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Deathday 666 - I review


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Band: Deathday 666
Album: I
Style: A Cappella, Depressive black metal
Release date: March 31, 2011
A review by: BitterCOld

01. Living
02. Dying
03. Dead

I am writing to express my concerns about Deathday 666 and, more specifically, its apothegms regarding the worst sorts of pusillanimous charlatans I've ever seen. There are a number of reasons Deathday 666 isn't telling us as to why it wants to bombard us with an endless array of hate literature. In this letter, I will expose those reasons one-by-one, on the principle that an armed revolt against it is morally justified. However, I contend that it is not yet strategically justified. Deathday 666 has been going around claiming that advertising is the most veridical form of human communication. When challenged about the veracity of that message, Deathday 666 attributed its contradictions of the truth to "poetic license". That means "lying".

Deathday 666 should know better than to dismantle the guard rails that protect society from the dysfunctional elements in its midst. I trust that I have not shocked any of you by writing that. However, I do realize that some of my readers may feel that much of what I have penned about Deathday 666 in this letter is heartless and in violation of our Christian duty to love everyone. If so, I can say only that there are those who are informed and educated about the evils of particularism, and there are those who are not. Deathday 666 is one of the uninformed, naturally, and that's why it has repeatedly threatened to concoct a version of reality that fully contradicts real life. Maybe that's just for maximum scaremongering effect. Or maybe it's because difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to give our propaganda fighters an instrument that is very much needed at this time.

If one believes statements like, "We can change the truth if we don't like it the way it is," one is, in effect, supporting imprudent scoundrels. I, for one, like to speak of Deathday 666 as "laughable". That's a reasonable term to use, I maintain, but let's now try to understand it a little better. For starters, everything I've said so far is by way of introduction to the key point I want to make in this letter. My key point is that I intend to navigate a safe path between the Scylla of Deathday 666's gin-swilling asseverations and the Charybdis of Marxism. That's the path that I have chosen. It's unmistakably not an easy path, but then again, Deathday 666 has found a way to avoid compliance with government regulations, circumvent any further litigation, and batten on the credulity of the ignorant?all by trumping up a phony emergency. Let me end by saying that I know that what I have written in this letter will send many readers (especially any who are big fans of Deathday 666) into a tizzy or a tantrum. I am sorry, but I remind them that Deathday 666 often tries to prove its points by quoting "authorities" who are in fact nothing more than piteous suborners of perjury.

worst. album. ever.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 3
Songwriting: 2
Originality: 2
Production: 10

Written on 01.04.2011 by BitterCOld has been officially reviewing albums for MetalStorm since 2009.

Staff review by
Troy Killjoy
Passion. That's what I is all about. Pure, unadulterated passion. Forget that I display musical ability and know-how that is rivaled by few. Forget that the ending to "Dying" goes from what can only be described as one of the greatest vocals jam sessions ever, to a beautiful, yet melancholic pots-and-pans epilogue. Forget that "Dead" is one of the greatest songs ever written. Forget that "Living" contains the perfect kitchen appliance riff. Forget that I quite possibly have the best voice in all of music. Forget that every moment of this demo-turned-album will make you stand in awe of what you're hearing. Why should you forget all that? Because none of it matters.

published 01.04.2011 | Comments (79)


Comments: 19   Visited by: 453 users
01.04.2011 - 20:37
Retired Staff
All lies, Deathday 666 IS the only truth!!!
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
01.04.2011 - 21:07
Performance: 3
Songwriting: 2
Originality: 2
Production: 10

01.04.2011 - 21:20
Fils du Lys
BitterCold I shall find you no matter where you are and crucify you upside down in the name of Our Lord Troy Gallant gnah gnah gnah
Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
01.04.2011 - 21:32
X-Ray Rod
This has to be a parody to many guest reviews that speak so much bullshit
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

01.04.2011 - 21:50
Unasuming Madnes
I hope this turns into an inter-staff review war.
01.04.2011 - 22:08
Lit. Metalhead
Account deleted
I can already see this is gonna win the Drama award for this years Metal Storm awards.
01.04.2011 - 22:14
proofread free
Written by X-Ray Rod on 01.04.2011 at 21:32

This has to be a parody to many guest reviews that speak so much bullshit

hahahaha exactly , I was half way through it and I could not stop laughing
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
01.04.2011 - 22:16
The Ancient One
Sorry if folks disagree. i just found this album to be pure shit. although i had just listened to the unbelievable awesomeness that is Black Death Suicide's "Picnic With Satan" demo... which blew Troy's tone-deaf pounding on instruments with rocks away.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
01.04.2011 - 23:07
Account deleted
The memories of the late ponderer have INDEED been resurrected.
01.04.2011 - 23:27
O! The fools on this day of April
02.04.2011 - 00:00
See, THIS is why I was hesitant to get up today. I actually took this first. -_- CURSE YOU, RUNCIBLE SPOON!!
02.04.2011 - 02:33
I don't understand why people feel like they need to write reviews for albums they clearly don't understand.

9.5 for me.
02.04.2011 - 09:26
Account deleted
Written by wormdrink414 on 02.04.2011 at 02:33

I don't understand why people feel like they need to write reviews for albums they clearly don't understand.

9.5 for me.

Dude, you're an ass idiot dick bastard with no taste, this is CLEARLY an 11/10 album.
06.04.2011 - 11:52
Written by [user id=105293] on 02.04.2011 at 09:26

Written by wormdrink414 on 02.04.2011 at 02:33

I don't understand why people feel like they need to write reviews for albums they clearly don't understand.

9.5 for me.

Dude, you're an ass idiot dick bastard with no taste, this is CLEARLY an 11/10 album.

Once again, trying to silence me. I thought this could turn into a debate about freedom of speech
06.04.2011 - 13:42
Account deleted
Written by wormdrink414 on 06.04.2011 at 11:52

Written by [user id=105293] on 02.04.2011 at 09:26

Written by wormdrink414 on 02.04.2011 at 02:33

I don't understand why people feel like they need to write reviews for albums they clearly don't understand.

9.5 for me.

Dude, you're an ass idiot dick bastard with no taste, this is CLEARLY an 11/10 album.

Once again, trying to silence me. I thought this could turn into a debate about freedom of speech

It's not April 1st anymore. Too bad, we can try to destroy each other verbally again next year
09.10.2011 - 18:40
Rating: 1
Boxcar Willy
that is all.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

09.10.2011 - 22:25
Troy Killjoy
Written by Boxcar Willy on 09.10.2011 at 18:40
that is all.

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
17.02.2015 - 08:56
Evil Butterfly
BitterCOld has been officially reviewing albums for MetalStorm since 2009 wrongly. This band rules.
The Fangirl.
12.02.2019 - 23:46
Rating: 10
God I wish we could have april fools like we used to
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?

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