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Benediction - Back Catalogue To Be Re-released

Birmingham, UK's 'music killing, metal riffing, punk rocking, beer drinking hell-raisers' Benediction have issued the following update:

"Right then, our label Nuclear Blast will be re-releasing our album back catalogue this summer. The better news is that it will be two albums in one package on the three releases: Subconscious Terror / The Grand Leveller, Transcend The Rubicon / The Dreams You Dread, Grind Bastard / Organized Chaos. All three releases will come in nice new packaging. The release date for all the double album releases will be August 8th.

For more information about these releases and where to buy them, click here.

As previously announced, Benediction's seventh brand new long-player Killing Music, will be released August 22nd. As well as the normal single CD release, there will be a limited edition digi CD with two bonus tracks and a 'warts and all' DVD of our time in the studio including footage of Karl from Bolt Thrower and Jock from GBH laying down their stuff on the cover songs on the album, a lot of fun! These extras will only be available on the special edition release."

Band profile: Benediction
Posted: 19.06.2008 by Nox Lux


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Comments: 3   Visited by: 21 users
20.06.2008 - 08:47
will these re-releases be re-mastered???
24.06.2008 - 11:00
Nox Lux
Written by selken on 20.06.2008 at 08:47

will these re-releases be re-mastered???

unfortunately I don't think so, no - just new packaging and of course the convenience of two albums per disc.
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"Thoughts fall in season with the right stand, rake the land
This Autumn's early leafshed a recompense for Summer's wane."
~ Nox Lux
24.06.2008 - 12:51
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Mmmm, redundant re-releases I would say, since I can't imagine anyone really longing for this standard a dime a dozen run of the mill death metal band who were already considered generic back when they first released their albums.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

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Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996


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