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The Amenta - Working On New Album

Australian industrial death metallers The Amenta are currently working on their third full-length and the follow-up to 2008's n0n. The album, entitled Flesh Is Heir, is currently being written, recorded, pre-produced and planned for an early 2012 release.

Working titles so far are "Ego Ergo Sum", "Flesh Is Heir", "Cell" and "Teeth".

The band says: "The Amenta is currently writing, recording and pre-producing the full length follow up to 2008's divisive n0n album. With a working title of Flesh Is Heir, the third full length is a crystallization of The Amentas methods. Featuring the expansive, aggressive riffing of the Occasus album and the ambient electronic destruction of n0n, Flesh Is Heir also introduces a new eeriness courtesy of frontman, Cain Cressall and the unique musical and visual element that he brings to the band.

Lyrically, Flesh Is Heir deals with the two warring sides of the human psyche: The Obliterate (the part of the human that seeks to escape worldly woes by destroying the concept of self) and The Realist (the part that embraces pain, seeing it as a challenge, the meeting of which creates a better human)."

Band profile: The Amenta
Posted: 26.10.2011 by Unknown user


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26.10.2011 - 17:17
Account deleted
Sounds boss.
26.10.2011 - 21:27
A staff guy...
I met Cain when they came through Houston a couple years ago and that is one cool dude and his stage performance and personality were fantastic so I am definitely looking forward to this album and to seeing them live again when they tour for it.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

27.10.2011 - 01:35
Nice news! I'll want to hear this stuff, because I've been impressed by the music I've heard by them before.

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