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Diamond Plate - Generation Why? review


30 users:
Band: Diamond Plate
Album: Generation Why?
Style: Thrash metal
Release date: August 09, 2011
A review by: wormdrink414

01. Entertainment Today
02. Generation Why?
03. Pull The Trigger
04. Tomb With A View
05. Fool's Paradise
06. Relativity
07. Waste Of Life
08. Casualty Of War
09. More Than Words
10. At The Mountains Of Madness
11. Empire Tomorrow

If you enjoy thrash, you'll enjoy Generation Why?. So permission granted to close this now and go listen to the album.

?Ha! Glad they left. Now we can talk behind their backs. You see what Void Eater is wearing? It's like, just give up, man. For real. Shoes like that might have been cool in '06, but, I mean, come on, you know? ?What? Ha ha! I know right!

For starters, the guitarist on this is what we in the Lazy business would call "something else". He gives the impression that he's the kind of guy who, in a distant suburban future (he's still too young to drink legally here in the U.S.), were his house to start burning down, he'd say fuck it to his wife, kids, and pets and rush to his special edition Jackson, or whatever, to save from the flames first. And instead of going back inside to save his family afterwards, he'd say fuck it again to them and start shredding outside, waiting for the fire department. So, in other words, the guy's definitely someone you need to hear play guitar. And he never really shows off on this thing either. He sticks to focusing on diversifying his rhythms and repeatedly Red Ranger tornado kicking the listener in the ears. He doesn't get too sweepy or solo crazy on this, although I'm sure he could have.

Meanwhile, the vocals have a slightly strained, hardcore edge to them that I think is completely necessary. Vox guy cuts away at the silliness of all the shout-along tracks just a smidge, making the album seem more, I dunno, badass fucking rad. Problem is, after a song or two, the lack of variation and improvisation in his performance becomes noticeable, and it does get a tad tedious.

Other complaints? The production occasionally seems a little sterile? And that's about it. This is a vicious, in your face, fast as fuck thrash album that will destroy you. So, why you're still reading this review is beyond me. Go find this and listen to it. Diamond Plate is yet another excellent young thrash band that needs to be listened to pronto.

Written on 19.08.2011 by Wormdrink's real name is George and he's an American.


Comments: 21   Visited by: 234 users
19.08.2011 - 03:26
Account deleted
For a second I thought this review was gonna evolve into a Void Eater bashing, not that I have a problem with that.

Might be going to see them with Warbringer. Will remember to check them out.
19.08.2011 - 05:19
Void Eater
Account deleted
Written by [user id=101272] on 19.08.2011 at 03:26

For a second I thought this review was gonna evolve into a Void Eater bashing, not that I have a problem with that.

Might be going to see them with Warbringer. Will remember to check them out.

Yeah, that Void Eater kid is quite the faggot.

No but srs ppl, glad to see that I've made a lasting impression. When you get around to reviewing crunkcore, be sure to namedrop me, mmk?

Oh yeah, the album. Would have been better without the Matt Heafy wannabe vocals. If you're gonna do an inferior imitation of a vocalist, at least pick a vocalist worth imitating.
19.08.2011 - 06:23
Written by [user id=111774] on 19.08.2011 at 05:19

Oh yeah, the album. Would have been better without the Matt Heafy wannabe vocals. If you're gonna do an inferior imitation of a vocalist, at least pick a vocalist worth imitating.

Don't know Trivium all that well, but this guy never whines, rarely full out screams, so I don't agree,.
19.08.2011 - 08:21
Seeker of Truth
I listened to the Relativity EP and I was not impressed but I was going to check out the full-length. I guess this band lacks any sort of innovation nor memorable songwriting to really catch my attention.
Savor what you feel and what you see
Things that may not seem important now
But may be tomorrow

R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner

Satan was a Backstreet Boy
21.08.2011 - 21:34
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
The vocals and too slick a production pull it down from a solid 8 to a 7 for me. The guy nowadays sounds like a strangled choked version of a mix of Paul Balloff and Steve 'Zetro' Souza but nothing like Matt Heafy.
And the slick production takes away the rough a raw edges of their musically damn fine thrash. Just compare the version of At The Mountains Of Madness as it is featured here and then as it is featured on their 2008 split with Oppression. Then you'll also hear that the guy's vocals are better on that one.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

22.08.2011 - 04:00
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 21.08.2011 at 21:34

The vocals and too slick a production pull it down from a solid 8 to a 7 for me. The guy nowadays sounds like a strangled choked version of a mix of Paul Balloff and Steve 'Zetro' Souza but nothing like Matt Heafy.
And the slick production takes away the rough a raw edges of their musically damn fine thrash. Just compare the version of At The Mountains Of Madness as it is featured here and then as it is featured on their 2008 split with Oppression. Then you'll also hear that the guy's vocals are better on that one.

