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Bands which gave birth to great solo projects after they ended

Posts: 2   Visited by: 12 users
24.06.2019 - 03:22
Everything comes to an end...
But sometimes it's for the best.

I always had this impression that good musicians will make good music no matter what, and such impression is constantly confirmed.
Do you guys ever feel like after a 'great loss' such as say a famous or a very good band disbanding we actually got more for it? Every of the four or five members ended up creating those amazing solo projects or even leading other bands which we wouldn't have if the main band hadn't ended in the first place

I wanted to know... Which are great bands on you guys' opinion which endep up becoming even greater solo projects?
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
24.06.2019 - 03:50
Darkside Momo
Well I'll answer with something contrary to your statement , as the band was more than the sum of its parts.
Neither Jeff Loomis nor Warrel Dane managed to attain that level of awesomeness with their solo works...
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