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Iron Maiden Studio Albums Ranked

Created by: sgtrobo | 23.09.2022

1. Iron Maiden - Powerslave
1984 --> one of my favorite metal albums ever {10/10}
2. Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time
1986 --> Not far behind {9.9/10}
3. Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
1982 --> Gangland and Invaders are the only non-perfect songs, and they're still great {9.75/10}
4. Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
1988 --> The Prophecy drops this just beneath NotB {9.6/10}
5. Iron Maiden - Brave New World
2000 --> spiritual successor to Seventh Son {9.4/10}
6. Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
1980 --> one of the greatest heavy metal debuts ever {9.3/10}
7. Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death
2003 --> 3 of Maiden's best songs (Paschendale, title track, Montsegur) but slightly uneven {9.3/10}
8. Iron Maiden - Piece Of Mind
1983 --> side A and opener for B are perfect, a bit of a drop for the last several songs on the album {9.2/10}
9. Iron Maiden - Killers
1981 --> Innocent Exile and Prodigal Son drop this slightly {9.1/10}
10. Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death
2006 --> slow burn, took a bit to get into this one but big fan now {8.7/10}
11. Iron Maiden - The Book Of Souls
2015 --> drop Tears and Man of Sorrows, reduce Empire to about 10-12 minutes, and this hops up nearly a full point {8.2/10}
12. Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier
2010 --> Biggest problem I have with this album is no single outstanding song, but also nothing poor. Too long {7.9/10}
13. Iron Maiden - No Prayer For The Dying
1990 --> The first album from them with mediocre songs, but it's a bit overhated {7.2/10}
14. Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark
1992 --> Several great songs, but several bad ones. Very uneven {7.1/10}
15. Iron Maiden - Senjutsu
2021 --> a.k.a. Yawnjutsu. 82 minutes of mid-tempo mediocrity. Worst Bruce album by a long shot. The only Iron Maiden album without a song that rates at least 4 stars out of 5 {5.8/10}
16. Iron Maiden - The X Factor
1995 --> On the positive side, it is 10 minutes shorter than Senjutsu and the first 3 songs are decent. After that, wake me when it's over {5.3/10}
17. Iron Maiden - Virtual XI
1998 --> Clansman and Futureal are great. Angel/Gambler and Como estais are 2 of the worst songs in metal history, and the rest of the album mostly sucks {3.8/10}

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 3   Visited by: 19 users
23.09.2022 - 20:26
Nocturnal Bro
Nice to see Somewhere In Time and Powerslave on top!
24.09.2022 - 08:02
A Nice Guy
Good ranking not far off mine
25.09.2022 - 07:10
Written by F3ynman on 23.09.2022 at 20:26

Nice to see Somewhere In Time and Powerslave on top!

right where they belong!

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