Yeah I know full well musicians are just normal and idols usually turn out to be dick's. I'm just awkward with strangers as it is and get even weider when it's someone I admire
They have been getting talked about a lot on some other sites but I haven’t actually listened to them yet. One thing I can’t wrap my head around is why changed the art style for the full length… that was the best thing
Their first full length is scheduled for release in two days and it's one of the albums I'm looking forward to the most because their style is quite common in my opinion.
Have you heard about the band name "Antlers"? Their track "Cry Of The Last Mammoth" appeared one day in my recommandations and since then I'm really intrigued by them.
Australian businessman and former Member for Fairfax Clive Palmer has been advertising his return to the political area for a while now. And now appears to have gained some overseas attention, with U.S. rockers Twisted Sister considering legal action over Palmer's use of their song "We're Not Gonna Take It" in his latest TV add.
After the advert was brought to the bands attention via social media, manager and guitarist Jay Jay French took to twitter to distance the band from Mr. Palmer, stating "Twisted Sister does not endorse Australian politician Clive Palmer, never heard of him and was never informed of Clive Palmer's use of a re-written version of our song "We're Not Gonna Take It"," he wrote. Frontman Dee Snider also commented on twitter: "No we do not endorse @PalmerUtdParty! We are contacting our legal team to address this and if that doesn't work...I'LL BE DOWN UNDER IN THREE WEEKS TO DEAL WITH IT MYSELF!"
The add in question uses the song's original tune, but with new lyrics written by Palmer. When questioned about the possible legal action against him, Palmer responded that he wrote and owns the copyright to the words on the add, and that Twisted Sister was "Old rocker who can not sell enough tickets to their last gig need publicity," He then threatened to counter sue the band, stating "If [Twisted Sister] attempt to use my lyrics in any of their songs, I'll not hesitate to take legal proceedings against them. As foreigners, they should stay out of Australian domestic politics and stay where they are. Aussies are not going to cop it at all!" He then claimed that Snider's upcoming tour of Australia was having trouble selling tickets, commenting, "This is understandable given how long ago they had any influence in the world of music."
If Twisted Sister want money from Clive, they'll have to wait in line behind Queensland Nickel. They've been waiting 3 years for Him to pay the liquidators.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
So basically he's saying he used an awful song from an awful band to advertise himself and doesn't care about (copy)rights. Way to go! Nice logic there! God politicians are thick...
"If [Twisted Sister] attempt to use my lyrics in any of their songs...". What? This idiot can't be serious.
That's Clive for ya.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
I'm astonished this story has made international news. I want anyone reading this story to know this F.R.C does not represent the people of Australia. He don't care about his nothing but himself and his ego. Hated by everyone, stealing other peoples music and shit lyrics - come to think of it he's Kanye in a fat suit.
It takes a lifetime to build a friendship
And a millisecond to destroy it
Anyone remembers Dee Snider vs Tipper Gore? PMRC hearing?
I'd love to once again see Dee storming in Australian parliament (takes whatever to be in) and shred the living hell out of Clive.
Clive's gotta get back into parliament, first. And considering what happened last time, I doubt that he will.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
"If [Twisted Sister] attempt to use my lyrics in any of their songs...". What? This idiot can't be serious.
Considering Trump's success, I can see this guy being the next president of Australia.
That sentence could be the death blow to the Australian republic movement. I approve.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
Considering Trump's success, I can see this guy being the next president of Australia.
He's even using (almost) the same slogan: make Australia great, which makes me wonder why he didn't say "great again". Maybe he thinks Australia was never great?
Considering Trump's success, I can see this guy being the next president of Australia.
He's even using (almost) the same slogan: make Australia great, which makes me wonder why he didn't say "great again". Maybe he thinks Australia was never great?
His party was fairly left wing during it's last incarnation (2013-2016). Now he's gone for a Trump like right wing approach. I think he just saw Trump's success in America and thinks he can copy that.
