DEATH INVOKER (Peru) Necromancy, damnation, revenge Tape out now! (Bla
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gabalgabow |
11.09.2020 - 16:56
DEATH INVOKER "Necromancy, damnation, revenge" Tape out now! Old school black/ death/ thrash from Peru, in the traditional south-american style! It tastes like a diseased mixture of old Sarcofago, very early Sepultura (Morbid visions), and very early Sodom� Listen here: Now morbidly released by NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST Recs. This comes as a black tape with sticker and pro cover. Get it from: -Nihilistic Distro: -Bandcamp: SUPPORT OLD SCHOOL BESTIALITY! \m/ ..
gabalgabow |
14.09.2020 - 17:33
gabalgabow |
30.09.2020 - 14:59
Reviews of the DEATH INVOKER tape start to appear! VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE Webzine: As every die-hard maniac knows, Perú is one of the most prolific countries in terms of bestial yet primitive Metal, impregnated by a strong attitude and a raw sound on their bands as a reflection against the moral and religious establishment. This sentence is confirmed by bands that transcended latitudes as MORTEM, ANAL VOMIT, HADEZ, GOAT SEMEN amongst others that carried the South American flag despite the cruel reality that they used to be immersed. Said that, DEATH INVOKER spawned in 2005, but belongs to a new generation which took those roots and made spears with them. So nowadays (at least down here) it's common now to hear about them in hordes as EVIL PRIEST, EVIL SPECTRUM, PROFANER, EVOKED CURSE, COBRA, etc. Returning to the main focus here, DEATH INVOKER presents this tape reissued EP, which was released originally on 7″ vinyl on 2018, but this time containing an unreleased and excluded song. Dismembering this demonstration of South American Metal, "Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge" is made of 3 stabs plus an intro through short 15 minutes of pure intensity and malevolence. 'Magnificent Invocation' open the gates with some haunting voices and a simple keyboard introduction giving way to 'Divination Through Death Spirits', the unreleased song, which is all about raw Black / Thrash Metal enrooted on ancient banners as SARCOFAGO, SEPULTURA, MUTILATOR, VULCANO and the aforementioned bands too. 'Witches Hammer' stands out above the rest of the songs, turning out to be one hell of a memorable song, with a strong chorus which demands some raised fists and real violence at gigs. Despite the lack of innovation, DEATH INVOKER's fundamentalistic fiends know what they are doing, full conviction through obscure Metal is perceived here. By the hand of Nihilistic Holocaust Records from France, this tape takes no shit on subtleties with a front cover charged on hate and graphics which bring thoughts about some actual SABBAT (JAP) reissues. For those who are looking a short but intense release as a teaser of how alive the Peruvian scene is, you're in for a treat then. Sebastián Salce FATAL UNDERGROUND Zine: Cool ,in der letzten Ausgabe konnte ich mir ja schon ne Promo von denen reinziehen ,welche durchaus auch recht gut rüberkam . Mit " NECROMANCY, DAMNATION, REVENGE " wird nun gleich mal nen offizielles Teil nachgelegt ,welches allerdings als 7 "Vinyl 2019 in Brasilien bereits schon mal veröffentlicht wurde . Allerdings gibt es hier auf der Tapversion ( comes as a black tape with sticker and pro cover) auch noch nem Bonustrack zu erhaschen ,welche wohl bisher noch nicht veröffentlicht wurde . Nach ner kleenen, dunklen morbiden Soundeinleitung legt die 2 Mann Horde aus Peru dann auch gleich los .Eher kurz (15:34min. ) und schmerzlos überrennen einen hier dann die Peruaner mit den gebotenen 4 Tracks . Kein großartiges rumgedudle ,rumgefrickele ,sondern immer ganz klar und geradlinig auf den Punkt gebracht , gibt es hier die volle Breitseite an absolut old schooligem Black-, Death- und Thrash Metal Sound .Zwar zeigt man sich hierbei nun absolut nicht von eigenen Innovation geprägt, aber das was sie machen, strotz nur so vor Überzeugung und Herzblut .Und das ist ja wohl eine der wichtigsten Eigenschaften ,welche ein Musiker mit sich bringen sollte . Ganz klar und deutlich treten bei denen natürlich deren Vorbilder ?Sepultura" ( alte Sachen ) und ?Sarcofago" zum Vorschein . Voll ausgestattet mit einem wirklich super brutalem, aber simplem Riffing , vereinzeltet Blastbeat Attacken ,schwingen die hierbei durchweg ne verdammt fette und schlagkräftige Metal Keule .Typisch für die Band ,und sicherlich auch irgendwie deren Markenzeichen , ist deren tief schwarzer und bösartiger, leicht hallig unterlegte Gesang. Top für das ganze old schoolige Höllenfeuerwerk ist natürlich die super roh und pur gehaltene Produktion .Also tatsächlich mal wieder eine solcher Veröffentlichungen bei der insgesamt alles stimmt .Geiler Sound ,absolut passende Gestaltung und ne Mucke ,welche ihr Ziel nicht verfehlt . Echte old school Puristen ,die auf wirklich puren ,bösen und absolut old schooligen Sound abfahren ,werden hierbei zweifelsfrei abfeiern ein kleines ?Freudentänzchen ? vollziehen ..
