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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2009-  Mat Davis - guitars
2009-  Elizabeth Blackwell - vocals, bass
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2009-2015  Al McCartney - drums
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2016  Al McCartney - drums
2018  Chase Manhattan - drums
2024  Mike Cotton - drums
2013-  Will Carroll - drums
2013-  Alan Chambers - drums
2013  Rae Amitay - drums

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Good old-fashioned occultism has a well established presence in the contemporary metal scene; sounds from yesteryear revamped in the liveliest of rocking rituals all ably performed by such outstanding acts as the likes of Ghost B.C. and In Solitude. In come the doom inclined Castle to fortify the situation.
Review by R'Vannith ››

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