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Fen - Streaming New Album Opening Track

After recently announcing their new album, Winter, Fen have now shared a bit of the music from it. The first new single from the post/atmospheric black metallers is called "I (Pathway)". It's a 17-minute mammoth track and should be enough to whet your appetite. You can check it out at this location.

The band commented about the song: "This opening chapter ushers in on the sibilant, sinister winds that slice across the mist-wreathed peat bogs of the fens. It represents the start of the journey - uncertainty and resolve warring with each tread across a landscape laced with questions, ghostly voices of past failings drifting from stagnant waterways and thin lines of bent trees. Drawing ever closer on the horizon lies the cathedral - a rearing megalith bleeding the promise of succor across the landscape. What will be found there? Penance? Redemption? Or something as-yet unsought?"

Winter will be out on March 10th via Code666 Records.

Band profile: Fen
Posted: 07.02.2017 by Paz


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Comments: 1   Visited by: 72 users
07.02.2017 - 21:05
Sounds really good. Nothing new, just solid BM.

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