gabalgabow |
05.05.2021 - 20:51
More reviews of DEATH INVOKER has appeared! BRUTALISM Webzine Death Invoker has put forth a cassette release of their previous EP "Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge". On the French label Nihilistic Holocaust. It features some pretty sick artwork that you would probably find tattooed on a deranged killer in a South American prison. Hailing from Lima, these Peruvian blackened metal thrashers have been spreading Satan's seed since 2005. The intro, 'Magnificent Invocation', is a little over two minutes. I would have liked to seen some more pertinent material from the band on a cassette with such a short track list. But an atmosphere is achieved. The second track, 'Divination Through Death Spirits', was excluded from the previous EP cut for time. This track fuckin bangs! My personal favorite of "Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge". The fat fucking bridge of this song coupled with catchy chorus of the title and the classic echoing vocals, make me want to walk the left hand path. 'Destroy The Cross' is the last track and it is right up there with 'Divination Through Death Spirits'. Again a fairly beefy tempo change on the bridge and some picking riffs and a dissonant solo. Strong track. The other song, Withes Hammer, failed to grow on me. This "Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge" cassette was my introduction to Death Invoker. Definitely happy to have listened and makes me want to check out earlier stuff to see if and how they have progressed. "Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge" combines thrash blackened old school with a pinch of satanic pustules that I enjoyed. 3.5 / 5 STARS VM UNDERGROUND Webzine Ah, some South American Extreme Metal with the attitude and spirit when you take pictures on a cemetery while your drummer has a Mohawk and when brothers in a certain Brazilian band were called "Max Possessed" and "Igor Skullcrusher". Death Invoker from Peru, containing the perverted combo Morbid Devastator, Unholy Perversor and Bestial Lust know how to combine the old unholy trinity of Death, Thrash and Black Metal of the early and mid-80s. Although the sound isn't quite like those days, less hazy and rehearsal room like, it does has the right DIY-vibe going. At first released by Picture from Hell and Sociedade dos Mortos on 7" vinyl in 2018, Nihilistic Holocaust released it on the good old K7 with an additional track, "Divination through Death Spirits", that wasn't included on the vinyl version. Tape enthusiasts with fondness for old Sarcofago, Sodom, Necrodeath and Sepultura will enjoy this for sure! (Ricardo) LA HORDE NOIRE Webzine On peut toujours faire confiance à Nihilistic Holocaust pour gratter la terre du black thrash le plus cradingue et y déterrer ces hosties crouteuses qui ne peuvent de toute façon proliférer que dans la bauge de l'underground le plus evil. Sa nouvelle production est le "Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge" de Death Invoker, bête péruvienne dont le sobriquet des (alors) trois membres - Morbid Devastaror, Bestial Lust et Unholy Perversor - en résume à lui seul la teneur. Car, à l'instar de la plupart des hordes barbares venues d'Amérique du Sud, le trio ne déroge pas à la règle d'un black sale comme le sang menstruel et copulant avec ses grands frères, thrash et death metal. Ce petit quart d'heure de bestialité latine n'est toutefois pas nouvelle puisque déjà vomie en 2018 sous la forme d'un 7'' par l'entremise du brésilien Pictures From Hell. Pour l'occasion, le titre 'Divination Through Death Spirit', initialement gravé pour ce EP mais retiré de l'édition d'origine, complète le menu dans une version sensiblement différente de celle du split "Impure Spirits Of Destruction" au sein duquel ce morceau a échoué. Vous êtes perdus ? C'est normal mais c'est aussi ce qui fait le charme morbide de ces groupuscules aux discographies aussi bordéliques que leur musique. La bonne vieille tape des familles une fois lancée, les remugles occultes de l'intro 'Magnificient Evocation' répandent le suaire sinistre d'une cérémonie nichée dans les replis caverneux d'une intimité obscure. Une fois la porte du caveau béante, la mort peut ensuite s'échapper, épousant la forme miasmatique de ce 'Divination Through Death Spirits', à l'entame biberonnée au pur heavy metal avant de galoper dans un charnier aux multiples cassures. A son écoute, on se demande bien pourquoi le 45 tours originel a été énucléé de cette excellente saillie. 