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Posted by Unknown user, 26.11.2011 - 03:22
This is the new thread, you know what to do.

Show me some love.
14.12.2011 - 22:36
Troy Killjoy
Written by Milena on 14.12.2011 at 14:56
Troy, starting with today, you won't be able to do a lot of it anyway if you wanna stay true to the pact

But I want those Toffee Crisp Clusters fab posted. D:
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
14.12.2011 - 22:41
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=105293] on 14.12.2011 at 18:04
Hating yourself so much that you don't kill yourself.

I think subconsciously this is a big reason for why I'm still alive. It's like I don't deserve an easy way out, I'm forcing myself to live through the shit I'd love so easily to run from...

But I suppose that's not really topic-related. In fact, I'm not sure where that would go. A suicide thread?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
14.12.2011 - 23:15
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=115335] on 14.12.2011 at 22:42
Is there a depression thread yet? I don't wanna have to be the one to start it up

I will. D:
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
14.12.2011 - 23:18
Troy Killjoy
All right, so we'll keep the love thread for talking about love, and this thread for talking about depression and related illnesses.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
23.12.2011 - 09:46

Women dont bring to me happiness, music does..
23.12.2011 - 10:50
Account deleted
24.12.2011 - 00:30
Written by [user id=105293] on 23.12.2011 at 10:50


She's smokin' hot in this film.

I wish I met a chick like her who'd also be marvellous in kitchen. That'd be a perfect romance...

I wonder if I should try that singing trick some day. Could it give a boost to scoring abilities?
02.01.2012 - 01:58
How strange that you open a topic about 'love' and you end up reading about suicide, death, depression and comfort eating.

Well anyway, I love my family and heavy metal ofcourse
02.01.2012 - 06:03
Account deleted
I love Nicole Kidman.
02.01.2012 - 06:25
Troy Killjoy
I love my wife, Zooey Deschanel.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
02.01.2012 - 13:59
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Milena on 14.12.2011 at 14:56

I'm reading this thread for the first time and I must say that everyone's lives seem to be fucked up at some point. But if you try suicide and succeed... dunno, dudes, whatever your problems are, is it really worth the end of the game? I never got to the point where I've actually tried suicide although I contemplated it, because when you kill yourself, it will fuck up at least one person's life and launch them into depression and blaming of self.
Since the last topic of discussion was comfort eating... Troy, starting with today, you won't be able to do a lot of it anyway if you wanna stay true to the pact

this tread lost it sence when ppl start post weird pics and go off to
Love is always fuck up, its sacrifice and sacrifiece if you're not ready to do it dont love and suicide because of love no way you can teribly fuck up someones life , but I would love to do it and fuck up my parents life both, Im single so I cant fuck someone alse life, maybe MS
I know (he was not my friend, but lived in same area) he was 16 he tryd get leid 1th time and girl (who was sortha whore) say dude you suck, better die you worthless idiot , and he did it he sit at railroad and wated when train hit him and send SMS to friend and explains why ..................... so NO suicide in name of love
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
02.01.2012 - 14:30
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 02.01.2012 at 06:25

I love my wife, Zooey Deschanel.

She's hot.
02.01.2012 - 18:26
Written by Troy Killjoy on 02.01.2012 at 06:25

I love my wife, Zooey Deschanel.

so u have sick passionate pointless love towards a Hollywood super star zooey deschanel, same my pointless endless love towards jensen ackles .
any ideas? i thought of kidnapping
02.01.2012 - 21:13
Troy Killjoy
Written by Roro on 02.01.2012 at 18:26
any ideas? i thought of kidnapping

I thought of traveling down to her mansion and proposing.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
02.01.2012 - 21:26
Troy Killjoy
I'll keep that in mind. Nothing says love like 50 pounds of rope and unbreakable sailors' knots.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
02.01.2012 - 23:02
Written by Troy Killjoy on 02.01.2012 at 06:25

I love my wife, Zooey Deschanel.

Yeesh, you could have picked someone hotter to worship.
Not that there is anything wrong with her, but she's hardly HCILS ("Hollywood celebrity I'd like to stalk") material.
02.01.2012 - 23:10
Troy Killjoy
Written by Slayer666 on 02.01.2012 at 23:02
Not that there is anything wrong with her, but she's hardly HCILS ("Hollywood celebrity I'd like to stalk") material.

