Posts: 107
Visited by: 106 users
Renessanss Grand Gardener |
04.07.2006 - 11:31
There was no topic whatsoever about one of the most original bands in the scenes today, which, of course is Evergrey. Now for me it is so hard to believe that evergrey has no thread... Evergrey have released six totally unique and powerful albums up to date plus one live album and a DVD. All of Evergrey's albums seem to top the previous, although each one seems almost impossible to top. Evergrey have managed to create a nice blend of styles but what all the songs have in common is a nice emotional and dark atmosphere combined with just the right amount of complexity, yet they are always catchy as hell and are guaranteed to haunt you for a long time. Although I am still missing "Monday Morning Apocalypse" from my collection I can't wait 'till I get my hands on it... any comments on that album are more than welcome, although this is a thread for all discussions on evergrey and their music.
Warman Erotic Stains |
04.07.2006 - 11:58
I won "Monday Morning Apocalypse" from a swedish metal magazine and it could be the worst album in my collection. I don't listen to Evergrey and this album will not make me buy the other albums. Musically, the album is very very good ... I just hate the singer, I've had fantasies about how the band would be with growl vocals and I think they would sound so much better. So I guess that you like the singer and since the album is very good musically, you'll probably love MMA.
nana.MD Star-Queen |
04.07.2006 - 12:08
...hmm i havent heard the album but according to what i've listened before i can tell you their past work has been great...i saw them live on january and totally loved them...i enjoy the vocals because i think there's no one out there with a voice like tom englund, i think it surely gets along with the music and it's ok that way, don't think much of evergrey with growls...anywas it's just my opinion...
---- Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
belgianmetalman Account deleted |
04.07.2006 - 18:41 belgianmetalman
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I saw a piece of them live on GMM 2006, they are really cool. Not only live are they good, also on CD! Evergrey is a really good band in my eyes
BloodTears ANA-thema Elite |
05.07.2006 - 01:44
I only found out about this band after hearing their new single, i figured ive been missing a lot. It sounded great! I will get their cds I have a good feeling about them...
Sekhmet Electric Witch |
07.07.2006 - 21:14
A great band for sure, really unique with powerful melodies, a dark atmosphere and very thoughtful lyrics... I haven't heard "Monday Morning Apocalypse" yet either, but my favourite album so far must be "Recreation Day"! And I don't think there is any problem with Tom's vocals, they fit the melody IMO.
---- I wish I had a mental survival kit...
Eddie Retired Mod. Elite |
07.07.2006 - 22:24 Written by [user id=8170] on 04.07.2006 at 18:41 Was there as well, saw the whole show, and damn, it was good, though the crowed was a bit too tranquil. Anyway, Evergrey is a great band and I really love them a lot. The vocals are great, the guitarwork is great, the drumming is great, the keys, the bass, damn, everything I just love about them. Though well, MMA isnt as good as previous releases, its still really good imo, I enjoy it a lot. @BloodTears, definetly get their cd's, you are in for something very good ![]()
Susan Smeghead Elite |
08.07.2006 - 01:44
I ![]() They were one of the first bands I randomly discovered after joining metalstorm a few years ago. I immediately fell in love with Recreation Day and later Solitude Dominance Tragedy. In my opinion Solitude Dominance Tragedy is one of the most underrated albums in all of metal. It's SO passionate - Evergrey in a pure, almost raw form. While Recreation Day (near perfection) is very refined and streamlined, SDT is a bit more messy, but a diamond in the rough.
---- "A life all mine Is what I choose At the end of my days" --The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
Daru Jericho |
08.07.2006 - 04:40
I like this band but I can't love them like some people seem to. I guess I compare them to other Swedish prog bands and in comparision they seem quite weak. Admitedly, I haven't listened to them in a while though. On the subject of Recreation Day, it's a good album no doubt. Seems genuinely full of emotion. I like the song 'I'm Sorry' but I think it would be more beneficial if the vocals were a little softer. To conclude, maybe I need to revisit my Evergrey stuff and maybe I'll see why they have a small yet higly loyal fanbase.