'Witches Hammer' puis 'destroy The Cross' sont taillés dans le même bois, celui qui fait cramer les églises avec un son primaire et cette manière de capter les ténèbres dans ce qu'elles on de plus malsain et cruel, qui n'appartient définitivement qu'aux vilains d'Amérique du Sud, avec en sus, dans le cas de Death Invoker, une propension à écarter les lèvres des abysses pour y plonger un manche pesant et macabre. Alternant éruption de pus et coups de boutoir méphitiques, "Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge" rumine ce black thrash dont le caractère primitif ne le vide pas d'ambiances sinistres à souhait, comme seules les caves abritant des cérémonies incantatoires peuvent en régurgiter. CRYPT OF DR GORE Zine Il est devenu rare pour moi de chroniquer des tapes mais on peut dire que celle-ci a eu son petit effet et m'a fait partir en nostalgie. Death Invoker vient du Peru et est actif depuis 2005. En 15 ans ils ont sorti 2 démos, 5 split et 1 EP. Ils n'ont pas chômé mais ils n'ont pas d'album pour le moment. On va parler de cet EP qui est à l'origine sorti en 7'' en 2018 et réédité en tape chez NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST Webzine/ Distro en 2020 avec un morceau additionnel. C' est parti pour 2 minutes d'intro nous plongeant dans une ambiance sombre et déprimante, puis lorsque sonnent les premières notes de 'Divination through death spirits'... Putain que c'est bandant ! On se prend une bonne dose de Thrash, Death, Black au chant raisonnant, une batterie percutante et des riffs acérés, musicalement je pourrais les comparer à Blasphemy. 'Destroy the cross' est sans doute le morceau le plus thrash et le plus rapide. Je ne me lasse pas de repasser en boucle les 3 titres de cet EP version cassette. C'est malheureusement beaucoup trop court, car pour une découverte j'en redemande ! Le son n'est pas trop propre, ni trop sale d'ailleurs, de quoi apprécier le côté vieille école. Ça donne envie dd creuser un peu plus sur ce groupe. Je recommande. CONTAMINATED TONES Webzine The necessity of tapes exemplified! Death Invoker, a Peruvian horde, have gone through some lineup changes, but the intent remains the same - relentless extreme metal in the style of the classics. "I met Unholy Perversor in 2003 in a Metal store. Then we got contact and spoke from time to time to play raw, bestial and classical extreme Metal. Everything finally started once we met Beast of Holocaust on 2005." In 2019, Unholy Perversor self-exiled. "Just he decided to go off from Death Invoker (and even his other band), because of personal decisions. So, I took guitar too, in addition of bass/vocals. Now Death Invoker continues as a duo. We have already recorded for 4 productions with this duo line up." That duo is rounded out by drummer Bestial Lust, since 2007. "The only fact is that we summon elder spirits of extreme Metal and unleash our necromantic noise, trying to put our own characteristics. Once we were called "Morbid and Unholy Peruvian Metal Bestiality", "Necromantical Metal of Death, "Necromantic Deathrash", etc." Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge was originally released on 7", however Death Invoker were forced to omit the opening track, "Damnation Through Death Spirits". I received some explanation on this from main man Morbid Devastator. "We recorded "Divination?" originally for the 7EP, but it was excluded because of factory issues. At first, the EP would be released in Europe and the label asked for twenty minutes. But there were troubles. Finally, the EP was released in South America and the label and factory asked for fifteen minutes. So, we decided to take out "Divination?" which in fact was the newest, longest and the last (song) we had recorded at that time." Thankfully, Nihilistic Holocaust has solved this problem by releasing this excellent material in totality. I hear the influence of mainly early Slayer, Sepultura, and Sodom but stripped of all semblance of complicating technicality. The production is ancient, and underground sounding, at times even emitting a Celtic Frost value. The major difference comes in the throat of bassist and vocalist Morbid Devastator who prefers a gruff lower growl than the wailing high pitches of Araya or mid-range rasps of Angelripper. This deeper vocal performance combined with lots of echo and reverb should be reminiscent of Blasphemy, or Mystifier. Maybe some of the Greek scene