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Chaos Ech?s - Sign With Debemur Morti Productions

Official press release:

Debemur Morti Productions is working hard to provide new sonorous experiences, new sounds, new styles and new approaches of extreme music to a demanding public constantly looking for something new. And sometimes, sometimes, we find that rare and precious jewel. So, today we're extremely proud to announce the signing of the tortured entity Chaos Ech?s. They are visionaries, they are creators, they are a new possibility for the Dark Arts. This incredible project, which rose out of the ashes of the cult death metal act Bloody Sign, explores with an incredible talent a new generation of insane sonorities.

In order to celebrate this unholy pact, we will unleash a vinyl version of their stunning debut, the highly-regarded Tone Of Things To Come, in the coming weeks.

Band profile: Chaos Echœs
Posted: 23.01.2013 by Abattoir


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23.01.2013 - 17:03
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Great addition to a great label.

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