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Holy Moses - Recording 30th Anniversary Album

Secretly Sabina Classen and her Holy Moses men have logged into the Absurd studio in Hamburg, to start the recordings for the 30th Years anniversary - In The Power of Now double album.

The new drummer Gerd Lücking (Poison Dwarf, ex-Rebellion) currently takes care of the drum tracks on the new record. The album will have new versions of 20 of the most important songs of the 30 years of Holy Moses history. Atomic Steiff had to give up the drummer sit due to job changes.

Gerd about joining Holy Moses: "As an old Moses fan, it is naturally a honor for me to do the drumming for this pioneer thrash metal band! The recordings are being really powerful and we blow away all the material live!"

This recording will be released exactly for Sabina's 30th anniversary with Holy Moses later this autumn. More news from the studio will follow in the next days!

Band profile: Holy Moses
Posted: 07.07.2011 by BudDa

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