pokes through as well. I ear-checked my impressions. "In general, ancient and raw Metal as: Sarcófago, Sepultura, Vulcano, Sextrash, Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, Venom, Possessed, Death, Slayer; just to mention the classics, in addition of other raw noises from the entire ancestral Metal legions." There is a subtle occult atmosphere to the tape, set in motion by the longish two-minute intro. The intro, which Death Invoker deemed important enough to remain in full on the 7" - important enough that it would have been worth omitting a full track for - sets an appropriate tone, with wailing distant moans and synths rumbling on in the foreboding melody of D#, F, A at first and then C and F. Maybe slightly longer than needed, but a solid introduction to the previously omitted track, "Damnation Through Death Spirits." In truth, though, it is "Witches Hammer" that stands out to me as the most classically influenced track present and reminds me of Slayer more than the other two non-intro offerings. The layout does not provide any hints as to the lyrical content, so I asked Morbid Devastator about this facet of the band. Regarding my favorite on the album, he alluded to the historical treatment towards those deemed witches. "'Witches Hammer' is related to the so called blasphemous acts of the so called witches, and punishment they suffered, although this, an eternal curse was unleashed." Elaborating further, "Death Invoker takes obscure events of history to be used as a manifestation of dark stuff along human life. In addition to death mysteries, ancient rituals, abominable mythology, obscure damnations, Metal apologies and morbid hallucinations." FOBIA Webzine Francouzský label Nihilistic Holocaust loví v nejhlub?ích patrech undergroundu, odkud často vytáhne nějakou prastarou nahrávku (která vy?la v omezeném nákladu), a své úlovky pak vydává primárně na kazetách. Peruánská kapela DEATH INVOKER a její kolekce ?Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge" budi? typickým případem. Skladby byly nahrány v roce 2014, smíchány o rok později a v re?ii brazilského labelu Pictures from Hell vy?ly v roce 2018 na sedmipalcovém vinylu. Na ten se ale neve?ly v?echny čtyři nahrané polo?ky, tak se jedna objevila na následujícím splitu s polskými EMPHERIS a nyní i na kazetě, která přiná?í kompletní materiál jednoho studiového session. Materiál pravda nepříli? dlouhý, lehce přes čtvrthodinu, přes kterou se nahrávka dostala díky intru, které je ponuré a evokuje spí?e doom metal ne? to, co se následně odehraje. A tím je směs death, black a thrash metalu bez jasných kontur, co? je dáno tím, ?e Peruánci mastí pravěký ?pinavý metal, který čerpá ze v?ech uvedených sub?ánrů. A mastí to hlava nehlava, typicky jihoamericky, kytara chrastí, bicí se sypou do sklepa jako brambory, zpěvák řve zastřeným hlasem? a zvuk je taky pěkná ?pína. První zpívaná skladba ?Divination Through Death Spirits" na původním vydání chyběla, ale nikoliv, ?e by se povedla méně ne? dvě zbývající. Začíná pozvolna, ale po krátkém úvodu nabírá kurz thrash/black metal à la 80. léta. Nechybí skoro speedové momenty ani ponurá pasá? s recitací, celé to v podstatě budí úsměv, ale nikoliv ?kodolibý, spí?e chápající, muzikanti se prostě zhlédli v old school muzice. ?Witches Hammer" a ?Destroy the Cross" jsou o poznání zběsilej?í, hlavně prvně jmenovaná je převá?ně hodně rychlá, mísí se v ní thrashová agresivita a blackový feeling, kytary kvílejí jak na raných deskách SLAYER a nostalgie vládne. Podobně se odvíjí i poslední věc, která kromě démonického metalu (ten vokál!) obsahuje i umírněněj?í minimalistiskou pasá?. Z uvedeného je jasné, ?e tahle kapela i nahrávka by mohla potě?it fanou?ky obskurností z Ji?ní Ameriky nebo uctívače demosnímků průkopníků extrémního metalu. Pro ostatní to bude bordeliózní retro. Já nepatřím ani mezi uctívače, ani mezi odpírače; nad?ením neskáču, ale hůl nad kluky z hlavního města Limy (ve kterém ?ije zhruba tolik lidí jako v celém Česku) rozhodně nelámu, ?ádná tragédie to určitě není a místy mě jejich produkce docela baví. Ve srovnání s jinými podobně laděnými kapelami, třeba VULCANEM, nebo, abych nechodil daleko, nedávno recenzovanými DOMINION OF SUFFERING je to o něco slab?í, ale sly?el jsem řadu mnohem hor?ích pokusů o pravěký metal. Z DEATH INVOKER sálá nad?ení pro věc a autenticita. Obal kazety je stylový, pěkná kresba na titulce, uvnitř jsou fotky kapely a informace k nahrávce, chybí texty, co? je ?koda.