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Castle - Premiere New Video

West Coast occult metal act Castle is pleased to unveil the official music video for "Flash Of The Pentagram". The tune comes by way of the band's recently issued effort, Welcome To The Graveyard, out in stores from July 15th. The video clip, which was directed by Brian J. Davis, is available for streaming on YouTube player down below.

Elaborates guitarist Mat Davis: "Our director for "Flash Of The Pentagram", Brian J. Davis (who also directed Castle's "Evil Ways"), mentioned he didn't think anyone had ever captured what it's like to watch Castle live, so his idea was to use the gig flyer as a the kind of perfect medium to do that. He filmed us in a studio and printed the frames out on a cheap photocopier. Then he re-photographed the photocopies on an animation table over a month. We think the result is close to Castle live: intense, raw, and trance-like."

Band profile: Castle
Posted: 07.08.2016 by Abattoir


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07.08.2016 - 18:19
Sounds really cool. I need to check this band out ASAP

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