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..ExoTeaR.. |
10.07.2006 - 08:22
i dont no anything about doom metal at all but i would love learn so im embarking on this journy by ordering TROUBLES live in stockholm dvd maybe yous could recomend another cd or dvd that might jog my taste buds ive only heard one doom album, being my dying brides the dreadful hours and i didnt mind it at all and it would also be alright to get a little info on trouble cause i havent even seen there discograghy so um yeah anything that yous would like to tell me about this band and this genre would be appreciated ![]()
---- [-0-] Aussie Aussie Aussie!!!
Damnated Churchburner |
10.07.2006 - 16:09
I recommend Anathema, My Dying Bride, Candlemass, Katatonia for start.
---- Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men. Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
10.07.2006 - 19:05 Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Yeah, Trouble is a great doom metal band...I'm really glad that they're back together too! Good for them! Their new album is coming out in August...Simple Mind's probably gonna kick some serious ass... About doom metal though, there are so many good bands out there...I wouldn't really trust the doomdeath genre all that much that was fused together in the early 90s with bands such as Amorphis and My Dying Bride because both of those bands have evolved into alternative-like metal bands...for example, that song that My Dying Bride all know the one...'Heroin Chic', wtf was that anyway? Cool song, but man, how they've changed... Type O Negative is my recommendation...two albums to recommend too: October Rust and World Coming Down....they're really powerful and moving albums...especially with songs like Red Water, In Praise Of Bacchus, Everything Dies, and Everyone I Love Is Dead...I also recommend the video for Everything Dies...powerful stuff... Sleep is another legendary doom metal worth checking out too...I stumbled across their Jerusalem album awhile back...all I can say is WOW....a one hour song about smokin' dope! I put that one when I smoke one man and it's just fuckin' trippy...another recommendation is The Obsessed....they've been around since forever (1983)...Scott "Wino" Weinrich went on to join a lot other doom/stoner metal bands in the 90s...
..ExoTeaR.. |
12.07.2006 - 02:55
thanks for the educational info you have just planted in my brain im dead sure it will bring me hours enjoyment GETTING STONED HEEE HEEEE and i might give this stoner metal shit a try being an occational stoner and all ![]() ![]() ![]()
---- [-0-] Aussie Aussie Aussie!!!
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
20.09.2006 - 12:09
HO HO this Doom clsic are here, I rely enjoy them its one of those doom bands who start i 80ties and thay still I hera come togehter an dplay and try recourdet album, its great news, because I realy like them even i had no albums(original albums) but one I had tape of ''The Skull'' i lost trck listeing ![]() ![]()
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Wizar'd Account deleted |
20.09.2006 - 12:17 Wizar'd
Account deleted Written by Damnated on 10.07.2006 at 16:09 I recommend you stop recommending people rubbish ha ha! If you are going to get into Trouble buy a copy of Psalm9 its going to be re-issued very soon and it comes with a bonus DVD.
Damnated Churchburner |
20.09.2006 - 13:40 Written by [user id=16554] on 20.09.2006 at 12:17 wtf ![]()
---- Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men. Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
VenoM_BM Account deleted |
20.09.2006 - 13:40 VenoM_BM
Account deleted
For anybody intrested in doom metal try: [url][/url] or go to the topic created by Lord Elden: Like Wizar'd said stop recommending bullshit bands. Try some Candlemass, St. Vitus, Place of Skulls, The Gates of Slumber, Isole, Krux, Thunderstorm jsut to name a few.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
20.09.2006 - 13:49 Written by [user id=2267] on 20.09.2006 at 13:40 Doom metal are down and thay has amty band date base, I check it before 10minutes still 0 ban in datebase, I tr search even Paradise Lost, and 0 band found.
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
VenoM_BM Account deleted |
20.09.2006 - 15:23 VenoM_BM
Account deleted Written by Damnated on 20.09.2006 at 13:40 Except Candlemass none of the above are traditional doom metal bands, they all of them started as doom/death bands so that means they aren't traditional doom metal bands...or I might be wrong and doom/death bands are the one called traditional doom bands and the ones Wizar'd was talking about are something else (even if he hasn't posted any!).
Damnated Churchburner |
20.09.2006 - 15:37 Written by [user id=2267] on 20.09.2006 at 15:23 yeah, I know what your saying, but I didn't mean traditional in the way it is used as a subgenre of doom metal, but to say Anathema etc. play the traditional form of death/doom.
---- Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men. Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
VenoM_BM Account deleted |
20.09.2006 - 17:21 VenoM_BM
Account deleted
@Damnated: Well this is a thread about Trouble, they are a trad. doom band so I guess that the bands recomanded should be like that one. @..ExoTeaR..: you should try also Sheavy or Pentagram, about info for Trouble you could check:,
Doh |
21.09.2006 - 13:42
Trouble is one of the best doom bands. I don´t listen to doom very much , but this band is really great. Best albums are Psalm 9 and The Skull. I didn´t know , that they have new album. Have to check it out really quick.
okt31 Account deleted |
21.09.2006 - 22:50 okt31
Account deleted
Saint Vitus are an acquired taste if you want heavy (in the sense of heavy, not heavy metallish) doom metal. Also for me it isn't a question of debate that classic Black Sabbath is doom metal. Try Master of Reality or Black Sabbath or Paranoid. But basically it goes anything until Sabotage (including this one too). Candlemass - the first four are classics: Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, Nightfall, Ancient Dreams and Tales of Creation. Solitude Aeturnus also - all of their stuff is great doom metal. Maybe my favourite doom band out there.
Clintagräm Shrinebuilder |
20.02.2007 - 06:34
Is anyone excited about the new Trouble album? It should be interesting, yet good nonetheless!
---- The force will be with you, always.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
23.02.2007 - 11:45
well, finally it is about to happen: TROUBLE'S CD RELEASE PARTY WITH NOVEMBERS DOOM, AND D-CONNECT Date/Time: Saturday March 31, 2007 Time: 10:00pm - 1:00am Location: NITE CAP Street Adr: 5007 W. IRVING PK RD. City: CHICAGO Zip: 60630 I for one can't wait for Simple Mind COndition to be released. Especially since I have been following them since their demo days in the very early eighties.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Southern Wind Account deleted |
30.03.2007 - 23:01 Southern Wind
Account deleted
yeap Simple Mind Condition is my most expected traditional doom metal album of the year... well, they're not doom anymore but you know what I mean... good to see that only one day left to the release party ![]()
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
02.04.2007 - 18:28 Written by [user id=5080] on 30.03.2007 at 23:01 I can't wait for SImple Mind COndition either. And I hope to catch them in May when they p[lay in Amsterdam and hopefully try and get an interview out of the band as well then. Just last week I bought their Live In Stockholm dvd, which features a kick-ass set.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Butch Account deleted |
07.08.2007 - 15:30 Butch
Account deleted
Trouble has been one of my favorite bands since I first heard them in the 80s. "Psalm 9" and "The Skull" are two of the DEFINING albums of the doom genre (especially "The Skull"). The latest album is good but more like "Plastic Green Head" (except better) in style.
Daniel |
19.03.2008 - 02:37 Written by Damnated on 10.07.2006 at 16:09 Katatonia? Doom? . . Whaa? Even their early stuff doesn't sound very doom-ish. Excuse my ignorance maybe.
---- In The Cold Winds of Nowhere
Southern Wind Account deleted |
19.03.2008 - 02:46 Southern Wind
Account deleted Written by Daniel on 19.03.2008 at 02:37 Come on, early Katatonia is stereotypical black/doom Going back to topic, all Trouble albums are amazing, I especially enjoy their psychedelic rock album "Manif Frustration" but their doom metal stuff is among the best of the genre. Their last album Simple Mind Condition also proved to be one of the best of the year.
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
19.03.2008 - 07:24
I've only heard Psalm 9 and Simple Mind Condition, but they're fucking awesome. I noticed that sometimes on Psalm 9 the vocalist sounds slightly similar to Jon Oliva of Savatage, but waaaaaaaaaay less annoying. ![]()
Damnated Churchburner |
19.03.2008 - 17:25 Written by Daniel on 19.03.2008 at 02:37 what planet are you from? have you even heard early Katatonia, or you just quoted me for the lulz. Dance of December Souls is one of the greatest doom albums of all time. in your opinion, what is it? black metal?
---- Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men. Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
19.03.2008 - 17:37
Trouble, aaaaahhhh In little under a month I will be seeing them live again for the first time since 1995 when they performed at Dynamo Open Air in front of around 120,000 people, first time I saw them was 5 years earlier (also at D.O.A. but in front of around 25,000) And now finally in a club in front of 2,000 people at most.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Clintagräm Shrinebuilder |
19.03.2008 - 17:39 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.03.2008 at 17:37 How was 'Simple Mind Condition?'
---- The force will be with you, always.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
Written by Clintagräm on 19.03.2008 at 17:39 I really liked it though it isn't their strongest. But if you like Manic Frustration & Plastic Green Head, you will most certainly also enjoy Simple Mind Condition. So it is a less doom more stoner/poppish release byt them with quite a bit of Beatles overtones.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Southern Wind Account deleted |
20.03.2008 - 02:05 Southern Wind
Account deleted Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.03.2008 at 17:42 Haha did we listen to the same album? True that Trouble left straight doom behind many years ago, but I couldn't agree less with your description. I think it is a very balanced, unpretentious album that has little to do with their last two albums, and I don't really know where did you get that "Beatles" overtones idea from.... but well, great album by an amazing band.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
20.03.2008 - 10:03 Written by [user id=5080] on 20.03.2008 at 02:05 The Beatles overtones I hear in quite a few of the used melodies. It is balanced I agree, and has nof filler tracks like Plastic green Head and Manic Frustrations. Btw, with your statement about SMC being unpretentious (which I agree with btw) are you suggesting that the oehter albums are pretentious? Cause I don't hear anythign pretentious in those at all.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Southern Wind Account deleted |
20.03.2008 - 16:27 Southern Wind
Account deleted Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 20.03.2008 at 10:03 No, I didn't want to mean that... I hadn't listened to Plastic Green Head, but Manic Frustration is certainly not pretentious.
Aristarchos Posts: 821 |
31.12.2012 - 22:32
Trouble is still one of my favourite doom bands, along with Pagan Altar. Psalm 9 is without competition my favourite album by them, especiallly love the song The Tempter.