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Black Twilight Circle - (USBM collective, kinda like LLN, but good)

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Posted by Unknown user, 30.11.2012 - 19:44
So yeah, the Black Twilight Circle are a Southern California-based collection, scene, whatever you want to call it, of like-minded black metal bands that seem to be on the Crepúsculo Negro and Rhinocervs labels. Information about them appears to be virtually non-existent. I suppose you could regard it as an American, modern equivalent of Les Légions Noires that comprises some 17 or so odd bands that are either directly part of or at least affiliated with it. The difference is, unlike LLN, is that many, if not the majority, of these bands are excellent and not just predicated on silly rumour and legend along with rubbish music. Stylistically speaking all the bands are relatively raw and rough round the edges, in varying degrees, but their sound tends to focus on dense, layered, sometimes freeform guitars, often quite psychedelic in nature. There's a definite unifying theme amongst them, and it's a very satisfying one that's quite different from the mountains of Darkclones around.

While I can easily choose a favourite, that would be Arizmenda for their sublime 'Within the Vacuum of Infinity...' it's hard to choose from the others which is the most successful, because frankly they'll all so fucking good. I only today realised that Muknal, the closest the group has to a death metal band (and one of my favourite releases this year) is supposedly part of them. You also have Odz Manouk who have the boldest, most direct sound though not too dissimilar to Arizmenda (have to say these would probably be joint second favourite along with Muknal). Dolorvotre and Kuxan Suum being the loosest, most freeform of the lot, often sounding almost improv in nature (particularly in the case of Kuxan Suum's one 17 minute long song EP). Axeman have a distinctly punk-ish vibe and Absum are the doom band of the group (albeit extremely raw sounding doom). The actual Rhinocervs music project appears to change frequently from demo to demo from the accessible slower, more melodic and generally atmospheric to more punishing death tinged black metal. And so on.

Yeah lots of incredible music in this group. Here's a few favourites so you get an idea of their sound. (The Volahn one will have to be watched on youtube itself. Worth it though because the song is amazing)

If these links ever go down there's a bunch of tracks here.
07.02.2015 - 19:07
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Written by [user id=4365] on 07.02.2015 at 13:04

Written by X-Ray Rod on 07.02.2015 at 13:02

.... A welcome sacrificed hearts basket?

Sounds like the cutest Valentine's day gift ever.

I can see the tagline now:

"No one said you had to give your own heart to the ones you love."
07.02.2015 - 19:28
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Written by [user id=101272] on 07.02.2015 at 19:07

I can see the tagline now:

"No one said you had to give your own heart to the ones you love."

You could probably sell that idea to Living Dead Dolls and make a tidy living.
10.02.2015 - 18:40
China was a neat
Never knew Rhinocervs is a part of the BTC.
12.02.2015 - 19:07
C'mon fuckers, release moar da shit like dis!

[/end off-topic] =P
12.02.2015 - 20:10
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29.10.2015 - 00:10
Having an intense BTC session during the lat two days. Rediscovering some bands I almost forgot about

Can't take out of my head the part 3:24 onwards, those riffs are sooo perfect!

15.11.2016 - 05:59
China was a neat
Heard these 3 Rhinocervs demos or whatever yesterday after really enjoying the fuck out of Tliltic Tlapoyauak. All were decent but RH 12 was really good.

Will try to catch up to the rest of their stuff today.
25.02.2017 - 09:23
China was a neat
Loving both those Arizmenda albums from last year immensely. Wonder if we would see new output from Volahn this year.
03.12.2017 - 02:17
I love these bands but keeping track of all of the overlapping projects, sides projects, split albums, ep's and demos these fuckers have with each other is a massive task, some sort of definitive compilation would be cool as fuck when these bands are finished with.
18.10.2020 - 12:53
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
CELTIC FROST's TOM GABRIEL WARRIOR Pens Foreword To New Book 'USBM: A Revolution Of Identity In American Black Metal'

Decibel Books has announced the publication of "USBM: A Revolution Of Identity In American Black Metal".

I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing