply us with 3 copies of their brand new album Five Serpents Teeth. All you have to do to qualify to win is:
A) Be a registered Metal Storm user.
B) Leave your mailing address where the album can be shipped to.
C) Go here and answer the skill testing question.
Good luck!
Evile have been kind enough to supply us with 3 copies of their brand new album Five Serpents Teeth. All you have to do to qualify to win is:
A) Be a registered Metal Storm user.
B) Leave your mailing address where the album can be shipped to.
C) Go here and answer the skill testing question.
Good luck!
Band profile: | Evile |
Metal Storm - The Myconid CD Contest Winners Anounced
The Myconid CD giveaway has now closed!
Here are the winners, selected at random from the people to answer the question correctly:
Congratulations, you should be receiving a copy of Myconid Madness shortly.
Thanks to everyone who participated! If you still wish to order the album, it can be found here:
or CDBaby for digital download.
Here are the winners, selected at random from the people to answer the question correctly:
Congratulations, you should be receiving a copy of Myconid Madness shortly.
Thanks to everyone who participated! If you still wish to order the album, it can be found here:
or CDBaby for digital download.
The Myconid Exclusive Metal Storm CD Giveaway!
Ladies and gentlemen! It's a hot season for free stuff here at MetalStorm HQ! The Myconid were kind enough to donate 3 copies of their debut album Myconid Madness to give away to a few lucky MetalStorm users. All you gotta do to qualify for the draw is go here and answer the skill-testing question (hint: the answer can be found in this interview).
Contest closes September 26th. Good luck!
Contest closes September 26th. Good luck!
'West Memphis Three' Freed After 18 Years
It's official, folks! After 18 long years of incarceration, The West Memphis 3 have finally been freed.
For those of you unfamiliar with The West Memphis 3, they are a group of men who were tried and convicted as teenagers on May 5, 1993 for the murder of 3 young boys. Damien Echols was sentenced to death, while his friends Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley, Jr. were sentenced to life in prison.
For those of you unfamiliar with The West Memphis 3, they are a group of men who were tried and convicted as teenagers on May 5, 1993 for the murder of 3 young boys. Damien Echols was sentenced to death, while his friends Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley, Jr. were sentenced to life in prison.
Source: | |
Metal Storm - Titans Eve Contest Winners
Alrighty folks! The Titans Eve contest has closed!
Here are the winners:
Everything has been handled and you should be receiving your Titans Eve T-shirt & a copy of their debut album, The Divine Equal shortly.
Thanks to everyone who participated. Better luck next time!
Here are the winners:
Everything has been handled and you should be receiving your Titans Eve T-shirt & a copy of their debut album, The Divine Equal shortly.
Thanks to everyone who participated. Better luck next time!
Clandestine Cuts #5 Now Up!
Listen up boys and girl! The first Clandestine Cuts issue of the year is now up! You all see how your votes got some great new up and comers an even bigger spotlight in the 2010 MetalStorm Awards? Well guess what - our tournament of yet-to-be-champions for 2011 begins today, so check out these bands, and if you find one in particular that rules above all else, give them a vote! Tell your friends to come and vote! Teach your cat how to use MetalStorm, then teach it how to vote (chances are it will put more thought into it's vote than you). Point being, continue to show your support for these struggling acts and we'll do the same by throwing the 10 best into a bigger spotlight in next years awards.
So who have we got this month? Mercury Eye, Grimus, Cloud Zone, Elimination, Still Storm, Your Pain Is Endearing, and Corrosive Carcass. Another issue filled with polar opposites, there's something worth checking out for everyone.
As for the new 2011 artwork...Though we have had some great artwork submitted to represent Clandestine Cuts for 2011, we felt as a group that we have yet to see "the one" - the right piece of artwork to appropriately represent the feature. We thank everyone for their submissions, and let everyone know that we are still open to more concepts!
So go check out issue #5 now!
Clandestine Cut #5
PS - Don't forget to head back to the Metal Storm Awards and vote for your favourite from 2010:
Clandestine Cut Of The Year
The MetalStorm Team
So who have we got this month? Mercury Eye, Grimus, Cloud Zone, Elimination, Still Storm, Your Pain Is Endearing, and Corrosive Carcass. Another issue filled with polar opposites, there's something worth checking out for everyone.
As for the new 2011 artwork...Though we have had some great artwork submitted to represent Clandestine Cuts for 2011, we felt as a group that we have yet to see "the one" - the right piece of artwork to appropriately represent the feature. We thank everyone for their submissions, and let everyone know that we are still open to more concepts!
So go check out issue #5 now!
Clandestine Cut #5
PS - Don't forget to head back to the Metal Storm Awards and vote for your favourite from 2010:
Clandestine Cut Of The Year
The MetalStorm Team
Clandestine Cuts #4 Now Up! Graphic Artists, Cartoonists & Doodlers - We Need You!
Ladies and gentlemen! You know what time it is! It's time for our monthly Demo/EP/Single spotlight special! This month features Astrophobos, Rising, Australis, Desert Beneath The Pavement, Albatross, Heathen Beast, and Sanity Of Impiety! Check it out here.
We could write a long story here about how this feature is by the people - for the people, but frankly we don't need to! You show your support for the underground by giving these guys a listen and giving them a vote if you like 'em. Is it working? Well, since the release of our monthly feature, Skull Fist have found themselves a record & booking deal, and Apsis have apparently been contacted by a few labels. Are these great developments because of our combined efforts? It's impossible to say for sure, but the timing is remarkable. Either way, it's because of people like you that these bands are finding some success. So go vote for your favourite from issue #4! Voting closes for all issues on January 14th, nominees will be revealed shortly thereafter.
