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My Maiden hangover - songs I'd gladely see Iron Maiden skip during their live shows

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What's a Maiden hangover? You know a regular hangover, right? It's really bad, your head hurts and you feel ill. You know you still love beer, but you don't want it for a while. That's how I've felt about some Iron Maiden songs for a couple of years now. I've seen Maiden six times since 2005, and that's not even during the same tours. Still I feel like they play the same couple of songs over and over again. I can understand why, being a huge band with some monumental metal classics. But a little variety, please! I went to a show last night and thought during it "it's enough now". One of the best things about seeing the same bands over and over again, is to witness them play different songs. One that I haven't already experienced live. But this never happens with Maiden, we get like 1-2 songs they haven't played in a while. And its not just witnessing the same songs over and over again, it's the fucking same coreography during them too!

With that said, I hope you understand that I do not dislike (most of) these songs. Most of them are great. I am just so tired of hearing them live over and over again.

The songs on the list are songs I have experienced live (who hasn't?).

Created by: Warman | 14.07.2013

1. Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Running Free - Those drums and that bass (du du du du du du du du du, bom bom bom bom bom bom booom) will be the soundtrack of my personal hell, without an end. I can't stand this song anymore, I actually fled the arena during it the last time since I knew it was the last song.
2. Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Sanctuary - This song, I can't even describe how much it bothers me these days. It's better with Di'Anno's raw punkish vocals, but to hear it live today with Bruce is torture. Does it exist a sanctuary from this song?
3. Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden - I swear, if I hear Dickinson once again scream "Iron Maiden's gonna get aaaaaall of you, hehehe!" I'm going to fucking vomit on the person standing in front of me. I've always thought this song was okay but boring. Is it really okay though? More like a generic boring piece of crap.
4. Iron Maiden - Killers
Wrathchild - "Killers" might be Maiden's best album. A true masterpiece of old school metal. So why the hell is this the song of their choice? There's so much great material, but instead they torture us with Crapchild. Apparently, during their Early Days tour they traded the masterpiece "Charlotte the Harlot" for "Wrathchild" in their setlist. It's just not fair.
5. Iron Maiden - Killers
Drifter - Sure, this is not a common live song. But I've heard it live once and that's enough. A bad metal song overall.
6. Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
The Number of the Beast - I am so tired of this one. I don't wanna hear it again! Please, give me something else from this great album.
7. Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
Run to the Hills - How this one still pleases people is beyond me. It's boring, we've heard it too many times and seriously, it wasn't even that great the first time I heard it.
8. Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
Hallowed be thy Name - This is a masterpiece, absolutely. But since it's been played live so much, I'd trade it for any other epic Maiden song any day.
9. Iron Maiden - Piece Of Mind
The Trooper - My nemesis for many years now. It is a good song, but it's played everywhere, all the fucking time. And hey, I've seen Bruce wave his flag every time now. GIVE ME SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING ELSE!!! I panic just to think about the main riff at the moment.
10. Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Aces High - Also a great song, like most on this list. But just like the others, I don't wanna hear it live again. Please, give me some variety. I'm begging you!
11. Iron Maiden - Powerslave
2 Minutes To Midnight - More like 2 minutes more of this song and I'll shoot myself. My favourite song when I was like 12 years old, today one of the most worn out songs out there.
12. Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time
Wasted Years - Awesome song. But who the hell do I have to blow to hear "Caught Somewhere in Time", "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner", "Deja Vu" or "Alexander the Great" instead?
13. Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time
Heaven Can Wait - Kind of a cheesy song which have seen it's better days. Repetitive and plain boring today.
14. Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Can I Play With Madness - This, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the worst metal songs ever. Seriously, this awesome album has a huge flaw in this piece of shit. And you know what? It's even worse live.
15. Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark
Fear of the Dark - Once my favourite song and the song that got me into metal when I was like 11 years old. But it's also the proof that Maiden are too scared to play what they want since it's turned up during their "Somewhere Back in Time" tour and now during the "Maiden England" tour. Hey guys, if you didn't know, you had not even composed this song back then. I'd actually rather hear "The Apparition" from this album, that's how tired I am of this song.
16. Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier
El Dorado - An okay song which I've heard live twice now. That's one too much.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 4   Visited by: 23 users
28.02.2014 - 20:02
Personally I don't think they could skip Hallowed Be Thy Name or Fear Of The Dark, but I agree with all of the other songs.
28.02.2014 - 20:02
I'd add Bring your daughter
01.03.2014 - 01:20
Account deleted
Solution: Don't see Iron Maiden again.
01.03.2014 - 22:10
Erik M.
Haha, got to love that list picture of Tommy Wiseau. "You're tearing me apart!" What a hilarious(ly bad) movie that was, so painfully bad.

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