Possessed vs Death vs Morbid Angel
Original post
Posted by Mega-Slayer, 06.07.2006 - 03:53
Death had Chuck Schuldiner though
Guib Thrash Talker |
05.11.2008 - 15:56 Written by [user id=31322] on 11.03.2008 at 16:00 Lol Overrated ? Why overrated, they're just good lol. Anyways its just your opinion. I'm going for Death they realesed classics after classics... from Scream bloody gore .. to SOP. They're amazing and Chuck was a damn good musician.
---- - Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff - Guib's List Of Essential Albums - Also Thrash Paradise Thrash Here
The Wretched Jim Account deleted |
27.12.2008 - 11:07 The Wretched Jim
Account deleted
Death, though they became more and more progressive and less "Death Metal" over time , Human is IMO the perfect death metal album, in the more classical sense of the term.
Gigginova Account deleted |
28.12.2008 - 05:05 Gigginova
Account deleted Written by Bad English on 26.09.2006 at 14:05 it sounds like you like Possessed the best ![]() I don't really like Death...... But above all, I go with Morbid Angel, the first 3 albums are fvcking incredible!
symbolic727 |
26.04.2009 - 18:54
Death would be my choice no question. first off with scream bloody gore yes i consider this f=the first death metal album. I love Seven Churches but to me it is more of a thrash album. Then in 1991 Death kicked the door down with human influencing the entire progressive death metal scene and i have also never heard a more consistent band than death every on of toughs albums is a classic you can't say that about possessed or Morbid Angel. When it comes to morbid angel i like alters but besides that every other album i just can't get into. so for me death is the band of choice long live Chuck Schuldiner.
espdude414 Account deleted |
01.06.2009 - 16:31 espdude414
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Me I would choose Death over the other two, but I don't think Death should be compared to Morbid Angel or Possessed, because they are the more thrash type of death metal, and Death is more techinical.
Haddonfield Chucky's Bride |
01.06.2009 - 16:36 Written by symbolic727 on 26.04.2009 at 18:54 You took the words out of my fingers, agree with this statement 100%
---- "Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun and the rain (we can be like they are)."
SatyriconChick |
26.02.2010 - 21:41
Death, hands down. I never got into Morbid Angel enough to get any of their albums, and I never got into Possessed at all. Death has so many amazing albums and great songs and had a brilliant songwriter in Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P.). How could I NOT go with Death?
Angelic Storm Melodious |
04.03.2010 - 02:01
To answer the initial question, in my opinion Death were the first real death metal band. Possessed's "Seven Churches" was released two years before "Scream Bloody Gore" was. But, Death formed in 1983 as Mantas and released the legendary (and widely circulated in the underground tape trading scene) "Death By Metal" demo in 1984. Which was a year before Possessed's album came out. I also do not even see "Seven Churches" as a death metal album, whereas I do see "Scream Bloody Gore" as very much a death metal album. So to me, Death did release the first actual death metal album. Not Possessed. As for which band I prefer of the three, I have to say Im not really a fan of Possessed. I do really like Morbid Angel, especially their early stuff. But Death are in a class all their own. Whether it's the brutal, visceral, horror filled crushing death metal of the debut, or the technical, proggy, tour de force of "Individual Thought Patterns", Death could do it all, and at a very high standard and quality. Chuck is the godfather of death metal, and by leading Death into new directions, he probably opened the door for many other more progressively inclined death metal bands. Death is not only my personal fave of the three, but definitely the most influential too. You cant beat Chuck Schuldiner and Death! ![]()
soadbyob Account deleted |
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
04.03.2010 - 19:05
I find this an odd comparison. Death and Morbid Angel are pretty much in the same league - both were amongst the first wave of proper death metal bands and both released a fistful of albums. Possessed on the other hand, sort of arrived first (an actual release trumps a tape-traded demo in my eyes, and Possessed did also have a bunch of demos as well, including 1984's "Death Metal"), straddled the line between Thrash and Proto-Death, and only released two actual full lengths (both were released before either Death or MA released a proper studio album) ... then sort of disappeared off the landscape. while Death (and a little later Morbid Angel) might have defined the genre fully, i have no doubts as to how influential Possessed was to the burgeoning scene.