It was love at first sight. It's irrational.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
03.01.2012 - 19:41
Boxcar Willy

heres what I love. <3

its hard to find a girlfriend who likes metal and dirtbikes.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

04.01.2012 - 19:14
Wow you've really gotten into several topics here
Anyway...I was wondering about cheating...why does it happen? I mean if you really love/like somebody you shouldn't want someone else...I guess when that happens it's time to turn the page, but I don't know. Guess maybe it's different for girls and boys too...and can you trust somebody when you know they cheated on someone with you?
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
04.01.2012 - 21:21
Troy Killjoy
Written by nana.MD on 04.01.2012 at 19:14
Anyway...I was wondering about cheating...why does it happen? I mean if you really love/like somebody you shouldn't want someone else...I guess when that happens it's time to turn the page, but I don't know. Guess maybe it's different for girls and boys too...and can you trust somebody when you know they cheated on someone with you?

Sometimes people think they really like/love someone when in reality they just took the first good thing to come at them... and then something else good comes along, they get conflicted, and that's usually where the affair begins.

And then of course, as you said, some people just turn the page. You can fall out of love just as much as you can fall into it. Humans aren't exactly like cardinals.

As for trusting someone who cheated on you... Sometimes that's not the best thing to do, as it could be a sign you're desperate to stay in the relationship when in reality it's over. A relationship without trust is like a car without gas: it won't go anywhere. That being said, sometimes little affairs are just minor slip-ups that can be worked out. The partners really have to know each other well to be able to come to that kind of conclusion though. If you've only been dating someone for like 2 weeks and they already make a point of being unfaithful, you might as well give up the dream with them. (Unless you're doing that stupid thing where you say the relationship isn't really a relationship and you two are just casual and then the other person starts seeing other people making you jealous, and it's like, wtf why wouldn't you say we're in a relationship then?)
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
05.01.2012 - 00:37
Red Nightmare
Written by nana.MD on 04.01.2012 at 19:14
Anyway...I was wondering about cheating...why does it happen?

alcohol/people are shit/people are not shit but make mistakes anyway/some just don't care enough/some don't know where the words commitment and respect are on the dictionary.

Written by nana.MD on 04.01.2012 at 19:14
I mean if you really love/like somebody you shouldn't want someone else...I guess when that happens it's time to turn the page, but I don't know. Guess maybe it's different for girls and boys too...and can you trust somebody when you know they cheated on someone with you?

honestly i have never cheated, i wouldn't even be able to. i'm in love with this girl and, even if she doesn't want me, i can hardly even look at other girls with interest, lmao, guess that's too much.
obviously i wouldn't forgive my partner if she cheated on me. also i've never been the one who induced the cheating (at least that i was aware of), but that's something different seen from this point of view. it's plain obvious that the cheater is doing it wrong though and i wouldn't trust a person like that.
IntoPlighT said: "Slipknot is 15 years old how the fuck is that Nu metal?"

05.01.2012 - 03:53
Angelic Storm
I'm of the mind that once trust in a relationship has been broken, it's impossible to completely restore that. I also believe that if a person is capable of cheating once, then they are capable of doing so again. I personally don't think I could remain in a relationship if I was cheated on.
05.01.2012 - 05:15
And what about going out with someone who cheated?? In a relationship before you for example
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
05.01.2012 - 05:22
Troy Killjoy
Written by nana.MD on 05.01.2012 at 05:15
And what about going out with someone who cheated?? In a relationship before you for example

Sometimes cheating is circumstantial (as in the person cheating may have had an affair because of the relationship they were in), whereas others might just be unfaithful by nature. It's a tough call, really. You have to be a good judge of character if you want to be able to foresee something like that happening.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
05.01.2012 - 09:31
Written by nana.MD on 05.01.2012 at 05:15

And what about going out with someone who cheated?? In a relationship before you for example

That's completely stupid you'd be wasting your time since you know that she/he can't be trusted and that she/he isn't decent enough to end the relationship before sleeping with someone else. I mean who wants to be in a relationship with no trust. Circumstances don't matter, decency is a virtue either she/he has it or not, liars are fucking cowards.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
05.01.2012 - 09:35
Troy Killjoy
I don't think you can pigeonhole people into a black/white scenario. People are anything but black and white (no I don't care for a racist joke thank you) so it's unfair to judge them like that.