Remember, he had 1 MP in the lower house (himself) and 3 senators after the 2013 election. In 2016 (a double dissolution election, so the senators had to stand again, too) only 1 of the senators stood for the party. the other 2 had left and gone independent, while Clive didn't recontest his seat. He's probably running mainly to change some laws to get the people he owes money to off his back. He sacked hundreds of workers from his refinery to prop the party up last time, and he has less cash now. I can't see him winning many spots. The voters he's appealing to would be more likely to go with Katter or One Nation or whatever Bernardi's new party is called.
Basically, imagine Trump with less business sense, less competence and less credibility. And less golf courses.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
Considering Trump's success, I can see this guy being the next president of Australia.
He's even using (almost) the same slogan: make Australia great, which makes me wonder why he didn't say "great again". Maybe he thinks Australia was never great?
I think he just saw Trump's success in America and thinks he can copy that.
It may be out of the topic here to discuss, but where did you see his winning?
His recent shutting down his government over exorbitant wall funding could be the lowest point of his tenure.
According to yesterday's paper, Clive's team had contacted Universal Music about using the song in the add, but after finding out they would have to pay a licensing fee, went ahead and used it anyway without paying.
I assume his policies include winding back the anti-piracy laws? Since he seems to have no qualms about music piracy.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
Basically, imagine Trump with less business sense, less competence and less credibility. And less golf courses.
Jeez, he would be elected in Brazil.
Don't know about this Australian guy, but Bolsonaro kicks major ass. Hope he helicopters some commies. Making Brazil great again in Portuguese should be his motto!
Bolsonaro kicks major ass. Hope he helicopters some commies. Making Brazil great again in Portuguese should be his motto!
He became (in)famous mainly due to his homophobic stance, saying the solution to crime in Brazil is to kill criminals and that society should follow "traditional/christian family values", inciting a war against anything outside of extreme conservatism. Oh, did I mention his open support for the 1964 Brazilian military dictatorship?
So I want to make it very clear I don't support this guy.
Considering Trump's success, I can see this guy being the next president of Australia.
He's even using (almost) the same slogan: make Australia great, which makes me wonder why he didn't say "great again". Maybe he thinks Australia was never great?
Basically, imagine Trump with less business sense, less competence and less credibility. And less golf courses.
Bolsonaro kicks major ass. Hope he helicopters some commies. Making Brazil great again in Portuguese should be his motto!
He became (in)famous mainly due to his homophobic stance, saying the solution to crime in Brazil is to kill criminals and that society should follow "traditional/christian family values", inciting a war against anything outside of extreme conservatism. Oh, did I mention his open support for the 1964 Brazilian military dictatorship?
So I want to make it very clear I don't support this guy.
Bolsonaro is the kind of guy, similar with Trump that likes to attract attention. Like in the case of Trump, his more radical stances will not be applied in practice. Proof to be told, his position on the homosexual propaganda, criminality (which is of severe issue in Brazil) and the overall attack against Christina values that the communists made a policy of needs to be addressed. For Brazil to survive, for the European civilization to survive, the socialists/progressives need to be overthrown, their influence in universities and media stripped in order for the Western civilization to survive and continue to thrive.
Seriously, if the commies in Brazil had done just 10% of what they've done in my country, there would have been a civil war. Also, I do support the execution of serial killers, serial rapists and pedophiles, so nothing wrong with that. Christian values are to be preferred in comparison with communist and Islamic values (speaking from the point of view of a conservative atheist).
He has a lot of work to do to make Brazil great again. Also, the military dictatorship in Brazil was great, compared to how Brazil is now. Any regime that helicopters commies is great. That is why I also support Pinochet's regime and his reforms, who made Chile the wealthiest Latin-American country. I just wish my country had a man like him in power. I seriously envy Brazil.
Nolsonaro is truly the worst thing that could happen to Brazil, without a doubt.
