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The Arkitecht - Hyperstructure review


17 users:
Band: The Arkitecht
Album: Hyperstructure
Style: Progressive metal
Release date: 2008
A review by: Jeff

01. Blackout
02. The Twenthieth Century Feast And The Millenium Hangover
03. Through Broken Glass
04. Elation
05. Children Of The Gods
06. Hyperstructure
07. Face Thief

It's been a while that I received this album and I really need some time to listen to it because definitely "Hyperstructure" is really complex and deep release of Progressive Metal. On the other hand this is great piece of Metal and for a first release I must tell you that Genaro Ochoa, the mastermind behind this release, has simply done an amazing work. The Arkitecht is not signed by a major yet but this release deserves it. We're just in front of a fantastic album of Prog Metal, that's great discovery believe me!

"Hyperstructure" is an excellent album in reason of the fact that the music is extremely varied. Sure this is a pure Prog Metal album but all the songs have different influences from real technical Prog a la Dream Theater ("Elation"), stuff a lot more emotive but still aggressive like with Pain Of Salvation ("Through Broken Glass"), symphonic and epic tracks a la Symphony X ("Face Thief") and even alternative Metal with a song like "Blackout" or Metalcore?. This is extremely well done with classy choruses and great melodies and even if this is Progressive and complex, this is not boring or too elitist. "Hyperstructure" is one of those albums which simply work and stay in your head. Genaro Ochoa has released one excellent piece of music here and I really believe that our guy will become famous if he manages to find a deal with a good record label.

As you know the songs are varied but the performances of the musicians are extremely convincing too. The soli (guitars like keyboards) are amazing, everything is professional as hell. The final song "Face Thief" is the perfect example to represent and describe the whole album. With its length of 30 minutes, with a ton of breaks and a lot of different influences in the music, this is perfect to understand that The Arkitecht is a band which can be original without trying to copy someone else. Maybe that the only little problem can come from the production which can be a bit weak some moments but all in all for a first self-released album, this is better than expected.

True The Arkitecht finds its inspiration in all the best Progressive bands that we can listen to nowadays but the great thing here is that I didn't find any similarities too (only influences as you know). If you're into Dream Theater, Opeth or God know which other great Prog Metal band, I'm sure that you'll like "Hyperstructure". I'm impressed by this first release, everything is good here from the music to the musicians and the concept of the album (about a serial killer who takes the faces of his victims). I don't know if you'll find the album easily but if you have this chance and pretend to like Progressive Metal, this is a must for you without any doubt! Don't miss "Hyperstructure" and please keep an eye on this band from Mexico, The Arkitecht has the potential to become a famous name of the Prog Metal scene.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 8
Songwriting: 9
Originality: 8
Production: 8

Written by Jeff | 11.02.2009


Comments: 8   Visited by: 102 users
11.02.2009 - 22:40
Last year around this time you recommended 'Artefact - Ruins' and I was floored (not that I am not impressed by the majority of that bands you introduce). I will certainly look into these guys.

Keep em coming Jeff
11.02.2009 - 23:54
This is a superb album. Think of it as Dream Theater without anger management. This stuff goes all the way where DT hasn't ventured, nor has the chance due LaBries voice. The Arkitecht's album slowly crawls up the list of best albums I listened from last year. This album will be of interest even to people who don't dig prog all that much.

12.02.2009 - 03:36
...and considering the fact that this is a one man act, the production is astonishing. Actually, I don't know if I do not have an ear as seasoned as you but I can't really find any issue with the production quality.
12.02.2009 - 09:47
Rating: 7
Seeker of Truth
I'm definitely checking this out... a 30 minute track after 4-to-7-minute long songs... that's rather interesting... Also words like "varied" and "Opeth" were present...
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Things that may not seem important now
But may be tomorrow

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Satan was a Backstreet Boy
12.02.2009 - 13:02
Darkside Momo
I don't find any issue in the production either.
I haven't heard the whole album yet, but I find the songwriting simply astonishing, with all these different parts and influences fused into a seamless whole.
The only 'problem' is that some influences are easily recognized at times (let's say, Dream Theater, Textures, Faith No More)
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"I've lost too many years now
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I am awake"
12.02.2009 - 13:35
Rating: 10
Love at first listen, thats the only way i can describe it, got realy impressed and been listening to it non-stop for a couple of days now.
03.03.2009 - 04:01
Rating: 9
I don't like some vocals but the songwriting is excellent besides the drums are simply amazing
Great album!
29.09.2009 - 04:10
Rating: 9
Underpaid M.D.
Some time ago, I got my own copy of this album, and as Jeff said, "all in all for a first self-released album, this is better than expected", even the CD case seems as the one of an album released by a major label, not just a demo work.

I'm mexican but dunno, I don't like many bands from my country, cuz many always want to be so "underground" that their music lacks of sound quality, and this time The Arkitecht did what had seem to be impossible for many bands in Mexico.

Overall, this is a really wonderful and impressive prog metal work, I listened to this some months ago, but stil I'm impressed (and even more impressed by the fact that this guys are from my country). This is of course one of my Top 5 releases of 2008!

Well I can't say more, Jeff said everything better than anyone, enjoy!
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