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Written by Lucas on 17.02.2011 at 00:16
Yeah I remember hearing this band a while ago, thinking I found the new Diapsiquir. I was highly excited, as any band that comes close to sounding like Diapsiquir is instant win in my book.
I was very dissappointed, though. Maybe it were my high expectations, maybe the band just isn't that good. I don't remember. I'll listen again.
I don't think they really compare to other indus-BM acts, I'd say their sound a little more simplistic and direct, veering toward a kinda techno-esque direction at times. Most of the songs tend to find a riff and just stick with it for 8 or so minutes.
But then Diapsiquir are a bit of mess when they play music anyway, I'm liek "Hey guise, why don't you try sticking with an idea for more than 5 seconds?" and they're all liek "Je de la fleur de bleaur!" (Fuck you bitch we don't need structure or consistency)
True story.