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Burzum - New Album In Spring 2010, Album Title Changed

Original news, posted on 20.11.2009

Varg has posted the following news item on (excerpt):

"The coming album is called "Den Hvite Guden" (The White God) and is a musical and lyrical description of the the White God (alias Apollon, Baldr, Belenus, Belus, Bragi, Byelobog, Jarilo, et cetera) and the annual events of his life. I describe the stories of the myths like they could have been before they were myths, by presenting to You bits and pieces of the sorcery and religion of ancient Europe (more elaborately described in my unpublished book "Trolldom og Religion i Oldtidens Skandinavia" [Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia]). It is not intended for play the "low-brow metal" style, but instead I imagine a listener willing to sit down, ideally in solitude, and think for a minute, about the White God and our forebears, whether they were Picto-British, Finnish, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Scytho-Slavic, Daco-Thrakian or whatever, and about their magnificent, intelligent, positive, beautiful, healthy and strong culture."

For the full news item, click here.


Varg Vikernes has issued the following update:

"When I used the name "The White God" for my next album I had no idea it would stir up so much fear and irrational emotions. To me this is just a nickname of Baldur, whom the album is all about. No ambiguity intended. The truth is I announced the release of The White God at this early point to ease the pressure on the host. He was getting tired of having to tell individuals contacting him that he didn't know when the next album would be due, what its name was going to be or anything else. With the article this problem was solved.

With a title including the word "white" it apparently isn't possible to slip under the radar of the racist "Western" media. To take away their excuse to spread their anti-Varg/anti-Burzum hate-propaganda when (and before) the album is released I have decided to change the album title. These self-loathing fools have no interest in the music anyway, and because of that I don't want their attention - and I won't get it if I use a title that doesn't give them an excuse to attack me.

The new title of the album is, as you might have guessed from the title of this article, Belus, the so-called Indo-European name for Baldur/the White God. I could have used any European name for this deity, but I chose this one because it is the oldest known name and because it is pan-European.

Belus will be released on Byelobog Productions March-April next year, with eleven new tracks; nine metal tracks and an ambient intro and outro, and about 50+ minutes of music (the long outro not included). The lyrics are all in Norwegian, but French and Russian translations will be available on asap -- possibly even before the release of the album."

Band profile: Burzum
Posted: 03.12.2009 by Glabrezu

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04.12.2009 - 09:29
I don't want to offend anyone in here personally, but I think all the stuff about "anti-racism" and "political correctness" leads the whole society into a new sort of "racism"? You know what I mean? I think that many of the "left-winged" people nowadays are pretty much the same as all the Naziscum out there (and I live in Austria, believe me, I know what I'm talking about). Political extremes ALWAYS lead into some sort of fascism, even if they claim to be open minded and political correct. I own all of the old Burzum albums, but I personally don't give a fuck about Vargs opinions on race and religion, I just listen to the music. See, next to my Burzum albums there's a wonderful collection of BB King albums... people don't mind a Jimmy hendrix T-shirt, if you listen to Burzum you have to be racist, yes, quite intellectual
04.12.2009 - 11:47
Erotic Stains
I really don't care about anything... JUST GIVE ME THE ALBUM!!!
04.12.2009 - 12:55
Written by METAL! on 04.12.2009 at 00:16

Varg is an idiot who thinks he's a genius.

Holy shit he's like George Bush.


I'm with Hitchens on this one, the Bush jokes are tossed around like pennies. It's basically the stupid mans joke...made from the same people who are probably no smarter than Bush and perhaps stupider.

And I also don't give a damn what the album is called at this point. He could name it ''Evolved Chimpanzee Dick'' and I'd still check it out just to see whats going on.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
04.12.2009 - 18:32
Haha, this is too good.

If this stunt isn't see-through and obvious, then I don't know what it.

He's so pretentious, self-important and pseudo-intellectual that it makes Baby Jesus cry. But of course, that's only fitting in the name of pure, original European culture! It's not his racism that's the most pathetic thing about him, it's his high-school level, proud romanticising of his cultural heritage. It doesn't make you intellectual to know the name of an old deity.

That said, I'm looking forward to this album, for real.
04.12.2009 - 19:52
Written by SatyriconChick on 04.12.2009 at 04:26

Written by Symmachus on 04.12.2009 at 03:24

Written by METAL! on 04.12.2009 at 00:16

Varg is an idiot who thinks he's a genius.

Holy shit he's like George Bush.


Is it okay if you state your reasoning for thinking he is like George Bush?

I think he means because Bush is an idiot of collossal proportions. That was a great comparison and made me laugh pretty loudly.

And Varg is not only an idiot but quite possibly the biggest hypocrite walking the face of this earth! Funny that he justifies himself in using the word 'white' in an album title, yet the word was to describe a certain person, or deity. Come on now, Count, people really aren't as stupid as you try to claim they are! :

He really is the world's greatest hypocrite. That guy contradicts himself so often. Is he still a Nazi? Or what's going on with that?... I think he's very conceited and thinks the world revolves around him and his stupid little black metal fanboyclub. Most of the Burzum fans I meet are all the same. They all see themselves as higher intellectuals than everyone else, and they always ALWAYS relate EVERYTHING to the word of Varg. It's ridiculous.
04.12.2009 - 22:18
Anti-cultural occidental censorship sucks, I know what he means by saying it. Anyway, even if he had to change the title album, the concept is not changed and I hope it won't change.
Exploring life
Without fear without feeling
I am one with my torment
And forever blind
05.12.2009 - 07:50
Wow, i must be missing something. where's the racism? Baldr was literally referred to as "the white god" in the ol' manuscripts. he should have left the album title alone.
05.12.2009 - 12:08
Heaven Knight
Exactly...or is even [url=""]this herb[/url] rasistic, when it is white and therefore called "Baldr's brow"?

possibly Varg knew what he is doing and he wanted to test public surely cannot disappointed him, so many narrow minded morons...

i have read some of Varg's articles and i am pretty sure he IS sort of crazy idiot and i would never agree with his visions of world, but i dont agree with hollow criticism...wait for the album to be out, then judge the music and then say something...if you really wouldnt enjoy the music, be it, why not...but blaming Varg just because "he is Varg" is stupid...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

10.12.2009 - 14:54
Mormon Storm
I love how all of you have such strong opinions but yet none of you have ever met the fucking guy. I personally believe he doesn't give two shits about money but how could any of us possibly know until we actually hear the fucking thing??!

I do think some of the latest stuff he has said is a bit pretentious but most of the haters on here would criticize him regardless of what he says or does.
21.12.2009 - 09:01
Account deleted
Burzum will kill Mayhem again Im sure

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