How do you listen to music?
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corrupt With a lowercase c Admin |
02.03.2009 - 21:48
How do you listen to music? This is about your whole approach to music, known and new. Say, you are interested in an album, what do you do? Do you buy it and listen to the CD/LP or do you download it and listen to mp3s? Do you really spend time exclusively with an album, reading the booklet while listening or is music just playing all the time in your stereo and whatever is new will just play while you do something else. Or do you not even care about albums but just listen to songs and random playlists? And also, where do you listen to music? At home, in the car, on the move with a portable player, I'm interested in all that. I often hear from people who buy a CD, put it in the player and then listen to it actively. Tried it many times and I have to say it's not for me. I always need to do something else, not to get bored. The only place where I can actively listen to music is on the move. When I sit on the underground and don't have anything else to do, that's my time for that. When I get interested in a band I usually check MS for a good album to start with and then download that one. When I was younger I just bought CDs at the prospect of getting good music and was disappointed far too often. If I like an album, I can always buy it later. But buying an album and later finding out that it sucks balls is a horrible experience (not only for the wallet). The important thing is of course to actually buy it later and not just use it as an excuse for downloading. When I have it, I just play it on my pc until I leave the house next time. I found that listening to music with earphones makes the whole thing much more enjoyable. There are quite a bunch of albums I only started to like because of the earphone experience. So I usually get deeply into music when I sit on the underground doing nothing else than listening. And of course it takes time. Usually, to fully grasp an album I have to give it about a months time to work on me. Sometimes I even longer. Those are mostly the albums that finally end up as my very favourites. Music that might even seem repelling at first slowly starting to make an impression and getting me to appreciate aspects I never realised before. And of course I revisit all those albums in the following months. Sometimes just to check if the experience has changed over time but most often because after starting with something else I find out that I really wasn't finnished with the old one and really just like to listen to it again. I guess this sounds more algorithmic than it is. It's really a very natural way of getting into new music. And the time it takes sometimes, and the new aspects of music you discover in that time are mostly the best part of it all. And of course I always have something playing when I'm at home. That is mostly driven by a mood for certain music.
Kasper |
02.03.2009 - 22:05
Hmm.. I usually think about what band I want to hear, then I select the music and let it play while I do something else, maybe watch TV, play a game, doing home exercises, whatever I decide to do. But I do have a whole collection of music in my shelves, but I do not have any stereo to play CD's, so it will be on the computer. I rip the CD's and play the music on the computer. I really don't care that much for the difference between playing in the stereo or on the computer, quality-wise. I mean, you can hear everything loud and clear, in pretty good quality on the computer - so why bother buying a stereo with expensive speakers to have better sound. It's not like you'll suddenly hear a whole instrument in the stereo, that you couldn't hear on the computer. When I get new music, I sit down and study the music, listening closely to whats happening. I usually do the same when waiting for the bus, or train. Where I live the busses come about every hour and a half, so I got plenty of time to listen to the music. Theres always music playing, pretty loud, when I'm home. My parents don't seem to bother, they tend to like some it actually. But when theres some pretty harsh stuff playing, I do turn the volume down a bit, just to spare my parents.
---- "An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded"
tulkas el parcero |
03.03.2009 - 03:54
It depends on what i'm going to do, or in the case of getting into new bands, dpeneds on what i may be looking for. when it's stuff i already have, like i say, it depends on what i'm doing. if i have a paper to write or something like that, i usually play jazz, blues, or just intrumental inspiring music. i alwas find louis armstrong incredbly soothing. then, if i'm just chilling out (say, now), just hit it kinda random, go looking through my itunes and just play whatever i want. right now i'm listening to some cuban hip-hop rythim band, pretty good, btw, and it just may change to whatever. this can also depend on my mood, if i'm feeling sad or just down,i usually play drum & bass (only if i want to cheer up, otherwise i just play depressive stuff), and if i'm in like a good mood, maybe i'll play some rap... anyway, it' not like i have rules or something, i just play what i want to listen to at any given moment, and enjoy. when it comes to new bands, i look up for samples, maybe download a couple of songs, and if i like it i save those and maybe download more, nd if i don't i just erase 'em and keep looking
---- love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
rageing atheist Account deleted |
03.03.2009 - 15:39 rageing atheist
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Usually I try to find songs streaming online (myspace, youtube) if I'm not sure about something. I can't be bothered to download and pollute my hard drive with crap I'll probably listen to only once or twice. Also downloading whole albums prior to buying them can spoil them to me. Sometimes I do buy albums on a whim though. I used to listen to music with headphones a lot, but after my headphones broke I've not bothered to replace them, since I've become more concerned about my hearing. Now I usually just sit down in front of my stereo and turn off the lights, while listening to music through the speakers. Also I try to have a personal relationship to music I listen to, I'm not interested in listening to a million bands just because they exist, I'd rather listen to something I love, like Morbid Tales, for a millionth time than try to find something new/obscure to listen to just for the heck of it.
