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Mercenary - Entire New Album Streaming Online

Metamorphosis, the forthcoming album from Danish metallers Mercenary, is available for streaming in its entirety at

Metamorphosis will be released in Europe on February 25 via NoiseArt Records. More details about Metamorphosis were previously reported over here.

Band profile: Mercenary
Posted: 14.02.2011 by White Winter Sun


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Comments: 5   Visited by: 59 users
14.02.2011 - 21:20
Rebel Monster
After one spin.. I think it's good, but not really amazing Imo

Maybe it will grow on me later on.. 7.4/10

Best songs: Memoria, Shades Of Grey, The Black Brigade, In A River Of Madness
Bad English :p
14.02.2011 - 22:51
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Sounds quite boring to me =/ I loved architect of lies >:
loves 小巫
14.02.2011 - 23:55
Crazy Booduh
I think they actually did a pretty good job considering all my favorite members left.

Although I have no idea why they split since their sound has hardly changed compared to AoL :\
14.02.2011 - 23:58
Sounds nice! Too bad the songs themselves are quite repetitive though..
16.02.2011 - 06:36
On first listen, i have to say that i really liked it, despite my doubts that it would be good after mikkel and morten were kicked out of the band. i actually listened to it twice and loved it both times. i liked this one more on first listen than i did AOL. surprisingly good album. will be buying it as soon as i can.

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