Nope, the worst thing was Lula and Rouseff. He is a blessing. He will Make Brazil Great Again. Without a doubt.
Brazil now has the unique chance to right the wrongs done by the commies, revive their economy, cease supporting the communist regimes in Venezuela and Cuba, deal with the high levels of criminality and violence, overthrow the commies controlling the media and universities in Brazil and change the overall narrative, which supports socialists to conservatives. The conservative right is the new counterculture.
Hahahahah fucking hilarious. Yeah yeah, great solutions. Just kill off all the indiginous people and rainForest and deny climate change. Brazil and its' people shall be saved in no time.
Fucking scumbag. I won't start on Chile as you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. No big News on brazil so far but Pinochet's crimes against innocents have all been well documented.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29 Like you could kiss my ass
Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49 Rod, let me love you.
Communist dictatorships are as horrible and murderous as the facist ones. Implying that one sort is better and "helped" a country like Chile just reeks of ignorance.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29 Like you could kiss my ass
Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49 Rod, let me love you.
Hahahahah fucking hilarious. Yeah yeah, great solutions. Just kill off all the indiginous people and rainForest and deny climate change. Brazil and its' people shall be saved in no time.
Fucking scumbag. I won't start on Chile as you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. No big News on brazil so far but Pinochet's crimes against innocents have all been well documented.
Hah, this coming from a Swedish. So you find it great that those fucking indigenous people leech from the government just because... they were first in the places they live now? Fuck that. Brazil, same like any other country, needs to serve the interest of all people, not a mere 1% of the population that is useless for the overall society. Also, climate change is a hoax made-up by leftist NGOs who try to fool the people and entire governments into funding their mental illness.
You have no idea about Chile, not me. You can read pretty much anywhere that the heavy privatizations done under Pinochet's regime was the catalyst for the prosperity of the Chilean people post-Pinochet. Even frigging Milton Friedman said this, dubbing Pinochet's economic reforms as the "Miracle of Chile". Yeah, he killed some commies, so what? He did great. And they were anything BUT innocent. His crimes are indeed well documented. He never touched the innocents, only those moronic commies that have infested Latin America for decades already, which ruined entire countries.
The history of Chile was also falsified, portraying that moron Allende as some sort of hero, when the fucker nationalized without compensation many businesses, imposed price controls and printed money en masse which ruined the economy of Chile which was faring pretty well until his communist platform came to power. These reforms were possible because Pinochet had the support of the US and a few economists that learned under Milton Friedman implemented these economic policies. Their results? In 1888, 48% of the population was in poverty. By 2000, it dropped to 20%.
Communist dictatorships are as horrible and murderous as the facist ones. Implying that one sort is better and "helped" a country like Chile just reeks of ignorance.
Neither Bolsonaro nor Pinochet were fascists. Fascists are essentially socialists as well, but in another sense. Even if they are fascists, what is important is the result. Communism has failed in pretty much any country it was installed, and it survives in a few countries based on fear and terror only. And don't give me China as an example. China ceased being a communist country from an economic standpoint since Mao's death. And Vietnam is slowly going through the same process.
Pinochet regime, which was a military dictatorship for the most part, however I would dub it as a soft dictatorship, same as Brazil's military dictatorship, brought better results and improved the standard life of the people. Whereas communism only ruined it. Brazil knows it now, Venezuela is experiencing it now, Argentina knows it too after the Kirchner's were removed and on the way towards doom are also Bolivia and Ecuador. Just a matter of time. Like they say, communism works until other people's money runs out.
Back to the original topic, Clive has apparently asked the Home Affairs minister to ban Dee Snider's visa to prevent him coming here for his upcoming tour.
Been seeing the add in question lately on youtube videos. The 'new' lyrics are 'Australia's not gonna cop it. No, we're not gonna cpo it. Aussie's not gonna cop it anymore."
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
Update on this. Clive Palmer has been ordered to pay $1.5 million to Twisted Sister and Universal Music.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"