Summoning Albums : Best To Worst
One of the first Black Metal bands I got into and they still remain my favorite.
Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 30
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Alex F |
01.05.2013 - 17:37
Lugburz and Minas Morgul are, to me, Summoning's best releases by quite a large margin. Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame would probably come third. Actually... I'm going to go ahead and say this list in complete backwards order from what I would say ![]()
PocketMetal Posts: 750 |
01.05.2013 - 17:44 Written by Alex F on 01.05.2013 at 17:37 haha , that's interesting . for me Dol Guldur has too many legendary songs so it will always be the best , I guess this kinda list would differ from person to person. I really like Lugburz and Minas Morgul too but I like the others better .
Erik M. |
01.05.2013 - 23:48 Written by Alex F on 01.05.2013 at 17:37 Huh, then why did you thumb it up? ![]() Since I haven't heard LMHSYF and the new album yet I cannot give you my full ranking, but here it goes so far: 1. Stronghold 2. Oath Bound 3. Dol Guldur 4. Minas Morgul 5. Lugburz #2-4 are actually very close to each other for me, but Stronghold remains the best. Lugburz isn't really their style, but still a very good album nonetheless.
Alex F |
02.05.2013 - 02:24 Written by Erik M. on 01.05.2013 at 23:48 I thumbed it up because quality of a list isn't dictated by the list being in accordance with my own personal tastes. I find it very interesting that he put the exact opposite of my opinion
Erik M. |
02.05.2013 - 22:03 Written by Alex F on 02.05.2013 at 02:24 I see, but I still would never do a thing like that. I only thumb up "best to worst" lists that I agree with (not 100%, because that's nearly impossible) enough.
PocketMetal Posts: 750 |
02.05.2013 - 23:15 Written by Erik M. on 02.05.2013 at 22:03 why create a rule about such a stupid matter , it's among the very least important things in the universe ... ever . ![]()
Erik M. |
02.05.2013 - 23:19 Written by PocketMetal on 02.05.2013 at 23:15 It's not a rule at all. Why would I give a "best to worst" list a thumbs up if I don't agree with it AT ALL? ![]() ![]() ![]()
PocketMetal Posts: 750 |
03.05.2013 - 00:11 Written by Erik M. on 02.05.2013 at 23:19 I didn't mean it like you should give a thumbs up anyway , I mean who cares about thumbs-ups in general (except for the big lists maybe ) ? ![]() ![]() and check out LMHSYF asap , you will regret the days that are passed without that album ! there are some really great songs there .
Erik M. |
03.05.2013 - 22:41 Written by PocketMetal on 03.05.2013 at 00:11 Ah, fair enough then. And although I actually do care about thumbs up (well, it's always nice at least to have them) I agree it's not the most important thing when it comes to "best to worst" lists. And yes, I'll check out LMHSYF eventually, I'm just not in a hurry. That's because I actually buy my music (about once a month) and just bought a new batch of cd's a few days ago.
Erik M. |
07.06.2013 - 17:57 Written by Alex F on 02.05.2013 at 02:24 Thumbs up a list which he totally disagrees with, yet removes a thumbs up of a list in which a ton of his favourite albums are included. ![]()
Alex F |
07.06.2013 - 22:28 Written by Erik M. on 07.06.2013 at 17:57 You are really taking my revoking of the "thumbs up" I gave your list way too seriously. I have my reasons, and I don't need to justify myself to you.
Erik M. |
08.06.2013 - 16:10 Written by Alex F on 07.06.2013 at 22:28 Fine. ![]()
Erik M. |
16.06.2013 - 18:15
I only noticed just now, but you seem to have a thing for the color "green". ![]()
3rdWorld China was a neat |
07.10.2013 - 22:57
Despite being the only Summoning album to grace my eardrums, I enjoyed every minute of Lugburz to be honest. It was easily very good. Seeing it at the bottom of every Summoning list is quite flummoxing.
PocketMetal Posts: 750 |
07.10.2013 - 23:06 Written by 3rdWorld on 07.10.2013 at 22:57 As I said this is only my opinion , I like Lugburz too I'm just more into their older stuff.
3rdWorld China was a neat |
07.10.2013 - 23:15 Written by PocketMetal on 07.10.2013 at 23:06 Cheers mate, I get it and please don't put that "imo" everytime. ![]() I just meant that it makes me even more excited at checking out the rest of their discography.
