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Here you can promote your website or band. All band topics with links to the band site must be posted here.

If you promote a band, always include its name in the topic title. Also, no need for screaming titles, such as 'The heaviest grindcore band in the world!!!'. In fact, band name, genre and country would be quite enough.

Please, use only one thread - if you have any news or updates, just dig up your old thread and post there.
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in topic titles   in messages

Bucharest, Romania-Judas Priest tribute band 2
Two very Cheap Black Metal Distro's 10
Sound Of Metal . se - Competition 1
Máni-Black metal with some folk elements 11
Todesfaust - East Of Eden - Free demo with extra track 7
Arondight 1
The Disciples of Zoldon - New Album - 'Blackened Theological Tome' 17
New Begrime Exemious Songs 3
Breaking Wheel CD for sale 1
Beyond Good And Evil 4
My graphics and photos... 39
Sound Storm - epic power metal 10
Requia - Melodic/Power Metal from Boston, MA 7
Apothys - Blackend Progressive Death Metal 8
Hangar XVIII 3
Metal Obsession 1
DisTräktiV Noise - Finnish Alternative 3
Bitter Dawn - New track and info! 5
Drammagothica - gothic metal from Italy 4
My Metal Blog 2
DC Contest # 1 - Five WAR CRY.US CDs to be won! 4
Obscüre Delusion - Dark Ambient 49
Blotmonath - One man raw black metal project 1
X-MEN : Crimson Dawn - On-line RPG 4
Stormscream 1
Evil-Rising Distro 3
Steel Scream - Estonian NWOBHM 10
Darcasis new songs 2007 2
Kobalt 4