ForeverDarkWoods |
03.03.2009 - 15:55
I like to listen to full albums mostly. Not stray songs. Therefore it's usually very important for me to find artists that make good albums and not just a few good songs. Filler tracks are the enemy of music and shouldn't be allowed to exist. Generally, I sit down, put on an album, and then do something else while listening to the music. The only real exception to this is when I'm walking somewhere and it's not gonna take long enough ti listen to an album, in which case I mostly just put the ipod on shuffle. I always prefer speakers above headphones, and I want it to be really fucking loud no matter what... ![]()
---- Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction! - George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
face_your_demons |
03.03.2009 - 15:56
Mostly i first download some songs of listen to samples on the website [if they are there] and when i like it i buy it. And than i do read the entire booklet; the lyrics, who worked on it, the thankyou's. And i 'read with the songs' and that shows a connection between the music in the lyrics. When i want to do that i really have to be sure that i don't do anything else. Because I noticed that when I'm doing something else and put a CD on I hardly hear the songs.
Elio Red Nightmare |
03.03.2009 - 16:12
I like to listen to music (obviously full albums) doing nothing else, but I do that also when I'm studying or chatting. For a new artist, I can check the last album, one of the best, or a casual one, even if know it would be btter to listen them in chronological order. I don't mind to listen music without earphones but if I use them, it's better ![]()
corrupt With a lowercase c Admin |
04.03.2009 - 18:57 Written by Elio on 03.03.2009 at 16:12 Exactly. And I do have a big stereo wired to my pc. So the sound should be quite good (as good as it gets for a 1k? stereo tower including speakers). I've tried different approaches with artists concerning album order. How I do it also depends on the musical style. 90s black metal for instance is not really my thing. So when I started with Dimmu Borgir a few years ago I gave For All Tid a listen and then quickly decided that it's better to start off with Death Cult Armageddon (which was their most recent output back then). And often I find myself liking somthing in the middle of a discography most. Like Dimmus Spiritual Black Dimensions or Opeths Delivererance. But I have a friend telling me that the only way to understand a band is by starting with their first effort. For him that includes demo tapes and EPs.
Glower |
04.03.2009 - 23:40
I download my music, but if I'm interested in a certain unfamiliar band, I always look their music up and sample it beforehand. I prefer to support the band and buy the albums, but it isn't so easy when my control-freak parents are completely against instead I just support by sneaking past with band paraphernailia and/or tickets.
Saitenhexerin |
05.03.2009 - 16:20
Oh actually I hear somewhere (can be at a concert, on myspace/youtube etc) something cool or I read about it in a Music Magazine; then I try to find some samples at the internet and have a listen. If I like it, I stop listening, not to spoil the whole thing and mostly then buy the album. I really love having music "in real". As LP or CD and with booklet and everything is much better and authentic than just mp3-files. It is great to sit then on my favourite place and have some drink and then listen for the first time to an album and read the lyrics. It's a sort of a ceremony I think...^^ And I always mark the release-dates of new albums in my calendar and then I "pilgrimage" to the next CD-selling store and buy it...^^
---- - When I die, bury me in smoke. - Defendress of the Faith.
X-Ray Rod Skandino Staff |
05.03.2009 - 16:41
First I hear some poeple talking of a certain band that sounds great... I check them and then I'm sure if they're bad or good. If they are good I keep listening to the myspaces and try to download the albums. Then... If i'm sure this is my cup of tea. I buy the album I think would be a good start [The price is also important.. since it's a band I haven't bought anything yet] When I buy the album is a whole ritual ![]() I wait until I know that I have a lot of time to be alone [mostly at night]. I say to everybody "Don't open the door unless it's really necessary" I close the door, and leave the room as dark as possible but with a lamp besides me. I first start to see the pages on the booklet. And then I play the album while reading to the lyrics. I do that with every album I buy... So it kinda takes a lot of time if I buy 6 albums in a row.
---- Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29 Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Silent Jay |
05.03.2009 - 16:54
I'm checking out new bands all the time so the internet is a great tool. I download an album to check it out first then buy the physical CD is I really like it. If I go to gigs and there's a new band I like the sound of, I'll buy whatever CD/EP they are selling from the merc stall. I have a big stereo but I have all of my music on my hardrive/laptop anyway so most of the time I just use that, either playing an album in full or all artists on random, depending on mood or situation. With physical CD's however, on the first few listens I do tend to sit on my bed with it blearing out at high volume on the stereo, reading and absorbing the lyrics from the booklet. On the stereo during casual sessions I usually put an album on with the intent of listening to it all the way through and not just a couple of songs. I listen to music alot and very often have it playing in some form or another. At home it'll be on the lappy or stereo whilst doing house work or doing things on the computer. I have an MP3 player that I use when im on the go, on the way to and frow places like work. I always have my MP3 on random unless I am still absorbing a new album in particular then I will be listening to that.
corrupt With a lowercase c Admin |
07.03.2009 - 01:06 Written by X-Ray Rod on 05.03.2009 at 16:41 I have to say I'm intrigued. I never expected anyone to pay that much attention to enjoying the album experience. But I will definitely try that out. I'm curious if it actually changes the first impression. And I think I have a band to try that with. Anyone recommend a certain Enslaved album for this?
Gigginova Account deleted |
07.03.2009 - 01:26 Gigginova
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I usually check out bands/genres/songs by downloading them to my iTunes ![]() I usually use Limewire......but for weeks now I've been using aTube Catcher! it rips youtube videos into MP3 files, my younger sister showed it to me! I only ever buy CD's when I'm away in the U.S. Record stores in The Bahamas don't actually carry Metal.....the closest thing to it was Van Halen (which is nice).....and I think I saw Metallica's "St. Anger" too (gay).....
X-Ray Rod Skandino Staff |
07.03.2009 - 01:46 Written by corrupt on 07.03.2009 at 01:06 Enslaved would be an awesome choice to listen alone at night... But I don't know that much about their discography so I'm not the best user to ask ![]() I guess it's all about the style... Although it's not necessary to read the lyrics while listening to the album... Since that's just me. When albums are way to long I have to do something at the time so I don't feel so frustrated doing anything but concentrating on the music. But if your a patient guy then it's great to just sit and enjoy the cd at night ![]() I really think it gives a different perspective. Specially in Black or Doom metal.
---- Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29 Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
corrupt With a lowercase c Admin |
07.03.2009 - 01:58 Written by X-Ray Rod on 07.03.2009 at 01:46 I've had them on my list of bands for months now and never felt I have enough time for that big a project. But I'm getting more and more curious. Whenever I get bored with Winds it's time for Enslaved ![]()
RoboMinotaur Account deleted |
13.04.2009 - 12:09 RoboMinotaur
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It seems i follow standard procedure in the "download -> like -> buy" pattern. But listening is something else. Im a rabid insomniac so where most people get 8-10 hours a day i can get 8-10 a week. I do still however make sure that i can lie down and close my eyes for 4-5 hours a night for rest, and the only way i can accomplish that is by focusing on music to keep myself from getting wrestless. Epic albums are fun ![]()
Beowulf |
14.04.2009 - 16:00
I'll look up a certain genre on youtube and if i hear something i like i'll look up the band and find a few of the songs and if they sound really good i'll just buy the album. I listen to the full album a couple of times then read the lyrics from the booklet. I like to just lay down and listen to music doing nothing else. But I also listen to music doing basically anything else; driving, working out, playing video games, and I have a hard time sleeping if I listen to and album when I lay down.
SteveTheStoner Posts: 15 |
19.04.2009 - 01:27
I like to pace around in circles in my room blasting great tunes... Or smoking bowls... Or both!
+{Jonas}+ I R Serious Cat |
23.04.2009 - 01:07
Well if I feel interest in a new band I usually check theyr mySpace if they have one, or download albums. I listen to them chronologically and well, try to buy the albums later.
---- "Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
23.04.2009 - 02:25 Kap'N Korrupt
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Yeah blasting tunes and smoking bowls is the only way to go lol...but usually I do it the way Jonas does...
Razorback |
20.08.2009 - 15:52
I usual find new band on line or on friend recommandation,first i listen it mp3,but all albums i really like and all favourite bands i must have original cd,it's my support and i t really means a lot to me,i like to dedicate time to album and listen careful every single sound of it,hmmm very loud ![]() ![]()
---- Careful what you wish,you may regret it.Careful what you wish,you just might get it!
