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Personal places / Where do you go walking?

Posts: 48   Visited by: 97 users
16.06.2008 - 22:43
I've noticed alot of metalstormers talk about how they like to walk around, some just to be around nature or to listen to music.
My town is right next to a river that stretches for hours untill it reaches another town, I love walking down it at night listening to music on my mp3 player, there's also a wooded area which is quite small but nice to walk around in on you're own.
So, do you have any places that have a special meaning to you or just places that you enjoy?
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."
16.06.2008 - 23:17
i usually wonder out at nights with a couple of friends to have a beer or two. there's a forest near to my hometown, we sometimes go there, but any deserted/closed aria in town is also good. after a while they might become special places due to the time we spent there.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

17.06.2008 - 00:24
Lone wanderer
Hmm... There are few places, when its day (during winter, autumn, or early spring) I like to go to forest, I walk there, sometimes I shoot some pics, and sometimes I just enjoy the peace of nature, and sit there for some time.
During night, I sometimes put music on my mp3 player and go for a walk, mostly where no one is, and also, there is a silo in my place, I sometimes climb there and watch the lights and stuff all around, or just sit there and listen the wind... Thats nice...
17.06.2008 - 01:46
Like to walk in nature but already some years I've only had time to cover the distances in urban areas mostly...either downtown or in the micro districts of Tallinn such as Mustamäe and Lasnamäe.....I actually amn't complaining...
17.06.2008 - 02:28
Lactation Cnslt
I usually get seriously drunk by the time that the clubs close, so instead of driving, I walk around downtown Seattle until about 3 AM sometimes. It usually gets me into trouble, but still better than getting a DUI.
17.06.2008 - 10:08
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Firts walking and mp3 dont do it you wont hear when wolfs are howling and then you be food, or car can hit you too so ...

Ok where my grandmothe rliove, there some places where walk,(but take basaball bat, flairs, nifes and some bomb to, because stupid people lives there) you can walk in park, near 2 rivers, also swimm there, see ruins from 12 century, old church, if watter are dropoed by 20 metres youcan try guess how it was before Hidropowersation wa sbuild(FUCKING COMUNISTS) , or go to other si9de and take walks in forests and some other places, you can do 4+10/15 ways

my home: well sinc its small town(PM me if need name :p ) bets are walk around town, only change soem streets or walk to railway station and beck, but I usualy go nera river to gardeen area (its scary i can see my grandmother she can make me work there )

Sweden: well its beautifill, go to forest, next wiliage and walk 7km beck hehehhe awsome, or go to swom and by stick kill poisen moushroms but mainly i go up to hill for wiews, beautifull indeed, when you go down specely
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
18.06.2008 - 01:15
I R Serious Cat
When I take a walk, I usually take a short one around town (I can't walk long distances/time), maybe go to a park or sth like that... or to the cemetery. it's pretty nice.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
18.06.2008 - 02:24
Born Too Late
there arent many places where i live that aren't already populated by chavs/emos/scary people. there is one place, i haven't been there in a while, but its nice to walk along the canals. there is a place off the canal, across a field and down some stairs, it is secluded under the railway bridge linking leamington (where i live) to warwick (nearby town). in the summer, the river level is down and you can walk across this shallow part on the bank and sit on this big steel pillar in the middle of the river. its so quiet and calm, you can see staight down the river into warwick. i like to walk down and sit alone when the weather is nice and take pictures and listen to music without being disturbed.
'I wish you all had one neck and that I had my hands on it.'
18.06.2008 - 18:34
Lets see:

- The place that used to be a Lepers Pool in the middle of the Muslim Graveyard
- The abandoned trainstation (but it sucks now because Jerusalem is 'rebuilding itself', pussies!)
- The hill next to the abandoned trainstation which is has ruins of the foundation of a orthodox monastry thats half built
- The promenade next to the UN headquarters which descends into a valley but overlooks the old city
19.06.2008 - 13:31
Cookie Mistress
I usually go for a walk in nature. My parents moved to a new place a couple of months ago, so I still haven't found all the good places around it. In Turku I like the riverside. The most I enjoy the clear winter nights, when I'm walking back home from bar at 4am, the sky is full of stars, the water in the river is glimmering and the beautiful old church shines in the light.

I also love walking in the woods around our summer cottage. There are many nice lakes nearby. I love the smell of the forest, the sounds there and also all the animals I see. Last week I saw a moose. I've also seen foxes and deer..
You'll never walk alone.
20.06.2008 - 00:35
There are a few mountain trails around here that go on for miles, so those are always nice. When I don't feel like walking, I have a cigar on my back deck looking into the woods.
20.06.2008 - 01:51
Perpetual Ascent
I usually hang out with my friends in a place called "Cova do Gato", in english: "Cat's Hole". It's a bit far from the town where we live but it's always nice to chill out in a quiet and dark place. It's always so fresh in there, so in summer it's my favorite place.
21.06.2008 - 01:27
Written by Sunioj on 18.06.2008 at 18:34

Lets see:

- The place that used to be a Lepers Pool in the middle of the Muslim Graveyard
- The abandoned trainstation (but it sucks now because Jerusalem is 'rebuilding itself', pussies!)
- The hill next to the abandoned trainstation which is has ruins of the foundation of a orthodox monastry thats half built
- The promenade next to the UN headquarters which descends into a valley but overlooks the old city

The OLD LEPERS POOL IN THE MUSLIM GRAVEYARD, sounds fantastic... I must visit Israel just for that... haha... thats really funny.
02.07.2008 - 23:03
i used to like going to a park in my hometown, at night, so i can try the swings . during the day, the place was full with children who didnt want to let me play damn kids.
02.07.2008 - 23:23
Baz Anderson
Written by Stuart on 21.06.2008 at 01:27

Written by Sunioj on 18.06.2008 at 18:34

Lets see:

- The place that used to be a Lepers Pool in the middle of the Muslim Graveyard
- The abandoned trainstation (but it sucks now because Jerusalem is 'rebuilding itself', pussies!)
- The hill next to the abandoned trainstation which is has ruins of the foundation of a orthodox monastry thats half built
- The promenade next to the UN headquarters which descends into a valley but overlooks the old city

The OLD LEPERS POOL IN THE MUSLIM GRAVEYARD, sounds fantastic... I must visit Israel just for that... haha... thats really funny.

