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Brainstorm - Bassist Steps Down

German power metal crusaders Brainstorm confirmed that their long-time bassist Antonio Ieva has decided to leave the ranks due promotion at his work. He was part of the band for the last 15 years and contributed his share on several released records.

Comments the band on Toni's departure: ''After 15 years, 6 albums, countless worldwide shows and tours, Toni unfortunately informed us a few days ago that he has to leave the band due to professional changes in his day job. Unfortunately, the time frame and the upcoming tasks for Brainstorm will no longer make it possible for Toni to be part of the band in the future. With a heavy heart we understand and accept Toni's decision, thank him from the bottom of our hearts for an incredibly great time, sensational moments and wish him all the best, health and success for the future! We will miss him very much as a person and as a fellow musician.

"But we would also like to look forward at this point and are really looking forward to the upcoming concerts for our newest album 'Wall Of Skulls', which will all hopefully take place this year.
As we would also like to present you a new Brainstorm bass player until then, we are now looking for and are open to all possible candidates for the job on the Brainstorm bass. If you're in the mood for shows, tours and studio recordings, if you love the stage and of course, our music, please contact us through [url][/url]. There's a lot to come! Bye for now."

Antonio Ieva explains his situation: "From the last concert of the 'Liquid Monster Tour' to the first concert of the 'Wall Of Skulls Tour' I really experienced a great and memorable time of metal madness with the mighty Brainstorm. Over a span of 15 years, 6 albums, hundreds of shows, tons of flapping pants and countless bass strings I have always been 100% focused on the music... with my heart for the fans! But now the time has come for some, different and new challenges in my life. Because of my work in the hospital and for organizational reasons I have to leave the band. Unfortunately there is no way back.

"I want to thank all our amazing fans, our amazing crew and of course the guys from Brainstorm for our amazing journey. I wish you all only the best. But anyone who knows me a little can imagine what music means to me... so you can't get rid of me. That's for sure! Cheers, stay strong, stay healthy, have a beer and take care of yourself and your loved ones."

Band profile: Brainstorm
Posted: 17.01.2022 by Bad English


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17.01.2022 - 11:54
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
It is so sad, work huh better sacrifice it.
I had unfinished PhD degree, I should maybe study far away and if I finish maybe in bigger south cities I would get sek 10 000 more on paper, I don't want to leave a north. I even rejected wear house work in Umeå and sek 5000 more in income because I knew the boss, I do not want work Monday Friday office hours, but then again ond week I work 6 days, one 5 days but 4 weeks 4 days, one week 3vshort days... Weekends, holyday extra gives me cash, after taxes I stand equal as other.... So I live north... Just saying...and I choose mall town, no metal events, but internet is here, and I live 1km bird way from my work.... Just saying
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing

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