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Pokolgép - Totális Metál

8.2 | 26 votes |
Release date: 1986
Style: Heavy metal


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1 wants it

01. A Jel (The Mark)
02. Pokolgép (Hell Machine)
03. Démon
04. A Tűz (Fire)
05. Bon Scott Emlékére (In Memory Of Bon Scott)
06. Totális Metál (Total Metal)
07. Mennyit Érsz? (What Are You Worth?)
08. Átkozott Nemzedék (Cursed Nation)
09. Mindhalálig Rock 'n Roll (Rock 'n Roll 'til Death)
10. Tovább (Onward)
11. Kegyetlen Asszony
12. Gépinduló

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Comments: 1   Visited by: 20 users
27.11.2022 - 17:57
Rating: 8
Metal Diogenes
The title says it all: this is total metal. This album was musicwise few years behind the cutting edge Western bands, think about some of the US power metal releases from 84-85 and this one's stylistically pretty close. The production is crappy, but then again lots of bands had issues with that back in the day, the melodic and heavily involved guitars are the true salt and sugar of this album.
You've got a lot of guts. Let's see what they look like!

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