Evilbroadcasting Account deleted |
28.08.2009 - 01:58 Evilbroadcasting
Account deleted
I listen to my internet radio station from hell. Evil Broadcasting
Deadmeat Necrobutcher |
28.08.2009 - 10:50
2-3 years ago i was listening to bands and albums suggested by friens, magazines etc.. now i have a big collection of albums (many of them i've not listened to yet) after downloading or bying them while searching on the net. i listen those albums in a slow way in order to "know-understand" them very well. i prefer a bit more the earphones and i'm trying to listen to music as much as possible... i listen to music everywhere. at home, when i am alone i listen to music all the time except when i sleep and when i talk to phone(haha) and when i am out i have my mp3 with me for the moments that i am alone. i like listening my albums mostly in random order cause i always like to listen to many different stuff. also it takes me many days to "get into" some albums and i'd surely get bored if i didn't do it that way... on the other side i know that there are many bands outside that create "albums" and not only "songs". these are the albums that i buy and i like listening to them non-stop. when i get an album i always read the booklet etc but when i don't i just listen to the music and sometimes the lyrics (it depends on what they are talking about).
---- Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
tea[m]ster Au Pays Natal Contributor |
28.08.2009 - 11:51
- iPod - iPod connected to car stereo - home desktop computer w/ 5.1 surround - home stereo system cranked really loud
---- rekt
Powerslavex Alexskywalker |
28.08.2009 - 12:32
Well I like to listen to music while surfing the net, and when i drive, i cant drive without my music, and i like to listen to full albums, music is a big part of my life i spend nearly 2 hours a day enjoying music
~laveynism |
06.09.2009 - 11:39
Well, I listen to music almost all the time ,home pc,ipod,stereo and i like listening to music attentively to like or dislike the stuff im hearing and i usually listen to music when im home with the(desktop pc "5.1 dsp-603 discovery "speakers i have . music is a very big part of my life for sure and i always listen to full albums ,i rearly listen to random songs because i think it underestimate the band's music for me , so i just put he album on the player and start it on. the way of listening to music i love the most is to put a really loud earphone and start listening to the material you just downloaded or bought .it gives you a feeling of brutality and... i don't know how to describe it , anyway it is a great feeling of metal purity. and for the money spended for buying new stuff to dicover good material , i think it is unuseful cuz i spent many to do it but i finally realized that if i heard abot a band i do the same thing you do , i just check MS for it and find a good album and start downloading it . thank you for the post
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
07.09.2009 - 20:25
I usualy lsiten it whyle lying on bed, posting on MS; eating whatever, if Im alone at home no loud limmits (no respect for naibours) otherwise there not loud, but I usaly listen, I try not doing nothing but sometimes walk in house since listen 6 albums in row is hard, if I be smoker I would do smoke brake after each. Well if there new allbum out I try download it and if its good I buy but sinec I have no money I cant buy all, but I havnt download many staff leithly this year maybe 3 albums. And nowdays there mysoace and whatever where you can hear bands , just nowdays I gfo tru MA countries and myspace listen what I can, muisc I usualy listen 6-8 H per day when Im free , summer maybe less, since I go out, but winter maybe 30min out for food and then its msuic hahhaha
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
AiwiAstwihad AiryanaKhvarenah |
14.10.2009 - 16:47
I think i'm kinda addicted to music (needless to mention i mean Metal ![]() Driving & Biking: Mainly Heavy/Power/Thrash/Industrial/Hard-rock/Melodic stuff. Walking: Mostly Black/Death. Sitting: Impossible ![]() At first, will listen to the new album fully then just random playlists...
---- You who will come to the surface
From the flood that's overwhelmed us and drowned us all Must think, when you speak of our weakness in times of darkness That you've not had to face
MetallicA |
14.10.2009 - 22:23
What a strange topic! ![]() hmmm...if I hear a song I like by some band I never heard of before, chances are I'll by an album by that band and listen to it all the way through. If it turns out that the album by said band kicks ass, I'll go out and buy their whole discography and then listen to those albums. As a result, I own alot of bands' discographies or at least a bunch of albums by a bunch of bands! Also, back in high school, I used to listen to the local metal shows on the radio...I bought so many albums thanks to those shows! (and in university, I wound up hosting one of those metal shows for 3.5 years ![]() I have just about everything I want and most of it is on my ipod. I usually listen to it while in the car...I drive alot so therefor I listen to music alo!
---- God's disciples want you to die! In the blazing inferno Slewed on Satan's pitchfork Burning for eternity Death I see it coming your way by my hand... or by your fate with no remorse.