Hahahahahaha. Appealing!
04.07.2008 - 17:21
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
I live around a river with a lot of islands, pennisulas, and trails...I usually walk around with my iPod or go biking because there are a lot of trails....
21.07.2008 - 11:41
We live north (and a little east) of Frankfurt in the area of Niddatal. There is forest all around, so its not a big deal to walk out there. Typically, on Sunday's we will take a nice stroll through the forest.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
22.07.2008 - 07:32
el parcero
i don't really like walking to stress out or something, 'cuase here in the city it's too loud and everything. to chill out or realx i either listen to music or go to a cafe near my house and just sit there, have some drinks and just relax.
although if i lived like near a forest or mountain or something, i'd definetly spend all the possible time there
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
22.07.2008 - 08:32
I live really close to the primary school I went to, so I walk to the playground there and go on the swings... It's what I used to do when I was younger and my parents were having their loud, drunken arguments, so it's sort of become that place I go to feel better when I'm upset. ^^
Remember that you are mortal.
28.07.2008 - 22:53
The Bard
I have a park close to my home, and also some mini-forest haha, anyway, I take walks there but i also like to put my mp3 player and just take random walks through the city, I usually try to hit the streets I rarely or never been walking through, sometimes take a bus to parts of town I am not familiar with or walk to the other villages, I like walking, it relaxes.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
29.07.2008 - 19:49
Valentin B
i don't really have any "personal places".. i tend to feel at ease anywhere if i have some friends by my side or even alone if i'm in a decent mood, even if i haven't been to that place before or something. as for walking, i kinda stopped doing it, i used to go biking in the park but one day i got fed up with my shitty bike so i never used it again.. now it's catching dust on my balcony.
02.08.2008 - 19:03
Red Nightmare
Written by Damnated on 16.06.2008 at 23:17

i usually wonder out at nights with a couple of friends to have a beer or two. there's a forest near to my hometown, we sometimes go there, but any deserted/closed aria in town is also good. after a while they might become special places due to the time we spent there.

same thing for forest here but the important things are darkness, beer and metal music
IntoPlighT said: "Slipknot is 15 years old how the fuck is that Nu metal?"

11.08.2008 - 02:23
I go walking up the dirt road thats near our place and also we have a river and when i go to collect the mail, i walk along that. I dont really have any personal places as such but it is nice walking around here because of the trees and there is nice bird life and in the river sometimes dolphins come in. I sometimes like to listen to music while walking too.
23.08.2009 - 06:11
I go walking through horse stables n houses on the street.. nothing special... its too damn hot so i do it late in the afternoon... oh yeah and im afraid of snakes...
23.08.2009 - 08:23
Near my house there's like a track where you can go walking, and lately I've been walking there, it's really nice, though most of the times there's lots of noise, my MP3 player is useful for that cases lol, but I generally do that at afternoon/night, because at early afternoon is so hot, still is a nice walk.
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead.
18.09.2009 - 22:02
Hmm... there are really no nice places to take a walk around here.
I used to go to this lake behind the park at night a few years back to get piece of mind & whatnot.
There was also this abandoned airforce base we used hangout at back in highschool, it looked, smelled like shit & was pretty heavily swamped but it was pretty chill.
26.09.2009 - 01:51
I used to really like walking a few streets out of town into the country where there were just a bunch of fields everywhere. It was really soothing. However, they've built a bunch of shopping malls since and a bus station, so I can't go there anymore unfortunately.

Now, if I'm motivated enough, I walk all the way underneath the Champlain bridge (one of the bridges that attaches Montréal to its surrounding areas), and just chill underneath the bridge next to the water, and listen to the cars go over or just listen to music. It's pretty nice. Get a nice view of the Montréal skyline as well.
If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for everything
26.09.2009 - 13:32
Heaven Knight
Couple of photos from my "personal place" taken last autumn -

it is area near from my house...island of nature surrounded with apartment houses, villas and warehouses...i would say it is only about 2 km2 of land, but wonderful...we are only afraid when someone get the idea that another warehouses will fit there better than trees and nature...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

11.10.2009 - 16:16
I usually just walk around the estate that I'm living in or if I decide to go further, I walk to this lake that's not too far away. I either bring my mp3 player or load up my phone with songs and head out while it's still light and return when it's dark. I'm quite limited with my options (as I reside in the suburbs of Melbourne) but I guess it's better than nothing.
11.10.2009 - 17:14
Written by Ellrohir on 26.09.2009 at 13:32

Couple of photos from my "personal place" taken last autumn -

it is area near from my house...island of nature surrounded with apartment houses, villas and warehouses...i would say it is only about 2 km2 of land, but wonderful...we are only afraid when someone get the idea that another warehouses will fit there better than trees and nature...

I need to be registered in order to see the least that's what I understand from the text....