The Shiva Hypothesis - Blackened Death Metal from the Netherlands
Posts: 5
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TSH Posts: 6 |
03.06.2016 - 11:36
Full length album coming out later this year. In the mean time you can check out some of our songs: For more info check our facebook page:
TSH Posts: 6 |
02.09.2016 - 13:55
Another track plus video from the upcoming album! For more info check our facebook page:
TSH Posts: 6 |
10.03.2018 - 13:25
New cover of Wings by Finnish legends Sentenced as presented on their Journey to Pohjola demo and North from Here!
TSH Posts: 6 |
22.05.2018 - 22:17
New album "Ouroboros Stirs" - out now on CD through WormHoleDeath Records! The album contains the following tracks: 1. Enkindling 2. Ananda Tandava 3. Caduceus 4. Praedormitium 5. Build Your Cities on the Slopes of Mount Vesuvius 6. Maze of Delusion 7. Carrying off the Effigy 8. With Spirits Adrift Album presentation show is 26th of October in Metropool Hengelo (NL) with Necrophobic and Anarchos. Album teaser: More info on Also digitally available through Spotify: Amazon:
TSH Posts: 6 |
17.07.2018 - 22:59
Here are some reviews and quotes from reviews of Ouroboros Stirs. Give it a listen and see whether your ears agree with the positive reception of our debut album! NL 9.2/10 NL 8/10 IT 9/10 IT 8/10 EN 4/5 EN 8/10 POR 8.5/10 (turn to page 95) EN EN EN Moshville Times "Ouroboros Stirs is both interesting and accomplished in equal measure, even more so when you consider it's a debut album" Insane Voices Labirynth (Italian): 90/100 (translation) "they have taste in composition, their Black/Death is absolutely not a mere copy/paste of what has been heard so far [...] and this is a great merit." MetalEyes IYE (Italian): 8/10 (translation) "Ouroboros Stirs grows with plays so as to metabolize the various nuances of which it is composed." Battle Helm Magazine: 4/5 "A really strong blackened death metal album that was everything I wished for it to be." World Of Metal (Portuguese): 8.5/10 (translation) "It's an album to absorb slowly and with growing interest." Wonderbox Metal "The Shiva Hypothesis are not a band that are content with taking the easy route, and seemingly prefer to push themselves wherever they can. [...] A recommended listen." Fish Tailed Goat "Ouroboros Stirs is an excellent album and while the music and vocals reference many great bands, The Shiva Hypothesis nevertheless draw these myriad points into a distinctive sound of their own."