PocketMetal Posts: 750 |
07.10.2013 - 23:21 Written by 3rdWorld on 07.10.2013 at 23:15 I know you get it ! ![]()
3rdWorld China was a neat |
07.10.2013 - 23:26 Written by PocketMetal on 07.10.2013 at 23:21 Flummoxing in the sense that why is such a good album being considered an average one and even the album rating in the MS page is very misleading,
PocketMetal Posts: 750 |
07.10.2013 - 23:36 Written by 3rdWorld on 07.10.2013 at 23:26 well "Lugburz"is very different from the rest of their discography , especially production-wise ... they just evolved into something else. the low rating is because it doesn't sound like Summoning to the fans.
Erik M. |
07.10.2013 - 23:42 Written by 3rdWorld on 07.10.2013 at 22:57 Hey now, don't give him a +1, since you'll remove it again later just like you did with my list. ![]() Written by PocketMetal on 07.10.2013 at 23:06 Huh, Lugburz is their first album. ![]() ![]()
3rdWorld China was a neat |
07.10.2013 - 23:58 Written by Erik M. on 07.10.2013 at 23:42 Wow, I literally ROFL for that one, that just made my day, kthxbai.
Erik M. |
08.10.2013 - 00:10 Written by PocketMetal on 07.10.2013 at 23:36 Yep, Lugburz is so different from the other albums, so that's why it gets a lower rating. Most Summoning fans probably can't stand true black metal, not to mention it doesn't sound like the Summoning we all know (and love ![]() Written by 3rdWorld on 07.10.2013 at 23:58 Haha, glad to be of service. ![]()
PocketMetal Posts: 750 |
08.10.2013 - 00:14 Written by Erik M. on 07.10.2013 at 23:42 I meant "newer" lol ... but the band got older. ![]()
3rdWorld China was a neat |
28.10.2013 - 11:20 Written by PocketMetal on 07.10.2013 at 23:36 Written by Erik M. on 08.10.2013 at 00:10 Just because they evolved into something else doesn't make Lugburz a bad album and the low scores for that record is an perfect example of why album scores here aren't helpful in many cases due to mass voting retardedness. That album is very good in its own right. I've given it a fair amount of spins enough to say this.
PocketMetal Posts: 750 |
01.11.2013 - 18:35 Written by Alex F on 01.05.2013 at 17:37 after listening countless times to these albums , "Minas Morgul" grew on me ... it's very rich musically and very consistent , so I bumped it up to the third place. I still don't like the second half of "LMHSYF" that much and Lugburz still sounds too raw. but maybe that'll change too. ![]()
Erik M. |
02.11.2013 - 22:09 Written by PocketMetal on 01.11.2013 at 18:35 I had the exact same thing. Minas Morgul was my first Summoning album and I really didn't like it at first, but after many spins (around 10 or so, I think) I loved it, and I still do. Like I already said many times, it's easily one of the most original albums ever. First of all because the style is totally unique, but also because it was the first album with that typical Summoning sound. Good to see you bumped it to the 3rd place, as it deserves more recognition. As of now I would probably also have it at the 3rd place, so my ranking changed a bit as well. Also, like I said in another thread on MS, some of the melodies on Minas Morgul are simply amazing and magical, like you hear in (the intro) of one of my favourite songs from that album: Simply a brilliant song to me. One of the best songs they ever made I think.
PocketMetal Posts: 750 |
03.11.2013 - 14:10 Written by Erik M. on 02.11.2013 at 22:09 yeah that song is really good , my personal favorite on the album is "Passing of the Grey Company" ... and the intro to that song is also awesome , it's also about Aragorn. ![]()
Erik M. |
03.11.2013 - 20:32 Written by PocketMetal on 03.11.2013 at 14:10 Your favourite is the very first Summoning song I checked out and didn't like it all that much at first. Of course now I like it but still prefer most songs on the album to that one. ![]()
guill62 |
08.12.2013 - 14:45 Written by PocketMetal on 03.11.2013 at 14:10
Erik M. |
11.04.2014 - 22:19
Both our lists are proof of how consistent Summoning's discography is, seeing as the order of your list is very different from mine. Only Old Mornings Dawn and Lugburz are ranked the same. Also, glad to see Minas Morgul is high on your list. That album is so damn original (most original of them all) and underrated.
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