Philaenas Account deleted |
Philaenas Account deleted
The new album is mighty fine if you ask me. Songs become easily stuck in your head. I reckon that has something to do with the fact that it is more accessible than most of their earlier work  .
Posts: 132
Last album is fantastic. Kicked me back to the power metal stuff that I have missed for several years.
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
I've listened to their new album a few times the last week or so and I really enjoy it. Dark, heavy and catchy at the same time. A really strong release
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
Posts: 56  |
One of my absolute favorite bands with probably one of the best vocalists ever.
Valaskjalf Account deleted |
Valaskjalf Account deleted
Never been a HUGE fan of theirs, their vocalist looks too much like Ricky Gervais with long hair and thats not cool in any way, shape or form!
New album is decent though, wont buy it but its pretty damn heavy!
Posts: 163  |
The vocals are really awesome but the vocal lines are somewhat boring and similar on every release. The melodies could be so much better. Torn is a cool album though! Title-track, numb and fail are probably my favorites.
Posts: 134  |
Is this band metal? o.o, wow...ehm, I don't know much about this band and I can't remember the name of any song but....I don't like very much the voice of the guy =S, although the music is not bad
Spirit Molecule spirit molecule
Posts: 1918  |
Man, its been years since I heard these guys. I'm listening to recreation day right now. It's so awesome
I actually like his vocals, they are not the best but they go with the music, also they are quite catchy. I haven't heard their newer stuff so I can't say if the vocals are bad on those. The last album I heard of theirs was The Inner Circle. Evergrey do get some credit for my current band name as well.
Posts: 3
I've always liked these guys. Their new stuff is pretty good, but Monday Morning Apocalypse was their best, especially the title track and In Remembrance.
Also, the lead singer looks like a boss. (
<3 Dio
BloodTears ANA-thema ElitePosts: 11835  |
Written by InverseStorm on 05.04.2012 at 00:26
I've always liked these guys. Their new stuff is pretty good, but Monday Morning Apocalypse was their best, especially the title track and In Remembrance.
Also, the lead singer looks like a boss. (
You say "Monday Morning Apocalypse" was their best, but did you listen to their earlier albums?
Posts: 3
Written by BloodTears on 07.04.2012 at 20:40
Written by InverseStorm on 05.04.2012 at 00:26
I've always liked these guys. Their new stuff is pretty good, but Monday Morning Apocalypse was their best, especially the title track and In Remembrance.
Also, the lead singer looks like a boss. (
You say "Monday Morning Apocalypse" was their best, but did you listen to their earlier albums?
Not as much, but yes, I have. MMA is still their best.
<3 Dio
Susan Smeghead ElitePosts: 6941  |
SusanSmegheadElitePosts: 6941 
Ahh yes. He has one special voice! I'd say his vocals are best on albums like Recreation Day (their masterpiece) but he always sounds good.
Their last few albums have been quite good but they've definitely settled into a groove with their sound. You always know what to expect now and that may be a good thing or a bad thing. They're a solid band delivering a solid product, and while Torn was really beautiful, gone are the days of a very special young band releasing varied albums like Recreation Day and Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy.
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
BloodTears ANA-thema ElitePosts: 11835  |
Written by Susan on 01.05.2012 at 16:43
Ahh yes. He has one special voice! I'd say his vocals are best on albums like Recreation Day (their masterpiece) but he always sounds good.
Their last few albums have been quite good but they've definitely settled into a groove with their sound. You always know what to expect now and that may be a good thing or a bad thing. They're a solid band delivering a solid product, and while Torn was really beautiful, gone are the days of a very special young band releasing varied albums like Recreation Day and Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy.
Oh, the nostalgia...
Why do bands change?  Why can't they just be at their prime always? Silly questions I know, but it's difficult to accept sometimes. Evergrey was one of my favourite bands and after some releases I was so disappointed I stopped listening to them for a long time. Then they released Torn and I was interested again, but never as before.
But really, if you look at it, they haven't released terribly bad albums though.
Susan Smeghead ElitePosts: 6941  |
SusanSmegheadElitePosts: 6941 
Written by BloodTears on 01.05.2012 at 20:44
But really, if you look at it, they haven't released terribly bad albums though.
You're SO right! None of their albums are bad. That's why the band is really never forgotten and keeps coming up with new fans. But you're also right, they're not in their creative prime anymore. They make lovely music now and that's it. It's not a bad thing of course but they could (and used to be) so much more.
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
R'Vannith ghedengi ElitePosts: 3099  |
I remember when metal was a new thing for me and I began to like the progressive genre within it more this band was among the first I heard and I found them very difficult to grow accustomed to. They've always been a band which I found takes more of an effort to appreciate, at least for me. As far as their later material goes I really can't stand it to be honest, though Glorious Collision was alright. I don't think they ever surpassed "Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy", that one's definitely my favourite. In that album they really nailed that dark atmosphere they tended to have earlier on I think.
Posts: 211  |
Their last album and the track Aftermath is fucking amazing
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62464  |
Band is working on new album, they share pussles on their Facebook
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing