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Foetus - Vein review

Band: Foetus
Album: Vein
Style: Experimental, Industrial, Post-Punk
Release date: October 16, 2007
A review by: jupitreas

01. Pareidolia [Fennesz version]
02. How To Vibrate [Mike Patton version]
03. Mon Agonie Douce [J.G. Thirlwell version]
04. L'Overture [Jay Wasco version]
05. Don't Want Me Anymore [Tujiko Noriko version]
06. Not Adam [Jason Forrest version]
07. Thrush [TRZTN of Services version]
08. Aladdin Reverse [Tweaker version]
09. Not In Yr Hands [Matmos version]
10. Corrodia Gravis [Tom Recchion version]
+ Time Marches On [video]

ALADDIN and his alter ego ALADDIN REVERSE are sitting opposite each other in a dark room. Heavy rain can be heard in the background. They are both looking at the new Foetus album, situated on a table in front of them.

(with insanity in his eyes)
"Vein" sounds like a compilation of tracks that have very little to do with each other stylistically! Jim Thirlwell should have hand-picked the contributing artists and guided them a little in how to make everything work together as a whole. The result is an album that doesn't flow like a proper Foetus record. I hate it, I can't stand it!

You are such a fool, Aladdin. This album masquerades perfectly as the soundtrack to an imaginary film! Listen as I explain calmly...


I liked "Love" quite a bit; however, one criticism that definitely applied to that album was that the vocals were often inappropriately harsh or too downright ugly to gel with the music properly. It is therefore not surprising that the vast majority of remix versions here take out the vocals completely and instead concentrate on creating a lush, cinematic atmosphere that is often very beautiful. The Christian Fennesz and Jujiko Noriko contributions are particularly good in this regard. Meanwhile, Mike Patton and Jay Wasco offer dynamic, rock based re-interpretations that sound like they could spice up an action scene or two. With all this said, the best two remixes are easily those offered by Jason Forrest and Tweaker. The former transforms 'Not Adam' into an insane blipcore/jungle piece, while the latter makes the already impressive 'Aladdin Reverse' into a much more radio-friendly song, absolutely perfect for when those credits roll after the film ends. In fact, so cinematic is this release both in sound and scope that I can definitely see it working for some kind of neo-noir epic like Blade Runner or Se7en. Or... this film we are in.

What are you talking about?

ALADDIN REVERSE takes out a large pistol from his trenchcoat, points it straight at ALADDIN's head and pulls the trigger. The shot is fired and ALADDIN's head drops onto the table.


Credits roll, 'Aladdin Reverse' is heard in the background...

Written on 07.04.2008 by With Metal Storm since 2002, jupitreas has been subjecting the masses to his reviews for quite a while now. He lives in Warsaw, Poland, where he does his best to avoid prosecution for being so cool.


Comments: 3   Visited by: 51 users
07.04.2008 - 09:25
Haha I really like your original reviews dude! I probably won't check this out as I don't usually like remixes, but that was a fun read nonetheless
07.04.2008 - 23:48
Yesss, jupi strikes again. But.. what the hell is 'blipcore'?
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
08.04.2008 - 00:23
hi-fi / lo-life
blipcore is hardcore electronica made with... blips. think all those computer game sounding songs, or the shit u hear in a cyberdog store.

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