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
Gefahr |
27.07.2006 - 20:04
Evergrey's new album is no way comparable to the past cd's I hate Monday morning apocalypse......this band is getting mainstream..... There other releases are fucking masterpieces but the new one sucks big time
---- METAL UP YOUR ASS!!!!!!
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
27.07.2006 - 20:15 Kap'N Korrupt
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I've heard some Evergrey randomly here and there...I have a burnt various CD of their music...I'll get around to listening to all their stuff one of these days...there's just so much music out there...the first song I ever heard from them that remains my favorite is Blackened Dawn...
Danigar |
27.07.2006 - 20:40
I love this band!! It was also a very nice discovery through Metalstorm if im not mistaken, but ahh i fell in love with their music instantly, they have a great feeling in their music, powerish and progressive but kind of dark... And i love Englund's voice. My favourite album has to be In Search of Truth, it was my first experience and what a nice one!! But I like their other albums as well like Inner Circle or Recreation Day. About the new one i think youre right, is not as good as their previous but i enjoyed it nevertheless. Is kind of more maintream oriented like Gefahr said, but it has its moments. Nowhere near the previous though, i really hope they can do something better next time.
Endoftherainbow |
29.07.2006 - 01:16
Evergrey is an amazing prog band probably one of the best IMO. I liked all of there albums except the new album Monday Morning Apocolypse it lacked everything the other albums had that made them so great. In the new album keyboards didn't play nearly as big of a part as they did on the other albums and the songs were much simpler. My favorite Evergrey album is probably Recreation Day but a close second is In Search of Truth. I really hope with there new album they return to their roots in prog more because there new album really suffered because of their attempt to make whatever it was they were trying to do. Has anyone on here seen there DVD? I own it and I think it's a great day but one problem I think I found with it is the mixing of it everythings to far out front and it's hard to distinguish some things did anyone else find the mixing of the dvd bothered them because my friend thinks I'm insane for having it bother me.
---- I'm the Devil I Love metal check this riff it's fuckin' tasty... http://www.myspace.com/themyriadburial http://www.myspace.com/fetusfeast http://www.myspace.com/intheendofhumanexsistence
Dantata Account deleted |
29.07.2006 - 15:52 Dantata
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The new album sucks but In Search Of Truth and The Inner Circle are good! ![]()
Jason W. Razorbliss Staff |
31.07.2006 - 08:21
Yes, the new album is forgettable, please do not judge Evergrey based upon listening to only Monday Morning Apocalypse. I can't say it's the "disappointment of 2006" for me, but I will not approach any new material by Evergrey the same way I have been. The new CD shows exactly what happens when a commercially oriented producer gets his hands in the band's music. My personal favorite of Evergrey at this point is In Search Of Truth, and Evergrey remains one of the few bands I like that fit into the progressive category... mainly because they don't go too overboard with the prog and have a dark atmosphere that is totally unique to them. Their lyrics are masterful... even the newest CD has decent lyrics despite it's poor quality...
---- "After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
24.09.2006 - 12:07 Written by BloodTears on 05.07.2006 at 01:44 You can check them home page there are 5 videos + life stuff and also some songs free mp3 Well i like this band I hawnt hear lst album, and nothing from it but I hd hera previusly realisd albums and well I has feilings Im in Crete when I lsiten it ![]() I like first album better, its poeticl, ok i had read lts album lyrics but ehh previsly album textx was better ![]()
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
danzig111 Account deleted |
24.09.2006 - 15:11 danzig111
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Wow I love Evergrey. I'm not that big on Progressive Metal really, but yet i still love them cuz they're different! They're great to listen to when you're sad. I really like their slow songs. But I can't believe what Warman said above that he doesn't like the singer! I can't imagine anyone not liking their sing, I think his voice is just sooooo awesome, wow! ![]() "Recreation Day" is easily their best album! "Inner Circle" ummm, I don't like it that much, but i dig the concept though ![]()
Dark Forever Ruído Sonoro |
24.09.2006 - 15:25
I like Evergrey a lot, they're excellent musicians and I love the singer's voice. However, their first albums are much better than the last ones... I love all their albums except the last two ones, especially the last one, it's really their worst album ever... I love the songs For Every Tear That Falls and I'm Sorry (and their videoclips as well). Evergrey have their own style, something between Gothic, Progressive and Heavy. I hope last album was just "to do something" while they prepare a better album.