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Angelic Storm Melodious |
04.03.2010 - 19:55 Written by BitterCOld on 04.03.2010 at 19:05 I pretty much completely agree with that. ![]() How much of an influence Possessed could possibly have had on Death (the band), is very debateable as Death were formed 2 years before "Seven Churches" came out. In any event, I believe it was Kam Lee (Death's original vocalist) who invented the much imitated Death grunt. With Possessed's debut coming a full 2 years before Death's though, I think to deny their influence on the genre would be very foolish. Death's debut though, in my opinion at least, was the first album which could undeniably be classed as death metal. Possessed had far too much thrash in their style to be completely labelled that. Listening to "Scream Bloody Gore", even now, is like listening to the sonic equivelant of a low budget, violent horror film. ![]()
soulpusher Posts: 1 |
13.03.2010 - 06:18
That's really not that hard of a question to answer. Especially if you are like me & were the right age @ the right time. I bought all of this stuff as it came out. It was an incredible time period for music. Possessed definitely opened the flood gates while Death, & Morbid Angel both took it in their own respective directions. All 3 were/are great bands. But, in my opinion, the only one of the 3 bands that didn't put out a shitty album is Possessed. The first two Possessed albums are monumental & "The Eyes of Horror" was incredible as well & was a total tease at the potential of where they would've gone musically if Jeff didn't get fucking shot. As for Death, everything up to & including "Human" is phenomenal. Morbid Angel ruled with Vincent, but after Domination it just wasn't the same for me. Hands down Possessed started it all. If you think otherwise, you just don't get it.. I mean c'mon, u can totally hear Trey being completely influenced by Torrao. Please go back & listen to "Fall from Grace" by Morbid Angel & then listen to "The Exorcist" from Possessed's "Seven Churches". This is either the biggest coincidence ever or Trey was usurping/sharing a style that became a trademark of both bands..
Don Martin le fu- |
15.03.2010 - 22:39
I absolutely love all 3 bands but I'll have to go for Morbid Angel. They were the first Death Metal band I came in touch with after Obituary (who should also be featured here!). It's not because they "made DM the way it is today" and didn't do any intensive research on who influenced who, I just think they're pretty damn good. Pete Sandoval still tops a lot of drummer nowadays and Trey Azagthoth is a special case, not really comparable with other guitarists. No offense to Death or Possessed of course ![]()
---- What a tackastrophe!
algirdongas Posts: 33 |
07.05.2011 - 21:26
How can you even compare death to possesed?death didnt put out a single shitty album while possesed were thrash with some growly vocals.morbid angel arent bad either but not as good death.
Yasmine |
07.05.2011 - 21:50
Morbid Angel has a great drummer, but put out some boring songs on a few releases, and their guitar is not anywhere near as solid as Death's. So for me Death, Possessed may have been influentual but failed to make a decent discography.
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Sammol Posts: 110 |
Infernal Eternal |
03.04.2012 - 19:09
Possessed. They invented Death Metal.
---- {}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{} Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
Demonmayonnaise |
09.05.2013 - 01:08
Death is my favorite out of the three. But they're all so damn good.
theFIST |
15.09.2013 - 16:39 Written by Infernal Eternal on 03.04.2012 at 19:09 to a certain extent, but Necrophagia played a role in inventing the Death Metal sound as well
---- http://metalstormmusicianscorner.bandcamp.com Written by Warman on 07.11.2007 at 22:39
Infernal Eternal |
21.01.2014 - 15:18 Written by theFIST on 15.09.2013 at 16:39 I can't deny that. However, I think Possessed were the first DM band.
---- {}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{} Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
Aristarchos Posts: 820 |
24.02.2014 - 14:38
What exactly does it mean to define death metal? Possessed was obviously first of them, although as much thrash as death. If it is about most influential I would say a tie between Possessed and Death. Without Possessed no Death, but the other two have had a more direct influence on the genre. Without Death there would probably have been no Florida scene and without Morbid Angel no Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation etc. I placed Possessed on no. 11, Death on no. 12 and Morbid Angel on no. 15 on my list of most influential metal bands.
blacktooth85 |
24.10.2017 - 06:16
Death are the overall better band, but i'd say Morbid Angel are the better straight forward "death metal" band. I always found them to be more sinister and evil than Death. Death's last few albums were hardly death metal, they went more down the progressive/technical road. Chuck's vocals got more high pitched, wasn't really a fan of that style. Even the early Death albums had more of a thrash tempo to them. I found Morbid Angel's A,B,C to be more interesting than most of Death's discography.
TeachNThrash |
20.11.2017 - 17:54
When I think of death metal as we know it now, Morbid Angel is the closest to that sound. Possessed is more or less still a thrash band. I think it is fair to say that Death's first two albums were probably more "death" than Possessed. With that said, I prefer Possessed personally.
Autistic.Pagan |
03.12.2017 - 03:52
I am a fan of all three bands, but Morbid Angel by far. Like, it's not even a question for me, they're like one of my all time favorite bands. They pretty much set the standard for the Death Metal sub-genre and understandably so.
---- What is the difference between the man who fools you from the pulpit, and the other man who fools you from the platform? Both of them seek to obtain power over you - To rule your mind, control your property interests or labor power.
Dazkie Posts: 2 |
25.12.2017 - 03:44
Morbid Angel. Quirky, original and have written some of the most genre defining genuine death metal around. Legendary.
Alex The Killer Posts: 36 |
07.07.2018 - 00:42
Death # 1, Morbid Angel good but not as Chuck's music, Possessed the same.