Checked it out. Actually not quite sure which version I prefer. I agree about the production/vocals being better on the old version, but definitely prefer the track slowed down a smidge.
22.08.2011 - 10:26
Yeh they have great talent, their songwriting is just too generic for me, they need to find their own sound, to me they sound like a wannabe Nuclear Assault, whereas other new Thrash bands like Warbringer and Gama Bomb have achieved their own sound while keeping that of old school influence....
22.08.2011 - 13:48
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Moosh666 on 22.08.2011 at 10:26

Yeh they have great talent, their songwriting is just too generic for me, they need to find their own sound, to me they sound like a wannabe Nuclear Assault, whereas other new Thrash bands like Warbringer and Gama Bomb have achieved their own sound while keeping that of old school influence....

Diamond Plate a wannabe Nuclear Assault? If you said wannabe Exodus I could understand but not Nuclear Assault, there is next to no hardcore in Diamond Plate's music at all. Gama Bomb for instance is way more wannabe Nuclear Assault. Not saying Diamond Plate is more original than Gama Bomb, though. But then again Gama Bomb have almost no sound of their own either, but then again which of the revivalist thrash bands does?
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

28.08.2011 - 03:42
Rating: 8
M C Vice
Just listening to this for the first time (up to track 3 right now). The vocalist sounds a bit like Ihsahn.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
31.08.2011 - 11:44
Not bad actually, liked the guitars part the most.. no need to explain whats so special about them as it is already said in the review.. but i would certainly prefer a more heavier vocals... not bad though
05.09.2011 - 16:53
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 22.08.2011 at 13:48

Written by Moosh666 on 22.08.2011 at 10:26

Yeh they have great talent, their songwriting is just too generic for me, they need to find their own sound, to me they sound like a wannabe Nuclear Assault, whereas other new Thrash bands like Warbringer and Gama Bomb have achieved their own sound while keeping that of old school influence....

Diamond Plate a wannabe Nuclear Assault? If you said wannabe Exodus I could understand but not Nuclear Assault, there is next to no hardcore in Diamond Plate's music at all. Gama Bomb for instance is way more wannabe Nuclear Assault. Not saying Diamond Plate is more original than Gama Bomb, though. But then again Gama Bomb have almost no sound of their own either, but then again which of the revivalist thrash bands does?

Are you serious? Nuclear Assault? Hardcore? And these Thrash revival bands do have their own unique sounds (except maybe Bonded By Blood), if you care to listen, I listen to a lot old and new Thrash and although I can hear many similarities, I have never had trouble distinguishing between any of them when it came to their sound. Just sit down and give the young fellas a chance, it's like saying Burzum sounds exactly like Bathory ><
09.09.2011 - 12:09
Rating: 8
M C Vice
If Dragonforce ever need a 3rd guitarist...
BTW, this album answers a question I've had for a long time. What was Ihsahn doing while the rest of his band were firebombing churches and stabbing homosexuals? Well, the vocalist here is the answer. He soulds like the love child of Ihsahn and Sabina Classen. If the guy's born in the early 90s, then I'm right.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
13.09.2011 - 15:09
Rating: 7
Good musicianship but the vocals are torture >.<
13.09.2011 - 18:53
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Qube on 13.09.2011 at 15:09

Good musicianship but the vocals are torture >.<

indeed. My point exactly. Because of the vocals I scored it a 7, were it not for those horrendous sounds it would be an 8
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

14.09.2011 - 01:18
I like the vocals. The vocalist dude seems like he stretched himself as far as he could, whereas the guitarist almost seems like he held himself back. Makes for a cool dynamic, if I'm not imagining it.
14.09.2011 - 02:10
Void Eater
Account deleted
After listening to their previous work, this seems nowhere near as good. Mountains Of Madness sounds so tame here when compared to the EP version.
14.09.2011 - 14:16
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=111774] on 14.09.2011 at 02:10

After listening to their previous work, this seems nowhere near as good. Mountains Of Madness sounds so tame here when compared to the EP version.

yep it does. The problem of modern overporduction wanting to make everything sound slick rears its ugly head here. The production here isn't rough enough it takes tghat bit of bite that was there originally.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

16.09.2011 - 01:26
Rating: 9
Death To Posers
Hate Thy King
Nice review dude, it is a great album
The word gen means "illusion" or "apparition." In India, a man who uses conjury is called a genjutsushi ["a master of illusion technique"]. Everything in this world is but a marionette show. Thus we use the word gen.
08.05.2012 - 22:37
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
The musicianship is absolutely fantastic, but something about the vocals are just turning me off... a little too choked and raspy for my liking. Album's worth a solid 7.5 in my book, but good review nonetheless.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

09.05.2012 - 23:27
Void Eater
Account deleted
I'm still stoked to have been featured in a review, even if it was just saying that he imagines my sense in fashion is lame.
09.11.2012 - 09:54
Rating: 8
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
After 10th spin of this record, srs if would have been an awesome album if vocals would have been little it better.

Well, not that bad sounded vocals I'll say....should have been refurbished.

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