Generalizing can be a dangerous thing. By the sounds of it, you don't believe in second chances.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
05.01.2012 - 15:46
Angelic Storm
Written by nana.MD on 05.01.2012 at 05:15

And what about going out with someone who cheated?? In a relationship before you for example

No, I don't think I would go out with someone who I knew had cheated on someone else. I don't believe cheating can ever be justified, and also relationships need to be based on trust, and I mean total trust, if they are to survive long-term. And I don't think I could totally trust someone knowing they had cheated on someone else. I'd be thinking, "if he could cheat on her, then what's to say he won't cheat on me too?" Someone who sees cheating as a viable option when a relationship hits problems, isn't someone I'd want to be with.
05.01.2012 - 19:03
Well yeah I agree trust is the most important thing in a relationship but maybe giving a second chance or giving them a chance to prove they're not like that, I don't know I guess I still think that someone can change for good...yes I know it's naive but I also think you have to write your own story with someone, we are who we are today because of all the people we've dated too...although I wouldn't trust easily if I know they cheated once, 'cause they can make it again
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
05.01.2012 - 20:09
Angelic Storm
Written by nana.MD on 05.01.2012 at 19:03

Well yeah I agree trust is the most important thing in a relationship but maybe giving a second chance or giving them a chance to prove they're not like that, I don't know I guess I still think that someone can change for good...yes I know it's naive but I also think you have to write your own story with someone, we are who we are today because of all the people we've dated too...although I wouldn't trust easily if I know they cheated once, 'cause they can make it again

Well, I've never dated anyone, though in many ways I feel like that has only made me more sure of what I would want, and what I wouldn't want in a partner. (if I were to ever have one)

I also am insecure, and already feel that even if I did have a relationship, I'd be cheated on, as I don't feel as if just me by myself would be enough to satisfy any man. And I know what I would give and commit to a man I was in love with, and I would expect nothing less in return. Cheating is of course, a dishonest act. And knowing someone is capable of such a grave dishonesty as that would at the very least, make me very wary of wanting to commit to that person. You're right, some people can change for the good, but the problem is, I think a lot of people who cheat fail to realise just what a horrible thing that is to do to someone. Once someone has done something like that, then the potential for them to do that again is always there. And I certainly would not be naive enough to believe that I'm a special enough woman to change someone who is capable of that.

Finally, whilst I still can be quite naive, I'm also deeply distrusting of people in general, and it would take a lot for someone to earn my trust. And asking myself honestly, could I ever trust anyone completely who I knew had been unfaithful to a previous partner? (or to previous partners) I really don't think I could...
05.01.2012 - 20:23
Written by Angelic Storm on 05.01.2012 at 20:09

Written by nana.MD on 05.01.2012 at 19:03

Well yeah I agree trust is the most important thing in a relationship but maybe giving a second chance or giving them a chance to prove they're not like that, I don't know I guess I still think that someone can change for good...yes I know it's naive but I also think you have to write your own story with someone, we are who we are today because of all the people we've dated too...although I wouldn't trust easily if I know they cheated once, 'cause they can make it again

Cheating is of course, a dishonest act. And knowing someone is capable of such a grave dishonesty as that would at the very least, make me very wary of wanting to commit to that person. You're right, some people can change for the good, but the problem is, I think a lot of people who cheat fail to realise just what a horrible thing that is to do to someone. Once someone has done something like that, then the potential for them to do that again is always there. And I certainly would not be naive enough to believe that I'm a special enough woman to change someone who is capable of that.

Finally, whilst I still can be quite naive, I'm also deeply distrusting of people in general, and it would take a lot for someone to earn my trust. And asking myself honestly, could I ever trust anyone completely who I knew had been unfaithful to a previous partner? (or to previous partners) I really don't think I could...

Well you have a very important point there and yes it's true...I don't know maybe sometimes we want to believe things that just won't be.
On the other hand I think you should believe you are special enough to deserve someone who is really worthy, probably change someone but at the end be with the guy who is meant to be with you and it'll be worth it.
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...