---- Taste the DARK... ... and you'll live FOREVER!
Streetcleaner Account deleted |
24.09.2006 - 15:28 Streetcleaner
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This had became one of my least favourite bands later... "The Inner Circle" is ok, but their other albums... can't stand them, they're well played but lack consistency, and I freakin' hate the vocalist and his whiny vocals. For me, Evergrey are the perfect example that great musicianship doesn't mean good songwriting
Vidrageon Account deleted |
Warman Erotic Stains |
13.10.2006 - 19:24
I actually like this band now, after listening to Monday Morning Apocalypse a lot I am now used to Englund's voice. I wouldn't say it's great, it is good at it's best moment. MMA is a very good album.
Bitch Boy |
15.10.2006 - 02:39
I like their "dark" progressive style, different from Dream Theater and the bands from that school. My favorite song is Solitude Within and my favorite album is Recreation Day.
okt31 Account deleted |
12.01.2007 - 17:05 okt31
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Great band! I'm heading to Bucharest in order to see them there this month. The Masterplan!!
ReckoningWinter |
13.01.2007 - 02:46
Great band, the first album I've listened was Recreation Day, it was amazing, but I didn't liked Monday Morning Apocalypse :/, it wasn't that bad, but something was missing, but still, they are one of my favorite Progressive bands.
okt31 Account deleted |
13.01.2007 - 14:06 okt31
Account deleted
Yes, IMO MMA is trheir weakest one. Not a miilion light years away as it would be crap, but it's not very good either.
iaberis Advice Troll |
13.01.2007 - 14:51
Well dudes, although actually not fan of them, I have heard good things about them, so I'm going to their concert on Sunday... I hope their good cause I'll have to travel 5 hours with the bus in very bad roads ![]() When I get back I'll tell you my impressions!
---- Bitch! Please
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
13.01.2007 - 22:44
Their live performances are outstanding. A very high energy band that really plays to the crowed. I think you should enjoy their show. I am waiting for them to come back to the USA and do a tour. I really wish I had a chance to see them when James LaBrie was touring with them. Man that would have been awesome.
---- (space for rent)
Bitch Boy |
14.01.2007 - 19:52
@ Hemlock: LaBrie touring with them?? That should have been interesting, but weird at the same time, as I think that LaBrie's voice is too melo for Evergrey.
Sheol Posts: 75 |
27.02.2007 - 22:33
I have Monday Morning Apocalypse (Signed), The Inner Circle, Recreation Day and In Search of Truth. And i can easily say that The Inner Circle conquerors them all. I was very disapointed when i heard Monday Morning Apocalypse. Ok, it has some nice songs that i really like, but in my eyes Monday Morning Apocalypse is a step down...
RhaegarTargaryen Telcontar |
08.03.2007 - 03:40
Definetly one of the greatest bands in metal, and my favourite metal band. I saw them live twice (Sziget, in Hungary, and in Belgrade 2 months ago) and they are one of the best bands when it comes to live performances. I love them so much. Btw there's a Serbian Evergrey fan site (forevergrey.net) but there you can find an interview with the band (in english). So if u like check it out.
---- ... For years I have traveled in coldness, But my heart is warm as the darkened sun above me... Nothing can never take away What I've seen with these tired eyes