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Extreme metal forum

Melodic Black Metal (suggestion) 71
Atmospheric black metal 24
Death Metal recommendations 102
Death/Doom Appreciation 159
Megadeth 563
Albums like Orchid by Opeth? 4
Föhn 2
Requesting: Melodic Death Metal 86
Thrash Recommendations 199
Japanische Kampfhörspiele 27
What's happening with Satyr (Satyricon)? 1
All That Remains 16
Nocturnus 47
Metallica 594
Flotsam And Jetsam 27
Build your thrash supergroup 32
Viking Black Metal 12
Venom 135
Searching for one 2010s "Swedish DM" album 2
Greek Black Metal 49
Progressive death metal recommendations 4
Satanic Warmaster - Finnish BM 73
Follow The Hollow 1
Panopticon 13
Rank the 7 Esoteric Albums 1
Monstrosity 23
Ahab 53
Necrophobic 28
Grand Belial's Key 28
Haiduk 6