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Tea[m]ster's 2019 "I Ain't Dead Yet" Celebration

I am still lurking around. Trying to get back into the swing of it. Recs are always welcome.
Rating scale 1 thru 5. Arrows indicate trending.

Created by: tea[m]ster | 04.05.2019

1. A Secret Revealed - Sacrifices
post black 3.9
2. A Swarm Of The Sun - The Woods
post rock/metal 4.0
3. Alcest - Spiritual Instinct
blackgaze 4.9
4. Astronoid - Astronoid
metalgaze 4.0
5. Autism - Have You Found Peace
post metal 4.5 ↑
6. Brutus(Bel) - Nest
post hardcore 4.5
7. Cartographs - Wilt & Blossom
post/atmo sludge 4.8 ↑
8. Cloudbreaker - Confinement Is Finite
progressive death 4.0
9. Cult Of Luna - A Dawn To Fear
post metal 4.9
10. Dawn Fades - Dawn Fades
post/sludge 4.4
11. Degraey - Reveries
post/prog 4.5
12. Downfall Of Gaia - Ethic Of Radical Finitude
crust/post/black 4.6 ↑
13. Dream Theater - Distance Over Time
prog 3.5
14. E-L-O - Mænad
instrumental post/sludge/drone 4.7 ↑
15. Eyrth - Fracture
sludge/prog/doom 4.6
16. Falaise - A Place I Don't Belong To
atmo black/post black 4.1
17. Fen - The Dead Light
atmospheric black 4.9
18. Forlorn Seas - Exodus
postcore 3.8
19. Helms Alee - Noctiluca
sludge/psyche/stoner 4.7
20. King Apathy - Wounds
metalgaze 4.0
21. Novarupta - Disillusioned Fire
atmospheric sludge 4.8
22. Numenorean - Adore
post black 4.5
23. Queensrÿche - The Verdict
prog 3.7
24. Soen - Lotus
prog/alt 3.5
25. Spotlights - Love & Decay
sludge/post/gaze 4.8
26. Swallow The Sun - When A Shadow Is Forced Into The Light
doom 4.0
27. The Basement Paintings - Antipodes
post metal 4.9 ↑
28. Their Methlab - The Last Second
instrumental post metal 4.5
29. This Gift Is A Curse - A Throne Of Ash
blackened sludge 4.8
30. Together To The Stars - An Oblivion Above
post black 3.9
31. Tomorrowillbeworse - Hiraeth
atmo black 4.5
32. Valerinne - Desire
instrumental post black 4.7
33. Vaura - Sables
post punk/goth/new wave 4.5

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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02.01.2020 - 06:08
Nice list, man. I've gotten away from post metal the last few years but your list has given me some nice stuff to chew on. You might like the new Lord Mantis album. Its surprisingly "post" heavy.

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