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Soden - Onwards​.​.​. Towards The Tundra

6.8 | 5 votes |
Release date: 31 January 2020
Style: Doom metal, Stoner metal


1 has it

01. Onwards...
02. Towards The Tundra
03. Expedition 1
04. Whales
05. Swim With Turtles
06. Antarctica Lay Before Us
07. Cold Water Still
08. Expedition 2


Comments: 1   Visited by: 8 users
16.03.2020 - 00:51
Troy Killjoy
Very competent post-doom. The instrumental buildups and tribal pounding drums keep the anticipation high waiting for the drop. Fuzzy, down-tuned chugging guitars keep the weight pushing down and the lack of vocals keeps the focus purely on the musical journey they've prepared for you. Not a masterpiece by any means but a solid offering nonetheless. Drifting between lulling background jams and riff-heavy headbanging material is no small feat but they do it effortlessly with this release.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."

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