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FFTC Records is giving away free downloads...... 2
Mung Dynasty - Listen and Repeat at Sunday School 1
My Last Dawn- Heavy Metal band from the North East Of England 1
Overlord Radio =) 1
Mordoroth The Great Hound of Valinor 1
Phosphorus 4
The Oracle: Symphonic/Atmospheric Extreme Metal - Canada 3
Heavy Metal Tribune 7
Mandara 8
Anguine 6
Diabolical Conquest Webzine 8
9.7 RICHTER will release EPICENTER 1
Bitter Dawn 26
Mistral & Ill Omen Nation shop: $0.89/track, Regular releases 1
Ov Hollowness - Download Free Demo 1
Vilarum [Thrash - USA] FREE DEMO 2 --- collector's guide 1
Nattsvargr - black metal 8
Parascythe 1
Worship Nothing Studios 1 webzine 2
Naraka - Saskatchewan, Canada 4
Doom Gate @ Facebook 4
Altar of Scion 53
My Extreme Metal radio show~ Diabolus Templum 4 a website devoded to the Metallica videography 4
Dark Omentia 1
Sufosia - (Croatian thrash), For Megadeth fans 1
My death metal band, Waste of Denial 2
Goat Regime 4