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Hate Eternal - Bassist Releasing Death Metal Christmas Album

Just in time for the holiday season, Hate Eternal bassist J.J. Hrubovcak will bring forth Death Metal Christmas - Hellish Renditions Of Christmas Classics, a twisted rendition of some of the season's darkest hymns. It was composed and produced by J.J. with vocals and artwork by brother and Monstrosity/Vile/Azure Emote vocalist Mike Hrubovcak. You can check out the artwork below and also the first advance track "Unrest For Melancholy Men (God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)". Well, why not?

Death Metal Christmas - Hellish Renditions Of Christmas Classics was engineered by Hate Eternal mastermind Erik Rutan and J.J., mixed and mastered by Brian Elliott all at Mana Recording Studios in St. Petersburg, Florida. This release will be available on November 29th, 2013.

The lyrics have been altered to portray a possible future outcome to mankind's current path and focus on Azrael, the angel of death in some Islam, Sikhism and Hebrew lore. The story follows a child (Azrael) born to a wealthy family heavily involved in politics throughout the generations.

J.J. Hrubovcak says about the song: "At this stage in the story, the earth is in great turmoil, thus the melancholy men who can get no rest from their suffering. Cultures from around the world are looking for answers. The song lyrics basically warn the human race that this demon is now born and will seduce every last mind on this planet into altering their morals and convictions to suit his purpose unless man refocuses. He is not at all direct but very insidious."


01. Unrest For Melancholy Men (God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)
02. Earthen Kings (We Three Kings)
03. Nutracker: Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy
04. Greensleeves
05. O Come, O Come, Azrael (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel)

Band profile: Hate Eternal
Posted: 13.11.2013 by BloodTears


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Comments: 6   Visited by: 72 users
13.11.2013 - 15:13

I... I see the Soundcloud player! What on Earth..? Was something done differently in this news post?

And it plays, too! ([url=../events/news_comments.php?news_id=21762]context[/url])
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
13.11.2013 - 15:25
Evil Butterfly
OH my ! THIS SONG in death metal sound, hahahaha it's too fun I love it
The Fangirl.
13.11.2013 - 16:24
Written by Syk on 13.11.2013 at 15:13

I... I see the Soundcloud player! What on Earth..? Was something done differently in this news post?

And it plays, too!

lol I'm happy for you And no, absolutely normal in terms of the Soundcloud embedding. Maybe some make it available at your location and some don't. I don't have an explanation for it really.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
13.11.2013 - 16:47
Best metalhead Christmas gift ever?
13.11.2013 - 16:57

I know I've heard a couple other metal Christmas songs/albums, but this is the first one that's actually good(aside from TSO). I need all of this.
15.11.2013 - 21:17
I've been making death metal christmas songs since 2003 and releasing them publicly for 4 years. I'm furious they stole my gimmick.
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