Now for some new developments on our end...The year is coming to an end and a new one is beginning, which means a new batch of nominee contenders for the 2011 awards. So for 2011 we want a new picture/emblem image for the Clandestine Cuts feature, and we want you to make it for us! It can be any style of artwork you want, the only rules that apply are that it needs to contain the words "Clandestine Cuts - Demo/EP Spotlight" somewhere on it. The best one will be chosen to represent the article for the next year.
Some questions you may have:
Will I get paid?
Fuck no. End of story. You will be credited at the bottom of each article though.
Do I have to be good at all that art shit?
No. Keep in mind we're just looking for something that will be shrunken down to a 150x150 image, so anything with immense, intricate detail probably won't work as well. So it doesn't matter if your artistic skills rival that of that guy who painted Jesus on that ceiling and stuff, or you just like to draw unicorns on MS Paint in your free time.
Can I steal someone else artwork?
No! It must be YOUR artwork. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
What if I want you to stop using my image?
Too bad. By submitting your piece, you are agreeing to the terms we set down. And the terms we're setting is that we can whore your picture out at our discretion.
We could write a long story here about how this feature is by the people - for the people, but frankly we don't need to! You show your support for the underground by giving these guys a listen and giving them a vote if you like 'em. Is it working? Well, since the release of our monthly feature, Skull Fist have found themselves a record & booking deal, and Apsis have apparently been contacted by a few labels. Are these great developments because of our combined efforts? It's impossible to say for sure, but the timing is remarkable. Either way, it's because of people like you that these bands are finding some success. So go vote for your favourite from issue #4! Voting closes for all issues on January 14th, nominees will be revealed shortly thereafter.
Now for some new developments on our end...The year is coming to an end and a new one is beginning, which means a new batch of nominee contenders for the 2011 awards. So for 2011 we want a new picture/emblem image for the Clandestine Cuts feature, and we want you to make it for us! It can be any style of artwork you want, the only rules that apply are that it needs to contain the words "Clandestine Cuts - Demo/EP Spotlight" somewhere on it. The best one will be chosen to represent the article for the next year.
Some questions you may have:
Will I get paid?
Fuck no. End of story. You will be credited at the bottom of each article though.
Do I have to be good at all that art shit?
No. Keep in mind we're just looking for something that will be shrunken down to a 150x150 image, so anything with immense, intricate detail probably won't work as well. So it doesn't matter if your artistic skills rival that of that guy who painted Jesus on that ceiling and stuff, or you just like to draw unicorns on MS Paint in your free time.
Can I steal someone else artwork?
No! It must be YOUR artwork. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
What if I want you to stop using my image?
Too bad. By submitting your piece, you are agreeing to the terms we set down. And the terms we're setting is that we can whore your picture out at our discretion.
Source: | |
Clandestine Cuts #3 Now Out! Big News! Big Changes!
Ok, so it's time for the scheduled (almost) monthly Clandestine Cuts! This month features Razorwyre, Disintegrated, Everfailed, Apsis, Magrudergrind, Gallowbraid and Catuvolcus. Go read it here.
Now, you're probably wondering what the big changes are to this issue? Well, it's quite simple; we're giving you! Yes, you! Some more power regarding the MetalStorm awards. We've attached a poll to the bottom of the article, where you get to vote for what you think is the best demo, EP, or single from that issue. The top 6 chosen will be nominated in the 2010 MetalStorm awards under a new category!
During the MS awards, we experience some of our highest traffic all year. Now, a nomination in the MetalStorm awards may not mean all that much to a band like Iron Maiden, but some massive exposure in the awards may be huge news for some of these bands that just need to get their name out there. Think a certain band has got that sound that more people should hear? Show it! Give them a vote!
Also, we have edited the poll into the previous articles, so be sure to go back (issue #1 - issue #2) and vote there as well!
- The 'Storm Crew
P.S. - You may also be wondering why only 6 will be nominated, as opposed to the regular 10 per category. This is simply because only 4 issues will be out by the time the 2010 Awards roll around, not creating enough competition to judge a worthy nominee by. We'll bump it up to 10 next year.
Now, you're probably wondering what the big changes are to this issue? Well, it's quite simple; we're giving you! Yes, you! Some more power regarding the MetalStorm awards. We've attached a poll to the bottom of the article, where you get to vote for what you think is the best demo, EP, or single from that issue. The top 6 chosen will be nominated in the 2010 MetalStorm awards under a new category!
During the MS awards, we experience some of our highest traffic all year. Now, a nomination in the MetalStorm awards may not mean all that much to a band like Iron Maiden, but some massive exposure in the awards may be huge news for some of these bands that just need to get their name out there. Think a certain band has got that sound that more people should hear? Show it! Give them a vote!
Also, we have edited the poll into the previous articles, so be sure to go back (issue #1 - issue #2) and vote there as well!
- The 'Storm Crew
P.S. - You may also be wondering why only 6 will be nominated, as opposed to the regular 10 per category. This is simply because only 4 issues will be out by the time the 2010 Awards roll around, not creating enough competition to judge a worthy nominee by. We'll bump it up to 10 next year.
Source: | |